81R9425 MCK-D
  By: Davis, Wendy S.B. No. 2434
  relating to the appointment of guardians ad litem in suits
  affecting the parent-child relationship.
         SECTION 1.  Section 107.011, Family Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (b-1) to read as
         (b)  The guardian ad litem appointed for a child under this
  section must [may] be[:
               [(1)]  a charitable organization composed of volunteer
  advocates or an individual volunteer advocate appointed under
  Subchapter C if there is an organization or individual volunteer
  advocate in the county in which the court is located that is
  available to serve as guardian ad litem for the child.
         (b-1)  If the court is unable to appoint a guardian ad litem
  for the child as provided by Subsection (b), the court may appoint
  one of the following individuals to serve as guardian ad litem:
               (1) [; (2)]  an adult having the competence, training,
  and expertise determined by the court to be sufficient to represent
  the best interests of the child; or
               (2) [(3)]  an attorney appointed in the dual role.
         SECTION 2.  Section 107.021, Family Code, is amended by
  adding Subsections (c) and (d) to read as follows:
         (c)  A guardian ad litem for a child appointed under this
  section must be a charitable organization composed of volunteer
  advocates or an individual volunteer advocate appointed under
  Subchapter C if there is an organization or individual volunteer
  advocate in the county in which the court is located that is
  available to serve as guardian ad litem for the child.
         (d)  If the court is unable to appoint a guardian ad litem for
  the child as provided by Subsection (c), the court may appoint an
  adult having the competence, training, and expertise determined by
  the court to be sufficient to represent the best interests of the
  child as guardian ad litem for the child.
         SECTION 3.  Section 107.031, Family Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
  (a)  In a suit filed by a governmental entity requesting termination
  of the parent-child relationship or appointment of the entity as
  conservator of the child, the court shall [may] appoint a
  charitable organization composed of volunteer advocates whose
  charter mandates the provision of services to allegedly abused and
  neglected children or an individual who has received the court's
  approved training regarding abused and neglected children and who
  has been certified by the court to appear at court hearings as a
  guardian ad litem for the child if there is an organization or
  individual volunteer advocate in the county in which the court is
  located that is available to serve as guardian ad litem [or as a
  volunteer advocate] for the child.
         (b)  In a suit other than a suit filed by a governmental
  entity requesting termination of the parent-child relationship or
  appointment of the entity as conservator of the child, the court
  shall [may] appoint a charitable organization composed of volunteer
  advocates whose training provides for the provision of services in
  private custody disputes or a person who has received the court's
  approved training regarding the subject matter of the suit and who
  has been certified by the court to appear at court hearings as a
  guardian ad litem for the child if there is an organization or
  individual volunteer advocate in the county in which the court is
  located that is available to serve as guardian ad litem [or as a
  volunteer advocate] for the child.  A person appointed under this
  subsection is not entitled to fees under Section 107.023.
         (c)  A court-certified volunteer advocate appointed as
  guardian ad litem for a child under this section may be assigned to
  act as a surrogate parent for the child, as provided by 20 U.S.C.
  Section 1415(b), if:
               (1)  the child is in the conservatorship of the
  Department of Family and Protective Services; and
               (2)  [the volunteer advocate is serving as guardian ad
  litem for the child; and
               [(3)]  a foster parent of the child is not acting as the
  child's parent under Section 29.015, Education Code.
         SECTION 4.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
  a suit affecting the parent-child relationship filed on or after
  the effective date of this Act. A suit affecting the parent-child
  relationship filed before the effective date of this Act is
  governed by the law in effect on the date the suit was filed, and the
  former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.