81R7812 JE-F
  By: Deuell S.B. No. 2493
  relating to the regulation of prepaid funeral benefits; providing
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 651, Occupations Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter O to read as follows:
         Sec. 651.701.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Contract beneficiary" means the person whose
  final disposition is the subject of the prepaid funeral benefits
               (2)  "Crypt," "grave," "lawn crypt," "niche," and
  "plot" have the meanings assigned by Section 711.001, Health and
  Safety Code.
               (3)  "Financial institution" has the meaning assigned
  by Section 201.101, Finance Code.
               (4)  "Funeral provider" means the funeral home
  designated in a prepaid funeral benefits contract that has agreed
  to provide the specified prepaid funeral benefits.
               (5)  "Insurance policy" means a life insurance policy
  or annuity contract.
               (6)  "Permit holder" means a person that holds a permit
  to sell prepaid funeral benefits contracts in this state.
               (7)  "Prepaid" means payment for funeral merchandise or
  services before the death of the contract beneficiary in which all
  or a portion of the amounts paid are placed in trust or used to pay
  insurance policy premiums.
               (8)  "Prepaid funeral benefits" means prepaid funeral
  services or prepaid funeral merchandise, but does not include a
  grave marker, monument, tombstone, crypt, niche, plot, or lawn
               (9)  "Prepaid funeral benefits contract" means a
  contract entered into by a person, a funeral provider, and a permit
  holder that sets out the terms for the provision of prepaid funeral
  benefits by the funeral provider.
               (10)  "Responsible person" means the person charged
  with the disposition of the remains of the contract beneficiary
  under Section 711.002(a), Health and Safety Code.
         Sec. 651.702.  ADMINISTRATION OF SUBCHAPTER. (a)  The
  commission shall administer this subchapter.
         (b)  The commission may adopt reasonable rules concerning:
               (1)  fees to defray the cost of administering this
               (2)  the keeping of records relating to the sale of
  prepaid funeral benefits;
               (3)  the filing of contracts and reports;
               (4)  changes in the management or control of a permit
  holder; and
               (5)  any other matter relating to the enforcement and
  administration of this subchapter.
         Sec. 651.703.  ANNUAL REPORT. (a)  The commission may
  require a permit holder with outstanding prepaid funeral benefits
  contracts to submit an annual report that specifies:
               (1)  the number of prepaid funeral benefits contracts
  in force at the beginning of the calendar year and the sum of the
  total contract price of those contracts;
               (2)  the total number of new prepaid funeral benefits
  contracts issued during the calendar year and the sum of the total
  contract price of those contracts;
               (3)  the total number of prepaid funeral benefits
  contracts that have been performed during the calendar year and the
  sum of the total contract price of those contracts;
               (4)  the total number of prepaid funeral benefits
  contracts that terminated by cancellation during the calendar year
  and the sum of the total contract price of those contracts; and
               (5)  the total number of prepaid funeral benefits
  contracts outstanding at year-end, the sum of the total contract
  price of contracts in force, and the total funding available for
  those contracts as either:
                     (A)  the amount of insurance in force; or
                     (B)  the amount of trust funds held for those
         (b)  The annual report must include a certification by the
  permit holder that states that the insurance premiums received have
  been paid to the appropriate insurance company, or the funds that
  are held in trust have been received and administered, in
  accordance with applicable law.
         Sec. 651.704.  RECORDS; EXAMINATION.  (a)  A permit holder
  that has outstanding prepaid funeral benefits contracts shall
  maintain records as required by the commission. The records are
  subject to examination by the commission or its agent on a schedule
  to be determined by the commission, but in no event more frequently
  than once every three years unless the commission determines
  additional examination necessary for cause.
         (b)  As part of the examination, the commission or its agent
  shall be given access to records relating to prepaid funeral
  benefits contracts of each permit holder.
         (c)  By rule, the commission may delegate the examination of
  trust-funded permit holders to the Texas Department of Banking and
  the examination of insurance-funded permit holders to the Texas
  Department of Insurance, including the allocation of any
  examination fees under Section 651.705.
         Sec. 651.705.  EXAMINATION FEE. (a)  For each examination
  conducted under Section 651.704, the commission may impose on the
  permit holder a fee in an amount set by the commission.
         (b)  The amount of the fee must be sufficient to cover the
  cost of the examination, including:
               (1)  salary and travel expenses for commission
  employees, including travel to and from the place where the records
  are kept; and
               (2)  any other expense necessarily incurred in
  conducting the examination.
  INFORMATION. (a)  Information relating to the financial condition
  of a permit holder obtained by the commission directly or
  indirectly, through examination or otherwise, other than published
  statements, is confidential.
         (b)  The files and records of the commission relating to the
  financial condition of a permit holder are confidential.
         (c)  The commission may disclose the information described
  by Subsection (a) or (b) to an agency, commission, or
  instrumentality of this or another state or the United States if the
  commission considers disclosure to be in the best interest of the
  public and necessary or proper to enforce the laws of this or
  another state or the United States.
         Sec. 651.707.  PERMIT REQUIREMENT. A person may not sell
  prepaid funeral benefits contracts in this state unless the person
  holds a permit issued under this subchapter.
         Sec. 651.708.  PERMIT APPLICATION; FEE. To obtain a permit
  to sell or continue to sell prepaid funeral benefits contracts, a
  person must:
               (1)  file an application for a permit with the
  commission on a form prescribed by the commission;
               (2)  pay a filing fee in an amount set by the commission
  under Section 651.702; and
               (3)  if applicable, pay extraordinary expenses
  required for out-of-state investigation of the person.
         Sec. 651.709.  ISSUANCE OF PERMIT. (a)  The commission may
  investigate an applicant before issuing an initial permit.
         (b)  The commission shall approve the application and issue a
  permit to the applicant if the commission finds that the business
  ability, experience, character, financial condition, and general
  fitness of the applicant warrant the public's confidence. The
  commission shall notify the applicant if the executive director
  finds otherwise.
         (c)  The applicant must demonstrate sufficient financial
  responsibility to administer all prepaid funeral benefits
  contracts to performance. Sufficient financial responsibility
  shall be presumed if the permit holder has current net worth of
  $100,000 or provides the commission with a letter of credit or
  performance bond or guarantee from its parent company in the amount
  of $100,000 in a form and from an issuer acceptable to the
         (d)  The commission shall issue the permit within 60 days of
  receipt of a completed application or shall provide the applicant
  with written notice of the denial of the application, including the
  reasons for denial. The applicant on request is entitled to a
  hearing on the denial of the application, to be held not later than
  the 30th day after the date of the request.
         Sec. 651.710.  TERM OF PERMIT. (a)  A permit is issued for a
  five-year term.
         (b)  The commission by rule may adopt a system under which
  permits expire on various dates during the year.
  CONTRACTS. A permit holder may elect to fund prepaid funeral
  benefits contracts with insurance policies under Section 651.729 or
  trust accounts under Section 651.730, or both.
         Sec. 651.712.  PROHIBITION ON TRANSFER OF PERMIT. A permit
  is not transferable without the prior approval of the commission.
         Sec. 651.713.  TRANSFER OF BUSINESS OWNERSHIP. (a)   A
  person may not acquire in any manner an ownership interest in an
  entity that is a permit holder, unless the person has filed with the
  commission under oath:
               (1)  a biographical form for each person by whom or on
  whose behalf the acquisition is to be effected;
               (2)  a statement disclosing the substance of any
  disciplinary action taken by a financial or insurance regulator of
  this state, another state, or the United States against a person who
  is acquiring an ownership interest in the permit holder;
               (3)  a statement certifying that, immediately on the
  acquisition, the permit holder will be able to satisfy the
  requirements for the issuance of the permit; and
               (4)  any additional information that the commission by
  rule may prescribe as necessary or appropriate to the protection of
  the consumers of this state or as in the public interest.
         (b)  The commission may require a partnership, syndicate, or
  other group that is required to file a statement under Subsection
  (a) to provide the information under that subsection for each
  partner of the partnership, each member of the syndicate, group, or
  limited liability company, and each person who controls the partner
  or member. If the partner, member, or person is a corporation or
  other entity or the person required to file the statement under
  Subsection (a) is a corporation, the commission may require that
  the information required under that subsection be provided
               (1)  the corporation or other entity;
               (2)  each individual who is an executive officer or
  director of the corporation; and
               (3)  each person who is directly or indirectly the
  beneficial owner of more than 10 percent of the outstanding voting
  securities of the corporation.
         (c)  The commission may disapprove an acquisition if, after
  notice and opportunity for hearing, the commission determines that:
               (1)  immediately on the acquisition, the permit holder
  would not be able to satisfy the requirements for the issuance of
  the permit;
               (2)  the competence, trustworthiness, experience, and
  integrity of the persons who would control the operation of the
  permit holder are such that it would not be in the interest of the
  consumers of this state to permit the acquisition; or
               (3)  the acquisition would violate this subchapter or
  another law of this state, another state, or the United States.
         (d)  Notwithstanding Subsection (c), an acquisition is
  considered approved if the commission has not proposed to deny the
  requested change before the 61st day after the date the commission
  receives all information required by this section.
         (e)  The requirements of this section do not apply to an
  acquisition of ownership, directly or indirectly, that is approved
  by the Texas Department of Insurance, the Texas Department of
  Banking, or the insurance or banking regulator of any other state or
  the United States.
  A permit holder that has outstanding prepaid funeral benefits
  contracts shall renew its permit.
         Sec. 651.715.  RENEWAL FEE. The commission shall set the
  renewal fee under Section 651.702.
  REFUSAL TO RENEW PERMIT. (a)  The commission by order may cancel or
  suspend a permit if the commission finds, by examination or other
  credible evidence, that the permit holder:
               (1)  knowingly violated this subchapter or another law
  of this state relating to the sale of prepaid funeral benefits
  contracts, including a final order of the commission or rule of the
               (2)  misrepresented or concealed a material fact in the
  permit application;
               (3)  obtained or attempted to obtain the permit by
  misrepresentation, concealment, or fraud;
               (4)  failed to maintain evidence of financial
  responsibility as required by Section 651.709(c); or
               (5)  failed to maintain the qualifications necessary to
  obtain a permit.
         (b)  The commission by order may refuse to renew a permit if
  the commission finds, by examination or other credible evidence,
  that the permit holder:
               (1)  committed one or more of the acts described by
  Subsection (a); and
               (2)  did not correct the violation before the 31st day
  after the date of written notice from the commission.
         (c)  The commission may place on probation a permit holder
  whose permit is suspended. If a permit suspension is probated, the
  commission may require the permit holder:
               (1)  to report regularly to the commission on matters
  that are the basis of the probation; or
               (2)  to limit its activities as prescribed by the
  PERMIT. (a)  An order issued under Section 651.716 must state:
               (1)  with reasonable certainty the grounds for the
  order; and
               (2)  the effective date, which may not be before the
  16th day after the date the order is mailed.
         (b)  The order shall be served on the person named in the
  order by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last
  known address of the person.
         (c)  The order takes effect as proposed unless the person
  named in the order requests a hearing not later than the 15th day
  after the date the order is mailed.
         Sec. 651.718.  FORM OF CONTRACT. (a)  The commission must
  approve all prepaid funeral benefits contract forms before their
         (b)  A prepaid funeral benefits contract must:
               (1)  be in writing;
               (2)  state the name and address of the permit holder
  selling the prepaid funeral benefits contract;
               (3)  if the funeral provider is not the permit holder,
  state the name and address of the funeral provider responsible for
  providing the prepaid funeral benefits specified in the prepaid
  funeral benefits contract; and
               (4)  state the prepaid funeral benefits to be provided.
         (c)  A funeral provider responsible for providing prepaid
  funeral benefits must be a party to the prepaid funeral benefits
         (d)  A prepaid funeral benefits contract, whether in English
  or Spanish, must be written in plain language designed to be easily
  understood by the average consumer. The contract must be printed in
  an easily readable font and type size. The commission shall adopt
  standards for prepaid funeral benefits contracts that comply with
  this subsection.
         (e)  A permit holder may represent that the commission has
  approved a prepaid funeral benefits contract with the following
  language: "The Texas Funeral Service Commission regulates the sale
  of prepaid funeral benefits contracts" and "The form of this
  contract has been approved by the commission."
         (f)  The sales price of an item not covered by this
  subchapter may not be increased to allocate a lesser sales price to
  an item covered by this subchapter.
         (g)  A purchaser of a prepaid funeral benefits contract may
  agree in writing to pay the permit holder a finance charge in
  accordance with Chapter 345, Finance Code, on any amount due the
  permit holder on the prepaid funeral benefits contract.
         (h)  A prepaid funeral benefits contract must clearly
  identify the funeral merchandise and services for which the cost is
  guaranteed and those for which the cost is not guaranteed, the
  circumstances under which the guarantee is limited, and the
  circumstances under which the prepaid funeral benefits contract may
  be modified after the death of the contract beneficiary.
         Sec. 651.719.  CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT. (a)  A purchaser of
  a prepaid funeral benefits contract may cancel the contract before
  maturity by giving written notice of cancellation to the permit
  holder. The permit holder shall maintain copies of the written
  notice of cancellation for three years from the date of receipt.
         (b)  The cancellation of the prepaid funeral benefits
  contract does not cancel the insurance policy funding the prepaid
  funeral benefits contract. The insurance policy may be canceled in
  accordance with the terms of the policy.
         (c)  The cancellation of the prepaid funeral benefits
  contract requires the return of trust funds under Section
         Sec. 651.720.  MODIFICATION AT TIME OF FUNERAL. (a)  The
  funeral merchandise and services to be provided by the funeral
  provider under a prepaid funeral benefits contract may be modified
  after the death of the contract beneficiary if the modification
  complies with Subsection (b) or is otherwise agreed to in a writing
  signed by the funeral provider and the responsible person, except
               (1)  if the purchaser of the prepaid funeral benefits
  contract is also the contract beneficiary:
                     (A)  the contracted funeral merchandise and
  services may not be modified if the contract contains a clause that
  prohibits modification; and
                     (B)  a modification may not change the type of
  disposition specified by the purchaser in the contract, whether by
  burial, cremation, or another alternative by which the purchaser's
  remains attain their final resting place, as provided by Section
  711.002(g), Health and Safety Code; and
               (2)  the value attributed to any funeral merchandise or
  service for which the cost is guaranteed in the prepaid funeral
  benefits contract that is surrendered or exchanged in a
  modification must be computed on a comparable time-price basis with
  the price charged for substituted funeral merchandise or service
  provided as part of the modification.
         (b)  Except as limited by Subsection (a)(1), the responsible
  person may make reasonable modifications to the funeral merchandise
  and services provided under a prepaid funeral benefits contract at
  the time the funeral is performed, not to exceed 10 percent of the
  original purchase price of the contract. This subsection does not
  require the permit holder or the funeral provider to:
               (1)  refund a portion of the funds attributable to the
  contract if the permit holder or funeral provider grants credit for
  surrender or exchange as provided by Subsection (a)(2);
               (2)  provide substituted or additional funeral
  merchandise or services in excess of credits granted under
  Subsection (a)(2) unless the permit holder or funeral provider
  receives additional compensation at current prices; or
               (3)  apply a portion of the funds attributable to the
  contract or credits granted under Subsection (a)(2) to another
  contract or funeral.
         (c)  The responsible person may not modify a prepaid funeral
  benefits contract that has not been fully paid at the time of death
  of the contract beneficiary except as agreed to in a writing signed
  by the funeral provider and the responsible person.
         Sec. 651.721.  WAIVER OF RIGHT OF CANCELLATION. (a)  The
  purchaser of a prepaid funeral benefits contract may irrevocably
  waive the purchaser's right to cancel the contract under Section
  651.719. The waiver must be in a separate writing signed by the
  purchaser and the permit holder and may take effect no earlier than
  the 15th day after the date of the purchase of the contract. The
  form of the waiver must comply with the requirements for the form of
  a sales contract under Section 651.718.
         (b)  A waiver made under this section does not affect any
  other right of the purchaser.
         Sec. 651.722.  PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACT. Delivery of funeral
  merchandise before death is not performance, in whole or in part, of
  a prepaid funeral benefits contract.
         Sec. 651.723.  ENFORCEMENT OF CONTRACT. A person that
  violates Section 651.707 may not enforce a prepaid funeral benefits
  contract, but before performance, the purchaser or an heir or legal
  representative of the purchaser is entitled to recover:
               (1)  if trust-funded, the amount paid under the
  contract; or
               (2)  if insurance-funded, ownership of the insurance
         Sec. 651.724.  AGENT OF PERMIT HOLDER. (a)  A permit holder
  may designate one or more agents to solicit and sell prepaid
  funeral benefits contracts under a written contract specifying the
  duties and obligations of the agents, including the proper receipt
  and deposit of any funds or the transmitting of any insurance policy
         (b)  The permit holder is responsible for the action or
  failure to act of any agent appointed under Subsection (a) in the
  course and scope of the agent's duty under the contract with the
  permit holder.  The appointment of an agent does not diminish any
  obligation or responsibility of the permit holder imposed by the
  prepaid funeral benefits contract, this subchapter, or other law.
  (a)  A permit holder that elects to fund prepaid funeral benefits
  contracts with trust funds under Chapter 154, Finance Code, may
  sell contracts only through trust-funded prepaid funeral benefits
         (b)  A permit holder may appoint funeral directors licensed
  by the commission as trust-funded prepaid funeral benefits agents.
  Licensed funeral directors are not subject to the requirements of
  Sections 651.726, 651.727, and 651.728.
         Sec. 651.726.  TRAINING AND EXAMINATION. The permit holder
  shall appoint an individual applicant to act as a trust-funded
  prepaid funeral benefits agent on its certification that the
  applicant has:
               (1)  completed a course of study and instruction in
  compliance with this subchapter; and
               (2)  passed without aid a written examination
  administered by the permit holder.
         Sec. 651.727.  COURSE. (a)  To be eligible to receive an
  appointment under Section 651.725, an applicant must complete a
  course of study and instruction offered by a permit holder under
  this section.
         (b)  The course of study and instruction must:
               (1)  be at least five hours in duration; and
               (2)  include instruction on:
                     (A)  funeral merchandise and services, the
  responsibilities of a trustee, and the terms of the prepaid funeral
  benefits contract; and
                     (B)  the laws relating to funeral prearrangement.
         Sec. 651.728.  EXAMINATION. (a)  The commission shall
  prescribe a uniform examination for applicants that fairly tests
  knowledge of the information contained in the course under Section
         (b)  The commission shall authorize a permit holder to
  administer the examination as provided by this section after
  approval by the commission of a complete outline and explanation of
  the course and the manner of conducting the examination.
  CONTRACTS. (a)  Except as specified in this section, the
  solicitation and sale of insurance policies to fund prepaid funeral
  benefits contracts, the terms of policies, all records relating to
  transactions, and the conduct of agents and insurers shall be
  conducted in accordance with the Insurance Code and regulated
  solely by the Texas Department of Insurance.
         (b)  Insurance-funded prepaid funeral benefits contracts may
  be solicited and sold only by a permit holder, or its agent, who is
  properly licensed under Chapter 4054, Insurance Code.
         (c)  The application for an insurance policy covering the
  contract beneficiary shall be executed simultaneously with the
  prepaid funeral benefits contract.
         (d)  The application must include a disclosure in at least
  10-point bold type, immediately above the signature line of the
  purchaser, that states:
  "If you are applying for a life insurance policy with multiple
  payments, the total amount of premiums you pay over the life of the
  policy may exceed the death benefit."
         (e)  The application must include the name and address of the
  insurer in a form required by the Texas Department of Insurance, and
  the policy must include a disclosure of the cash surrender value of
  the policy payable to the policy owner on cancellation of the
  insurance policy.
         (f)  The receipt of funds by the agent constitutes receipt of
  premium by the insurer subject to the terms of the policy.
         (g)  The insurance policy must be on a form approved for use
  by the Texas Department of Insurance, and the insurance policy must
  provide the policy owner the opportunity to cancel the insurance
  policy and receive a full refund of any premium paid, for any
  reason, for a period of not less than 15 days after the date of
  delivery of the insurance policy. After expiration of that period,
  cancellation of the insurance policy is subject to the terms of the
         (h)  The insurer issuing the insurance policy must be
  licensed to do business in this state.
         (i)  The purchaser of an insurance-funded prepaid funeral
  benefits contract may irrevocably assign the purchaser's ownership
  of or rights to benefits under the insurance policy to the permit
  holder, the funeral provider, or a trustee. An irrevocable
  assignment to a trustee is not valid unless it is made solely to
  facilitate the eligibility of the purchaser under Title XIX of the
  federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1396 et seq.) or
  other public assistance program or the trustee is specifically
  prohibited from exercising any right under the policy except
  administration of the benefits.
         (j)  The insurer shall pay the beneficiary or assignee of an
  insurance policy funding a prepaid funeral benefits contract on
  receipt of sufficient documentation, which may include:
               (1)  a certification signed by the funeral provider and
  the responsible person that the funeral service has been performed
  in accordance with the prepaid funeral benefits contract and to the
  satisfaction of the responsible person, and a copy of the death
  certificate; or
               (2)  other documentation required by the insurer.
  CONTRACTS. (a)  Except as specified in this section, the terms of
  trusts established for prepaid funeral benefits contracts, all
  records relating to transactions, and the conduct of agents and
  trustees are governed by Chapter 154, Finance Code, and regulated
  by the Texas Department of Banking or other regulators with
  jurisdiction over the trustee.
         (b)  Trust-funded prepaid funeral benefits contracts may be
  solicited and sold only by agents appointed by the permit holder on
  forms adopted by the commission by rule.
         (c)  The agent shall provide the purchaser a disclosure in a
  form adopted by the commission by rule that includes:
               (1)  the amount retained by the permit holder, funeral
  provider, or agent from any funds received from the purchaser
  before deposit;
               (2)  the amount retained by the permit holder, funeral
  provider, or agent from any funds received from the purchaser on
               (3)  the name, address, and contact person of the
  financial institution;
               (4)  a statement that the funds received will be
  invested in accordance with the Finance Code but that no return on
  funds is guaranteed; and
               (5)  a statement that should the contract beneficiary
  die before the prepaid funeral benefits contract is paid in full,
  the purchaser, the purchaser's authorized representative, or the
  responsible person may elect to pay the balance due and receive the
  prepaid funeral benefits under the contract.
         (d)  Funds received for prepaid funeral benefits contracts
  shall be administered as prescribed by this section and Chapter
  154, Finance Code, as applicable.
         (e)  Not later than the 30th day after the date of the receipt
  of a cancellation request, the permit holder shall withdraw and pay
  to the purchaser funds in the depository being held for the
  purchaser's use and benefit.
         (f)  The purchaser or permit holder may not make a partial
  cancellation or withdrawal.
         (g)  On cancellation, the purchaser is entitled to receive
  the actual amount paid by the purchaser and half of all earnings
  attributable to those funds, less the amount permitted to be
  retained as provided by Section 154.252, Finance Code, except as
  provided by Subsections (h) and (i).
         (h)  A purchaser who cancels a contract on the solicitation
  of the permit holder or the funeral provider is entitled to receive
  the total amount paid to the permit holder or the funeral provider
  by the purchaser and all earnings attributable to those funds. If
  the funds are used to purchase a new prepaid funeral benefits
  contract under a solicitation by the permit holder, the new
  contract must protect the purchaser to an extent equal to or greater
  than that provided by the original contract, as determined by the
  commission. Under the new contract, the cost to the purchaser of
  the same or substantially the same services or merchandise may not
  be greater than that provided by the canceled contract.
         (i)  A purchaser who cancels a contract during the first year
  of the contract when payments required under the contract are
  current is entitled to receive, regardless of the amount held in
  trust, the greater of:
               (1)  90 percent of the actual amount paid by the
  purchaser; or
               (2)  the amount deposited in trust with respect to the
  purchaser's contract.
  RECORDS. (a)  After the commission cancels or fails to renew a
  permit under Section 651.716(a) or (b) or on notice to a person
  required to obtain a permit under this subchapter, the executive
  director may issue an order to seize the prepaid funeral trust
  funds, including earnings, where those funds are held and may issue
  an order to seize the records that relate to the sale of prepaid
  funeral benefits if the executive director finds, by examination or
  other credible evidence, that the person:
               (1)  failed to deposit or remit funds in accordance
  with Chapter 154, Finance Code;
               (2)  misappropriated, converted, or illegally withheld
  or failed or refused to pay on demand funds entrusted to the person
  that belong to the purchaser or contract beneficiary under a
  prepaid funeral benefits contract;
               (3)  refused to submit to examination by the
               (4)  was the subject of an order to cancel, suspend, or
  refuse to renew a permit; or
               (5)  does not hold a permit or transferred the
  ownership of its business to another person who does not hold a
  permit and who:
                     (A)  did not apply for a new permit before the 31st
  day after the date the transfer was completed; or
                     (B)  was denied a new permit.
         (b)  An order shall be served on the person named in the order
  by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known
  address of the person.
         (c)  An order takes effect immediately if the executive
  director finds that immediate and irreparable harm is threatened to
  a contract beneficiary under a prepaid funeral benefits contract.
  If such a threat does not exist, the order must state the effective
  date, which may not be before the 16th day after the date the order
  is mailed.
         (d)  An order takes effect as proposed unless the person
  named in the order requests a hearing not later than the 15th day
  after the date the order is mailed.
         (e)  Premiums received on the disposition of a contract
  related to the seizure of prepaid funeral trust funds shall be
  handled as provided by Section 651.732 and Subchapter H, Chapter
  154, Finance Code.
         Sec. 651.732.  NOTIFICATION TO PURCHASER. Not later than
  the 30th day after the date prepaid funeral trust funds are seized
  under Section 651.731, the executive director shall notify each
  known person who purchased prepaid funeral benefits under a
  contract from the permit holder whose permit is canceled. The
  notice must:
               (1)  include an explanation of the procedures under
  this subchapter for canceling the contract and claiming funds that
  may be due the person if the person elects to cancel;
               (2)  inform the person to continue to make payments
  under the contract if the person elects to keep the contract in
  force; and
               (3)  inform the person that if the person elects to keep
  the contract in force the executive director will transfer:
                     (A)  responsibility to perform the contract to a
  responsible successor permit holder selected by the executive
  director; or
                     (B)  the seized funds to the fund maintained under
  Section 154.351, Finance Code, subject to the claims process
  prescribed by rule under Subchapter H, Chapter 154, Finance Code.
  under Section 651.731(a) becomes final and unappealable, the
  executive director may petition the district court in the county in
  which a person required to hold a permit under this subchapter
  resides to request the issuance of an order to show cause why the
  business and affairs of that person should not be liquidated and a
  receiver appointed by the court for that purpose if the person
  failed or refused to correct the violation before the 31st day after
  the date the person received written notice from the executive
  A person commits an offense if the person:
               (1)  fails to deposit funds in compliance with this
  subchapter unless the failure to make a deposit is inadvertent and
  is corrected before the 11th day after the date the permit holder
  discovers the failure; or
               (2)  withdraws funds in a manner inconsistent with this
  subchapter unless the withdrawal was made in error and the
  withdrawal is reversed before the 11th day after the date the permit
  holder discovers the error.
         (b)  An offense under this section is punishable as if it
  were an offense under Section 32.45, Penal Code.
         Sec. 651.735.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. (a)  After notice
  and opportunity for hearing, the executive director may impose an
  administrative penalty on a person who:
               (1)  violates this subchapter or a final order of the
  commission or rule of the commission and does not correct the
  violation before the 31st day after the date the person receives
  written notice of the violation from the commission; or
               (2)  engages in a pattern of violations, as determined
  by the executive director.
         (b)  The amount of the penalty for each violation may not
  exceed $1,000 for each day the violation occurs.
         (c)  In determining the amount of the penalty, the executive
  director shall consider the seriousness of the violation, the
  person's history of violations, and the person's good faith in
  attempting to comply with this subchapter.
         (d)  The imposition of a penalty under this section is:
               (1)  subject to the procedures of Subchapter L; and
               (2)  subject to judicial review as a contested case
  under Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         Sec. 651.736.  RESTITUTION. The commission may issue an
  order to a person requiring restitution if, after notice and
  opportunity for hearing, the commission finds that the person:
               (1)  failed to deposit funds in accordance with
  Subchapter F, Chapter 154, Finance Code; or
               (2)  misappropriated, converted, or illegally withheld
  or failed or refused to pay on demand funds entrusted to the person
  that belong to the contract beneficiary under a prepaid funeral
  benefits contract.
         Sec. 651.737.  DELIVERY AT NEED. (a)  A funeral provider
  responsible for the delivery of prepaid funeral benefits shall
  provide the responsible person, at the time of delivery of prepaid
  funeral benefits, with a written reconciliation on a form adopted
  by the commission by rule.
         (b)  The reconciliation must provide complete, item-by-item
  details of the provider's resolution of the funeral costs with the
  responsible person, including prices and any guarantees, guarantee
  limitations, nonguaranteed items, and balance due.
         (c)  The funeral provider shall maintain a fully executed
  copy of each reconciliation until the next examination by the
  commission under Section 651.704.
         SECTION 2.  Section 154.002(10), Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
               (10)  "Seller" means a person holding a permit to sell
  [selling, accepting money or premiums for, or soliciting contracts
  for] prepaid funeral benefits [or] contracts under Subchapter O,
  Chapter 651, Occupations Code, and electing [or insurance policies]
  to fund those contracts through a trust [prepaid funeral benefits
  in this state].
         SECTION 3.  The following laws are repealed:
               (1)  Section 154.002(7), Finance Code;
               (2)  Subchapters B, C, D, and I, Chapter 154, Finance
               (3)  Section 154.201, Finance Code;
               (4)  Section 154.202, Finance Code;
               (5)  Section 154.203, Finance Code;
               (6)  Section 154.205, Finance Code;
               (7)  Section 154.206, Finance Code;
               (8)  Section 154.207, Finance Code; and
               (9)  Sections 651.159 and 651.160, Occupations Code.
         SECTION 4.  A person holding a permit issued by the Texas
  Department of Banking to sell prepaid funeral benefits on the
  effective date of this Act shall be issued a permit by the Texas
  Funeral Service Commission without application, effective
  September 1, 2009.  All provisions of this Act apply to the permit
  holder on and after the effective date of this Act, except that the
  permit holder has until the third anniversary of the effective date
  of this Act to meet the financial responsibility requirements of
  Section 651.709(c), Occupations Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.