S.B. No. 2518
  relating to the creation of the Somerset Municipal Utility District
  No. 3; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds; granting
  a limited power of eminent domain.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle F, Title 6, Special District Local Laws
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 8362 to read as follows:
         Sec. 8362.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Board" means the district's board of directors.
               (2)  "Director" means a board member.
               (3)  "District" means the Somerset Municipal Utility
  District No. 3.
         Sec. 8362.002.  NATURE OF DISTRICT. The district is a
  municipal utility district created under Section 59, Article XVI,
  Texas Constitution.
  REQUIRED. The temporary directors shall hold an election to
  confirm the creation of the district and to elect five permanent
  directors as provided by Section 49.102, Water Code.
         Sec. 8362.004.  CONSENT OF MUNICIPALITY REQUIRED. The
  temporary directors may not hold an election under Section 8362.003
  until each municipality in whose corporate limits or
  extraterritorial jurisdiction the district is located has
  consented by ordinance or resolution to the creation of the
  district and to the inclusion of land in the district.
  (a)  The district is created to serve a public purpose and benefit.
         (b)  The district is created to accomplish the purposes of:
               (1)  a municipal utility district as provided by
  general law and Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution; and
               (2)  Section 52, Article III, Texas Constitution, that
  relate to the construction, acquisition, improvement, operation,
  or maintenance of macadamized, graveled, or paved roads, or
  improvements, including storm drainage, in aid of those roads.
         Sec. 8362.006.  INITIAL DISTRICT TERRITORY. (a)  The
  district is initially composed of the territory described by
  Section 2 of the Act creating this chapter.
         (b)  The boundaries and field notes contained in Section 2 of
  the Act creating this chapter form a closure. A mistake made in the
  field notes or in copying the field notes in the legislative process
  does not affect the district's:
               (1)  organization, existence, or validity;
               (2)  right to issue any type of bond for the purposes
  for which the district is created or to pay the principal of and
  interest on a bond;
               (3)  right to impose a tax; or
               (4)  legality or operation.
  [Sections 8362.007-8362.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 8362.051.  GOVERNING BODY; TERMS. (a)  The district is
  governed by a board of five elected directors.
         (b)  Except as provided by Section 8362.052, directors serve
  staggered four-year terms.
         Sec. 8362.052.  TEMPORARY DIRECTORS. (a)  On or after
  September 1, 2009, the owner or owners of a majority of the assessed
  value of the real property in the district may submit a petition to
  the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality requesting that the
  commission appoint as temporary directors the five persons named in
  the petition. The commission shall appoint as temporary directors
  the five persons named in the petition.
         (b)  Temporary directors serve until the earlier of:
               (1)  the date permanent directors are elected under
  Section 8362.003; or
               (2)  September 1, 2013.
         (c)  If permanent directors have not been elected under
  Section 8362.003 and the terms of the temporary directors have
  expired, successor temporary directors shall be appointed or
  reappointed as provided by Subsection (d) to serve terms that
  expire on the earlier of:
               (1)  the date permanent directors are elected under
  Section 8362.003; or
               (2)  the fourth anniversary of the date of the
  appointment or reappointment.
         (d)  If Subsection (c) applies, the owner or owners of a
  majority of the assessed value of the real property in the district
  may submit a petition to the Texas Commission on Environmental
  Quality requesting that the commission appoint as successor
  temporary directors the five persons named in the petition. The
  commission shall appoint as successor temporary directors the five
  persons named in the petition.
  [Sections 8362.053-8362.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 8362.101.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. The district has
  the powers and duties necessary to accomplish the purposes for
  which the district is created.
  DUTIES. The district has the powers and duties provided by the
  general law of this state, including Chapters 49 and 54, Water Code,
  applicable to municipal utility districts created under Section 59,
  Article XVI, Texas Constitution.
         Sec. 8362.103.  AUTHORITY FOR ROAD PROJECTS. Under Section
  52, Article III, Texas Constitution, the district may design,
  acquire, construct, finance, issue bonds for, improve, operate,
  maintain, and convey to this state, a county, or a municipality for
  operation and maintenance macadamized, graveled, or paved roads, or
  improvements, including storm drainage, in aid of those roads.
         Sec. 8362.104.  ROAD STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS. (a)  A
  road project must meet all applicable construction standards,
  zoning and subdivision requirements, and regulations of each
  municipality in whose corporate limits or extraterritorial
  jurisdiction the road project is located.
         (b)  If a road project is not located in the corporate limits
  or extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality, the road
  project must meet all applicable construction standards,
  subdivision requirements, and regulations of each county in which
  the road project is located.
         (c)  If the state will maintain and operate the road, the
  Texas Transportation Commission must approve the plans and
  specifications of the road project.
  OR RESOLUTION. The district shall comply with all applicable
  requirements of any ordinance or resolution that is adopted under
  Section 54.016 or 54.0165, Water Code, and that consents to the
  creation of the district or to the inclusion of land in the
         Sec. 8362.106.  LIMITATION ON USE OF EMINENT DOMAIN. The
  district may not exercise the power of eminent domain outside the
  district to acquire a site or easement for:
               (1)  a road project authorized by Section 8362.103; or
               (2)  a recreational facility as defined by Section
  49.462, Water Code.
         Sec. 8362.107.  DIVISION OF DISTRICT. (a)  The district may
  be divided into two or more new districts only if the district:
               (1)  has no outstanding bonded debt; and
               (2)  is not imposing ad valorem taxes.
         (b)  This chapter applies to any new district created by the
  division of the district, and a new district has all the powers and
  duties of the district.
         (c)  Any new district created by the division of the district
  may not, at the time the new district is created, contain any land
  outside the area described by Section 2 of the Act creating this
         (d)  The board, on its own motion or on receipt of a petition
  signed by the owner or owners of a majority of the assessed value of
  the real property in the district, may adopt an order dividing the
         (e)  The board may adopt an order dividing the district
  before or after the date the board holds an election under Section
  8362.003 to confirm the district's creation.
         (f)  An order dividing the district must:
               (1)  name each new district;
               (2)  include the metes and bounds description of the
  territory of each new district;
               (3)  appoint temporary directors for each new district;
               (4)  provide for the division of assets and liabilities
  between or among the new districts.
         (g)  On or before the 30th day after the date of adoption of
  an order dividing the district, the district shall file the order
  with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and record the
  order in the real property records of each county in which the
  district is located.
         (h)  Any new district created by the division of the district
  shall hold a confirmation and directors' election as required by
  Section 8362.003.
         (i)  Municipal consent to the creation of the district and to
  the inclusion of land in the district granted under Section
  8362.004 acts as municipal consent to the creation of any new
  district created by the division of the district and to the
  inclusion of land in the new district.
         (j)  Any new district created by the division of the district
  must hold an election as required by this chapter to obtain voter
  approval before the district may impose a maintenance tax or issue
  bonds payable wholly or partly from ad valorem taxes.
         (k)  If the voters of a new district do not confirm the
  creation of the new district, the assets, obligations, territory,
  and governance of the new district revert to that of the original
  [Sections 8362.108-8362.150 reserved for expansion]
  (a)  The district may issue, without an election, bonds and other
  obligations secured by:
               (1)  revenue other than ad valorem taxes; or
               (2)  contract payments described by Section 8362.153.
         (b)  The district must hold an election in the manner
  provided by Chapters 49 and 54, Water Code, to obtain voter approval
  before the district may impose an ad valorem tax or issue bonds
  payable from ad valorem taxes.
         (c)  The district may not issue bonds payable from ad valorem
  taxes to finance a road project unless the issuance is approved by a
  vote of a two-thirds majority of the district voters voting at an
  election held for that purpose.
         Sec. 8362.152.  OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TAX. (a)  If
  authorized at an election held under Section 8362.151, the district
  may impose an operation and maintenance tax on taxable property in
  the district in accordance with Section 49.107, Water Code.
         (b)  The board shall determine the tax rate. The rate may not
  exceed the rate approved at the election.
         Sec. 8362.153.  CONTRACT TAXES. (a)  In accordance with
  Section 49.108, Water Code, the district may impose a tax other than
  an operation and maintenance tax and use the revenue derived from
  the tax to make payments under a contract after the provisions of
  the contract have been approved by a majority of the district voters
  voting at an election held for that purpose.
         (b)  A contract approved by the district voters may contain a
  provision stating that the contract may be modified or amended by
  the board without further voter approval.
  [Sections 8362.154-8362.200 reserved for expansion]
  OBLIGATIONS. The district may issue bonds or other obligations
  payable wholly or partly from ad valorem taxes, impact fees,
  revenue, contract payments, grants, or other district money, or any
  combination of those sources, to pay for any authorized district
         Sec. 8362.202.  TAXES FOR BONDS. At the time the district
  issues bonds payable wholly or partly from ad valorem taxes, the
  board shall provide for the annual imposition of a continuing
  direct ad valorem tax, without limit as to rate or amount, while all
  or part of the bonds are outstanding as required and in the manner
  provided by Sections 54.601 and 54.602, Water Code.
         Sec. 8362.203.  BONDS FOR ROAD PROJECTS. At the time of
  issuance, the total principal amount of bonds or other obligations
  issued or incurred to finance road projects and payable from ad
  valorem taxes may not exceed one-fourth of the assessed value of the
  real property in the district.
         SECTION 2.  The Somerset Municipal Utility District No. 3
  initially includes all the territory contained in the following
  Being 44.994 acres of land situated in the State of Texas, County of
  San Jacinto, a part of the M. B. Menard Survey, A-36, and being the
  total combined acreage by resurvey of the 25.000 acres described in
  deed to Charles E. Williams and wife, Jean Williams, recorded in
  Volume 164, Page 865 of the San Jacinto County Official Public
  Records, and the 20.000 acres described in deed to Charles E.
  Williams and wife, Jean Williams, recorded in Volume 146, Page 271
  of said Official Public Records, and this 44.994 acre tract being
  more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
  Beginning at a 5/8" square-head bolt found marking the east common
  corner between said 20.000 acre tract and the called 10.0000 acres
  described as "Tract Two" of Exhibit A-1 in deed to Thomas E. Berry,
  Trustee, Priscilla Goodrich Timpson and Hugh R. Goodrich recorded
  in Volume 308, Page 942 of said Official Public Records, located on
  the common survey line between said Menard Survey and the Isaac
  Jones Survey, A-23, at its intersection with the northwest right of
  way line of U. S. Highway No. 190;
  Thence S 52° 34' 12" W, along the southeast line of said 20.000
  acres, same being the common survey line between said Menard and
  Jones Surveys, common in part with the northwest lines of said
  called 10.0000 acres and the called 11.1959 acres described as
  "Tract Two" of Exhibit A-2 in said Berry, et al, deed, at 1,463.69
  ft. pass the southeast common corner between said 20.000 acre tract
  and said 25.000 acre tract, and continuing along said common survey
  line, same being the southeast line of said 25.000 acre tract,
  common in part with the northwest lines of said called 11.1959
  acres, the called 5.0000 acres described as "Tract One" of Exhibit
  A-1 in said Berry, et al, deed, at 1,888.52 ft. pass a concrete
  monument found marking the northwest common corner between said
  Berry, et al, called 5.0000 acre tract and the called 52.88 acres
  described in deed to Randy Harrott recorded in Volume 319, Page 29
  of said Official Public Records, and continuing S 52° 34' 12" W,
  along the common line between said 25.000 acre tract and said
  Harrott called 52.88 acres, same being said common survey line, in
  all a total distance of 2,367.34 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found
  marking the southeast common corner between said 25.000 acre tract
  and Holiday Villages of Livingston, Section J, a subdivision in San
  Jacinto County, Texas, as shown by the map or plat thereof recorded
  under Clerk's File No. 05-789, Page 3501 of said Official Public
  Records, said point being the most southern corner of the herein
  described 44.994 acre tract;
  Thence N 37° 26' 18" W 1,185.87 ft. along the common line between
  said 25.000 acres and said Holiday Villages of Livingston, Section
  J, to a 1/2" iron rod set marking the most western corner of said
  25.000 acre tract and an interior corner of said Section J, said
  point being the most western corner of the herein described 44.994
  acre tract;
  Thence N 52° 34' 12" E 2,183.24 ft. along the common line between
  said 25.000 acres and said Holiday Villages of Livingston, Section
  J, to a 1/2" iron rod found marking the east common corner between
  said tracts, located on the southwest right of way line of Hidden
  Coves Road [a 60 ft. wide easement and right-of-way granted to the
  County of San Jacinto, Texas, for road purposes recorded in Volume
  133, Page 272 of the San Jacinto County Deed Records, said point
  being the most northern corner of the herein described 44.994 acre
  Thence S 57° 30' 39" E 63.88 ft. along the southwest right of way
  line of said Hidden Coves Road to a 1/2" iron rod set marking the
  east common corner between said 25.000 acre tract and the called
  10.000 acres described in deed to H. T. Simons recorded under
  Clerk's File No. 03-3283, Page 14055 of said Official Records;
  Thence S 52° 34' 12" W 1,511.53 ft. along the common line between
  said 25.000 acre tract and said Simons called 10.000 acres to a 1/2"
  iron rod set marking an interior corner of said 25.000 acre tract
  and the most western corner of said Simons tract, from said point a
  3" concrete monument found bears N 25° 03' E 0.81 ft.;
  Thence S 57° 29' 05" E 612.91 ft. along a northeastern line of said
  25.000 acre tract, common in part with the southwest line of said
  Simons called 10.000 acres and the called 10.000 acres described in
  deed to Elizabeth Priest recorded under Clerk's File No. 05-2465,
  Page 10470 of said Official Records, to a 1/2" iron rod found
  marking the west common corner between said Williams 20.000 acre
  tract and said Priest called 10.000 acres;
  Thence N 52° 34' 12" E 1,513.18 ft. along the common line between
  said Williams 20.000 acre tract and said Priest called 10.000 acres
  to a 1/2" iron rod found marking the east common corner between said
  tracts, located on the southwest right of way line of said Hidden
  Coves Road;
  Thence S 57° 12' 35" E 451.08 ft. along the northeast line of said
  Williams 20.000 acre tract, same being the southwest right of way
  line of said Hidden Coves Road, to a 1/2" iron rod found marking the
  most eastern corner of said 20.000 acre tract, located at the
  intersection of said southwest right of way line with the northwest
  right of way line of said U. S. Highway No. 190;
  Thence S 20° 42' 04" W 238.01 ft. along the eastern line of said
  20.000 acre tract, same being the northwest right of way line of
  said U. S. Highway No. 190, to the place of beginning and containing
  within these bounds 44.994 acres of land.
  Bearings for this description are based on deed call for the
  northwest line of the 25.000 acre tract described in deed to Charles
  E. Williams and wife, Jean Williams, recorded in Volume 164, Page
  865 of the San Jacinto County Official Public Records.
  Being 109.641 acre of land situated in the State of Texas, County of
  San Jacinto, a part of the John Foster Survey, A-120, and being the
  total combined acreage by resurvey of the residue of the called
  110.77476 acres described in deed to Lillian R. Hulon recorded in
  Volume 122, Page 409 of the San Jacinto County Deed Records, same
  being described in deed to Mary Louise Crawford, Annie Kathryn
  Alvey and Elizabeth Lee Priest (undivided 49% interest) recorded in
  Volume 126, Page 278 of said Deed Records and in deed to Mary Louise
  Crawford, Annie Kathryn Alvey and Elizabeth Lee Priest (undivided
  6% interest) recorded in Volume 214, Page 131 of said Deed Records,
  the called 1.2728 acres described as Tract # 1, the called 1.091
  acres described as Tract # 2, the called 1.17 acres described as
  Tract # 3 and the called 1.19 acres described as Tract # 4 in deed to
  Mary Louise Crawford, Annie Kathryn Alvey and Elizabeth Lee Priest
  recorded in Volume 123, Page 294 of said Deed Records, and this
  109.641 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and
  bounds as follows:
  Beginning at the east common corner between said Hulon called
  110.77476 acres and Holiday Villages of Livingston, Woodland
  Shores, Section A, a subdivision in said San Jacinto County, Texas,
  as shown by the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 303, Page 782
  of the San Jacinto County Official Public Records, located on the
  west line of the called 79.91 acres described as "Fee Tract F-9,
  Parcel A" in deed to the Trinity River Authority of Texas recorded
  in Volume 120, Page 306 of said Deed Records;
  Thence S 52° 51' 02" W, along the common line between said Hulon
  tract and said Holiday Villages of Livingston, Woodland Shores,
  Section A, at 88.85 ft. pass a 1/2" iron rod found for reference, at
  331.04 ft. pass a 1/2" iron rod found for the north common corner
  between Lots 23 and 22 of said Section A, at 411.04 ft. pass a 1/2"
  iron rod found for the north common corner between Lots 21 and 20 of
  said Section A, at 731.04 ft. pass a 1/2" iron rod found for the
  north common corner between Lots 13 and 12 of said Section A, and in
  all a total distance of 871.04 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found for the
  northwest corner of Lot 11 of said Section A, same being the north
  common corner between said Holiday Villages of Livingston, Woodland
  Shores, Section A and Holiday Villages of Livingston, The Lodges on
  Livingston, Section C, a subdivision in said San Jacinto County,
  Texas, as shown by the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 303,
  Page 785 of said Official Public Records;
  Thence S 52° 53' 51" W, along the southeast line of said Hulon
  tract, common in part with the northwest lines of said Section C, of
  Holiday Villages of Livingston, Tejas Village, Section B, a
  subdivision in said San Jacinto County, Texas, as shown by the map
  or plat thereof recorded in Volume 303, Page 784 of said Official
  Public Records and of Holiday Villages of Livingston, Silver Creek,
  Section D, a subdivision in said San Jacinto County, Texas, as shown
  by the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 303, Page 787 of said
  Official Public Records, at 1,411.90 ft. pass a 1/2" iron rod found
  for the northwest corner of said Section D located on the east right
  of way of Hidden Coves Road [ a county maintained 60 ft. wide
  right-of-way easement and utility easement granted to San Jacinto
  County, Texas, recorded in Volume 123, Page 97 of said Deed
  Records], and in all a total distance of 1,475.09 ft. to a concrete
  monument found for the most northern northeast corner of the 70.009
  acres described in deed to Foster Timber, Ltd. recorded in Volume
  04-3397, Page 14295 of said Official Public Records, said point
  being an angle point in the southeast line of said Hulon tract;
  Thence S 52° 50' 21" W 1,575.22 ft. along the common line between
  said Hulon tract and said Foster Timber, Ltd. 70.009 acres, to a
  concrete monument found for corner located on the common survey
  line between said Foster Survey and the Michael B. Menard Survey,
  Thence N 70° 56' 46" W 1,568.92 ft. along the common line between
  said Hulon tract and said Foster Timber, Ltd. tract, same being the
  common survey line between said Foster and Menard Surveys, to a
  concrete monument found for the west common corner between said
  Hulon tract and Hidden Coves, Section One, a subdivision in said San
  Jacinto County, Texas, as shown by the map or plat thereof recorded
  in Volume 130, Page 624 of said Deed Records;
  Thence N 52° 54' 22" E 972.54 ft. along the common line between said
  Hulon tract and said Hidden Coves Subdivision, Section One, to a
  concrete monument found for the south common corner between said
  Section One and the called 16.420 acres described in deed to Brooks
  Bouldin, Trustee, recorded under Clerk's File No. 02-7319, Page
  30748 of said Official Public Records;
  Thence N 52° 37' 12" E 415.04 ft. along the common line between said
  Hulon and Bouldin tracts to a concrete monument found marking an
  angle point in said line;
  Thence N 52° 32' 05" E, along the common line between said Hulon and
  Bouldin tracts, at 395.77 ft. pass a concrete monument found on
  line, at 786.47 ft. pass a concrete monument found on line, at
  1,246.88 ft. pass the centerline of said Hidden Coves Road, same
  being the south common corner between said Bouldin tract and a
  called 2.087 acre tract described in deed to Garland Trust recorded
  under Clerk's File No. 00-5594, Page 18835 of said Official Public
  Records, and continuing N 52° 32' 05" E, along the common line
  between said Hulon tract and said Garland Trust called 2.087 acre
  tract, at 1,277.23 ft. pass a 5/8" iron rod found for reference, at
  2,556.75 ft. pass a 1/2" iron rod set for reference, and in all a
  total distance of 2,596.75 ft. to the east common corner between
  said Hulon and Garland Trust tracts, located on the west line of
  said Trinity River Authority of Texas called 79.91 acres, same
  being the fee take line of Lake Livingston Reservoir;
  Thence along the Trinity River Authority fee take line, same being
  the common line between said Hulon tract and said called 79.91 acre
  tract, as follows:
                           S 52° 35' 58"      E 124.00 ft.,
                           S 40° 21' 58"      E 161.48 ft.,
                           S 15° 19' 58"      E 190.50 ft.,
                           S 23° 43' 02"      W 196.61 ft.,
                           S 74° 35' 02"      W 115.25 ft.,
                           S 58° 45' 02"      W 107.75 ft.,
                           S 74° 16' 58"      E 99.80 ft.,
                           S 17° 13' 02"      W 86.33 ft.,
                           S 29° 42' 02"      W 56.77 ft.,
                           S 16° 23' 02"     W 80.32 ft. to the most
  western corner of said Tract # 4 described in deed recorded in
  Volume 123, Page 294 of said Deed Records and a corner of said Hulon
  residue tract, and continuing along the common line between said
  Tracts # 4, # 3, # 2 and # 1 and said Trinity River Authority called
  79.91 acres, as follows;
                           N 51° 48' 02"      E 95.56 ft.,
                           N 34° 44' 02"      E 132.41 ft.,
                           N 52° 05' 02"      E 235.54 ft.,
                           S 83° 48' 58"      E 67.99 ft.,
                           S 33° 00' 58"      E 184.57 ft.,
                           S 22° 19' 58"      E 78.05 ft.,
                           S 59° 15' 02"      W 112.99 ft.,
                           S 05° 21' 02"      W 180.61 ft.,
                           S 02° 32' 02"      W 110.57 ft.,
                           S 38° 29' 02"      W 91.62 ft.,
                           N 86° 58' 58"      W 61.41 ft.,
                           S 53° 09' 02"     W 95.02 ft., passing the
  most southern corner of said Tract # 4 and an exterior corner of
  said Hulon residue tract, and continuing along the common line
  between said Hulon residue tract and said Trinity River Authority
  called 79.91 acres as follows;
         N 66° 42' 58"      W 66.78 ft.,
         S 17° 15' 02"      W 113.14 ft. to a 5/8" iron rod found for
         S 41° 52' 02"      W 97.57 ft. to a 5/8" iron rod found for
         S 04° 42' 58"      E 152.01 ft. to a 5/8" iron rod found for
         N 14° 17' 02"      E 149.05 ft. to a 5/8" iron rod found for
         N 47° 11' 02"      E 133.93 ft. to a 5/8" iron rod found for
         S 72° 22' 58"      E 78.26 ft.,
         S 13° 02' 58"     E 63.62 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod set for
         N 37° 52' 02"      E 74.38 ft.,
         N 28° 41' 02"      E 123.30 ft.,
         N 73° 55' 02"      E 83.84 ft.,
         N 10° 20' 02"      E 160.85 ft.,
         S 80° 07' 58"      E 60.51 ft.,
         S 80° 57' 58"     E 135.66 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod set for
         N 51° 51' 58"      W 102.86 ft.,
         N 49° 04' 58"      W 100.80 ft.,
         N 54° 06' 02"      E 159.19 ft.,
         N 17° 33' 02"      E 70.86 ft.,
         N 39° 11' 02"      E 91.23 ft.,
         S 87° 16' 58"      E 73.63 ft.,
         S 45° 53' 58"      E 124.81 ft.,
         N 26° 47' 58"      W 139.09 ft.,
         N 65° 15' 58"      W 129.75 ft.,
         N 37° 45' 58"      W 96.06 ft.,
         N 26° 57' 58"      W 196.36 ft.,
         N 31° 01' 02"      E 78.08 ft.,
         S 79° 32' 58"      E 282.48 ft.,
         S 84° 47' 58"      E 191.23 ft.,
         S 85° 59' 58"      E 173.27 ft.,
         S 71° 29' 58"      E 143.11 ft. and
         S 27° 09' 58"      E 95.51 ft. to the place of beginning and
  containing within these bounds 109.641 acres of land.
  Bearings for this description are based on deed call for the most
  eastern northwest line of the 70.009 acre tract described in deed to
  Foster Timber, Ltd. recorded under Clerk's File No. 04-3397, Page
  14295 of the San Jacinto County Official Records.
  Being 135.492 acres of land situated in the State of Texas, County
  of San Jacinto, a part of the Michael B. Menard Survey, A-36, and
  being out of the called 1488.272 acre tract described as "Second
  Parcel - T85SJ1-a" in Exhibit "A" in Special Warranty Deed to
  Champion Realty Corporation [Florida] as shown of record in Volume
  22, Page 834 of the San Jacinto County Official Public Records, and
  this 135.491 acre tract being more particularly described by metes
  and bounds as follows:
  Beginning at a 1/2" iron rod found marking the west common corner
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and a 60.920 acre
  tract described in deed from said Champion Realty Corporation
  [Florida] to Ted Macon recorded in Volume 202, Page 27 of said
  Official Public Records located on the northeast right of way line
  of F.M. Highway No. 980;
  Thence N 39° 52' 00" E (bearings for this survey are based on the
  southwest lines of the 60.920 acre tract described in deed to Ted
  Macon recorded in Volume 202, Page 27 of the San Jacinto County
  Official Public Records) 169.03 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  Thence N 38° 29' 38" E 396.52 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  Thence N 60° 49' 06" E 176.53 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  Thence N 80° 02' 10" E 121.27 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  Thence S 68° 38' 00" E 128.53 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  Thence S 60° 39' 12" E 650.34 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  Thence S 74° 09' 28" E 313.67 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  Thence S 81° 04' 58" E 100.64 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  Thence N 71° 01' 05" E 82.77 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  Thence S 70° 40' 51" E 1457.33 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract, same being the north margin of a dirt road, to a 1/2"
  iron rod found for corner;
  Thence S 62° 18' 51" E 152.27 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract, same being the north margin of a dirt road, to a 1/2"
  iron rod found for corner;
  Thence S 48° 19' 19" E 171.50 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract, same being the north margin of a dirt road, to a 1/2"
  iron rod found for corner;
  Thence S 57° 38' 24" E 69.76 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract, same being the north margin of a dirt road, to a 1/2"
  iron rod found for corner;
  Thence N 44° 53' 16" E 712.02 ft. along the common boundary line
  between the herein described 135.491 acre tract and said 60.920
  acre tract to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner located on the
  westerly line of a called 21.54 acre tract described as "Tract F-2"
  in deed to The Trinity River Authority of Texas, recorded in Volume
  129, Page 382 of the San Jacinto County Deed Records, same being the
  Lake Livingston Fee Take Line;
  Thence along the common line between said Champion and Trinity
  River Authority tracts, same being the Lake Livingston Fee Take
  Line, as follows:
                     S 57° 36' 45"  E 164.31 ft.,
                     S 22° 09' 15"  W 108.62 ft.,
                     S 65° 09' 15"  W 143.60 ft.,
                     S 29° 09' 15"  W 122.96 ft.,
                     S 08° 07' 15"  W 158.23 ft.,
                     S 06° 56' 45"  E 109.12 ft.,
                     N 18° 57' 15"  E 87.61 ft.,
                     N 10° 54' 15"  E 170.44 ft.,
                     N 42° 06' 15"  E 64.27 ft.,
                     N 56° 30' 15"  E 166.61 ft.,
                     N 39° 50' 15"  E 77.41 ft.,
                     N 06° 42' 15"  E 121.59 ft.,
                     N 42° 34' 45"  W 135.41 ft.,
                     N 13° 47' 15"  E 248.06 ft. and
                     N 34° 43' 15"  E 65.20 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod set
  for corner;
  Thence S 23° 13' 00" E, across and severing said Champion Realty
  tract, at 1368.33 ft. pass the terminal point of the centerline of a
  40 ft. wide access and utilities, and continuing S 23° 13' 00" E, in
  all a total distance of 2723.27 ft. to a concrete monument found for
  the common corner between said Champion Realty tract and a called
  1.1 acre tract described in deed to Ocie B. Norman recorded in
  Volume 99, Page 408 of said Official Public Records, located on the
  common survey line between said Menard Survey and the John Crippen
  Survey, A-11, said point being the most southern corner of the
  herein described 135.491 acre tract;
  Thence N 71° 06' 28" W 2048.86 ft. along the southwest boundary line
  of said Champion Realty tract, same being the common survey line
  between said Menard and Crippen Surveys, common in part with the
  north lines of said Norman called 1.1 acre tract, a called 3 acre
  tract described in deed to Ocie B. Norman recorded in Volume 177,
  Page 443 of the San Jacinto County Deed Records, a called 4.10 acre
  tract described in deed to Ocie B. Norman recorded in Volume 176,
  Page 529 of said Deed Records, a called 4.10 acre tract described in
  deed to Dora N. Thomas recorded in Volume 174, Page 341 of said Deed
  Records, a called 4.10 acre tract described in deed to Anne N.
  Charles recorded in Volume 174, Page 344 of said Deed Records, a
  called 4.10 acre tract described in deed to T. W. Elliott recorded
  in Volume 21, Page 231 of said Official Public Records, a called
  4.10 acre tract described in deed to Mattie N. Steely recorded in
  Volume 174, Page 350 of said Deed Records, and a called 4.10 acre
  tract described in deed to Joe Norman recorded in Volume 184, Page
  667 of said Deed Records, to a concrete monument found marking the
  north common corner between said Joe Norman called 4.10 acre tract
  and the residue of a called 596 acre tract described as
  "Twenty-fifth Tract" in deed to Thomas S. Foster recorded in Volume
  6, Page 378 of said Deed Records;
  Thence N 71° 36' 16" W 2767.33 ft. along the common line between said
  Champion Realty and Foster tracts, same being the common survey
  line between said Menard and Crippen Surveys, to a 1/2" iron rod set
  for the southwest corner of the herein described 135.491 acre tract
  located on the northeast right of way line of said F.M. Highway No.
  Thence N 44° 55' 13" W 1010.03 ft. along the northeast right of way
  line of said F.M. Highway No. 980 to the place of beginning and
  containing within these bounds 135.492 acres of land.
  BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the east corner of this
  tract on the northwest line of the Isaac Jones Survey, A-23, and of
  the Ferris Company residue of a 238.19 acre tract recorded in Volume
  184, Page 873 of the deed records of said county, same being the
  south corner of the West Texas Resort Company 100.097 acre tract
  described in Clerk's File No. 00-8617, Page 22122 of said official
  records and being the lower east corner of said 419.014 acre tract;
  THENCE: S 52° 28' W 1402.99 Ft., with said northwest lines and the
  lower southeast line of said 419.014 acres, to a concrete monument
  found for an exterior corner of this and of said 419.014 acres, same
  being the west corner of said 238.19 acres and the north corner of
  the S.M. O'Brien, et al., Trustees, 112.2433 acre tract described
  in Volume 43, Page 1274 of said official records;
  THENCE: S 52° 34' 30" W 2.39 Ft. continuing with said Isaac Jones
  northwest line and the northwest line of said 112.2433 acres, to a
  1/2 inch iron rod set for the south corner of this tract;
  THENCE: N 37° 26' W 3059.98 Ft, on a line severing said 419.014
  acres to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the west corner of this tract
  on the southeast line of the James W. Brown 100.0 acre tract
  recorded in Volume 183, Page 333 of said official records, same
  being on a northwest line of said 419.014 acres and the northwest
  line of a 7.070 acre 40 Ft. wide access and utility easement
  described in Exhibit "B" in deed recorded in Volume 277, Page 500 of
  said official records;
  THENCE: NORTHEASTERLY along the northwest lines of said 419.014
  and 7.070 acre tracts, the southeast line of said Brown 100.0 acres
  and the southeast line of the Darrell L. Grein 210.619 acre tract
  recorded in Volume 188, Page 586 of said official records as
  1.   N 58° 46'   E 99.57 Ft.,      2.   N 70° 28'   E 58.54 Ft.,
  3.   N 70° 49'   E 107.60 Ft.,     4.   N 73° 25'   E 134.05 ft.,
  5.   N 14° 09'   E 40.19 Ft.,      6.   S 75° 37'   E 32.88 Ft.,
  7.   N 75° 50'   E 34.84 Ft.,      8.   N 50° 29'   E 49.15 Ft.,
  9.   N 30° 44'   E 100.84 Ft.,     10.   N 27° 10'   E 128.08 Ft.
  to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the point of curvature of a curve to
  the right.
  THENCE: NORTHEASTERLY 195.70 Ft., continuing with said northwest
  and southeast lines, in a curve having a central angle of 25° 29'
  01", a radius of 440.00 Ft. and a long chord bearing N 39° 48' 30" E
  194.09 Ft. to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the point of tangency of
  said curve;
  THENCE: N 52° 33' E 491.69 Ft., continuing with the southeast line of
  said 210.619 acres and the northwest lines of said 419.014 and 7.070
  acre tracts, to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for the north corner of this
  THENCE: S 37° 26' E on a line severing said 419.014 acres and along
  the southwest line of said West Texas Resort Co. 100.097 acres, at
  1413.82 Ft. pass a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the west corner of said
  100.097 acres and an interior corner of said 419.014 acres, in all
  BOUNDS 97.704 ACRES OF LAND more or less;
  There is hereby reserved a 20 Foot wide utility easement southeast
  of and parallel to the southeast line of the above mentioned 40 Foot
  wide access and utility easement.
  Being 7.070 acres situated in the State of Texas, County of San
  Jacinto, a part of the Michael B. Manard Survey, A-36, and being a
  40 ft. wide easement over and across the called 1488.272 acre tract
  described as "Second Parcel - T85SJI-a" in Exhibit "A" in Special
  Warranty Deed to Champion Realty Corporation [Florida] as shown of
  record in Volume 22, Page 834 of the Official Public Records of San
  Jacinto County, Texas, said easement lying 20 ft. each side of the
  centerline described as follows:
  Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Hidden Coves
  Road [a 60 ft. wide county maintained roadway described in an
  easement dated July 19, 1972, granted from Southland Paper Mills,
  Inc. to the County of San Jacinto, Texas, and recorded in Volume
  133, Page 272 of the Deed Records of San Jacinto County, Texas] with
  the centerline of an existing roadway, said point bears S 42° 01' 21"
  E 3,003.18 ft. from a concrete monument found marking the
  intersection of the north boundary line of said Champion lands with
  the west right of way line of said Hidden Coves Road;
  Thence S 67° 44' 43" W 196.20 ft. along the centerline of said
  roadway to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 69° 00' 58" W 1,169.00 ft. along the centerline of said
  roadway to the P.C. of a curve in said centerline;
  Thence 714.09 ft. in a southwesterly direction along the centerline
  of said roadway in a curve to the left having a central angle of 19°
  27' 52", the radius being 2,102.00 ft. and the chord bears S 59° 17'
  02" W 710.66 ft. to the P.T. of said curve;
  Thence S 49° 33' 06" W 241.00 ft. along the centerline of said
  roadway to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 62° 26' 14" W 124.01 ft. along the centerline of said
  roadway to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 53° 34' 26" W 1,129.89 ft. along the centerline of said
  roadway to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 52° 24' 05" W 729.59 ft. along the centerline of said
  roadway to the P.C. of a curve in said centerline;
  Thence 186.76 ft. in a southwesterly direction along the centerline
  of said roadway in a curve to the left having a central angle of 25°
  28' 41", the radius being 420.00 ft. and the chord bears S 39° 49'
  44" W 185.23 ft. to the P.T. of said curve;
  Thence S 27° 05' 24" W 129.02 ft. along the centerline of said
  roadway to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 30° 46' 41" W 104.95 ft. along the centerline of said
  roadway to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 50° 29' 00" W 57.15 ft. along the centerline of said roadway
  to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 75° 56' 12" W 44.44 ft. along the centerline of said roadway
  to the intersection with the centerline of another existing
  Thence S 48° 49' 03" W 42.13 ft. along the centerline of said other
  roadway to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 73° 18' 15" W 137.87 ft. along the centerline of said
  roadway to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 70° 45' 57" W 107.30 ft. along the centerline of said
  roadway to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 70° 26' 43" W 56.39 ft. along the centerline of said roadway
  to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 58° 47' 51" W 96.51 ft. along the centerline of said roadway
  to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 52° 43' 04" W 1089.21 ft. along the centerline of said
  roadway to an angle point in said centerline;
  Thence S 52° 38' 34" W 1028.63 ft. along the centerline of said
  roadway to the P.C. of a curve in said centerline;
  Thence 202.09 ft. in a southwesterly direction along the centerline
  of said roadway in a curve to the right having a central angle of 38°
  35' 47", the radius being 300.00 ft. and the chord bears S 71° 56'
  27" W 198.29 ft. to the P.T. of said curve;
  Thence N 88° 45' 39" W 97.52 ft. along the centerline of said roadway
  to the terminal point of the herein described access & utilities
  easement located on the northeast boundary line of a 135.491 acre
  tract surveyed this date out of said Champion Realty Corporation
  lands, said point bears N 23° 13' 00" W 1354.94 ft. from a concrete
  monument found marking the most southern corner of said 135.491
  acre tract and containing within the rights of way 7.070 acres of
  Fieldnotes to all that certain tract of land, being 74.930 acres,
  more or less, located in the Michael B. Menard Survey, Abstract No.
  36 and the John Foster Survey, Abstract No. 121, in San Jacinto
  County, Texas and being part of the called 100.00 acre tract
  described in a Deed from Champion Realty Corporation to James W.
  Brown, dated January 20, 1994 and recorded in Volume 183, Page 333
  of the Official Public Records of San Jacinto County, Texas
  (OPRSJCT). Said 74.891 acres being more particularly described by
  metes and bounds' as follows:
  BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the easternmost common
  corner of the referenced tract and a called 210.619 acre tract
  described in a Deed from Champion Realty Corporation to Darrell L.
  Grein, dated April 16, 1994 and recorded in Volume 188, page 586
  OPRSJCT. Said corner is on the West margin of a public road known
  locally as Hidden Coves Road (a 60 foot wide county maintained
  roadway described in an easement dated July 19, 1972, granted to San
  Jacinto County by Southland Paper Mills, Inc. and recorded in
  Volume 133, Page 272 of the Deed Records of San Jacinto County,
  Texas (DRSJCT).
  THENCE in a southwesterly direction with the common lines of the
  referenced tract and the said 210.619 acre tract as follows:
  1. S 52° 50' 21" W 1851.42 feet (basis of bearings) to a 1/2 inch
  iron rod found for angle corner,  
  2. S 60° 02' 41" W 355.17 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
  angle corner,
  3. S 61° 52' 14" W 245.46 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
  angle corner,
  4. S 59° 52' 24" W 809.57 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
  angle corner and
  5. S 41° 17' 21" W 253.23 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found on the
  West margin of a 40 foot wide access easement (easement
  described in Exhibit "C" in said Deed recorded in Volume 183,
  Page 333 OPRSJCT.
  THENCE in a southeasterly direction continuing with the common
  lines of the referenced tract and the said 210.619 acre tract and
  along the West margin of the said access easement as follows:
  1. S 30° 51' 55" E 155.08 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
  angle corner,
  2. S 22° 59' 48" E 122.02 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
  angle corner,
  3. S 27° 43' 41" E 150.69 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
  angle corner,
  4. S 20° 36' 31" E 173.64 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
  beginning of a curve to the right;
  5. With said curve (having a radius of 332.50 feet, a central angle
  of 31° 40' 18", and a long chord of S 04° 47' 44" E 181.47 feet) 183.80
  feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the end of the said curve,
  6. S 11° 03' 29" W 222.77 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
  angle corner,
  7. S 13° 48' 30" W 83.54 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
  beginning of a curve to the left,
  8. With the said curve (having a radius of 1230.00 feet, a central
  angle of 11° 34' 39", and a long chord of S 08° 01' 51" W 248.12 feet)
  248.54 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the end of the said
  9. S 01° 56' 33" W 131.34 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
  beginning of a curve to the left,
  10. With the said curve (having a radius of 265.50 feet, a central
  angle of 24° 19' 02", and a long chord of S 09° 32' 22" E 111.84
  feet) 112.68 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the end of
  the said curve,
  11. S 21° 37' 32" E 75.15 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
  beginning of a curve to the right,
  12. With the said curve (having a radius of 112.00 feet, a central
  angle of 41° 30' 56", and a long chord of S 01° 32' 09" E 79.39
  feet) 81.15 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the end of
  the said curve,
  13. S 19° 24' 39" W 112.50 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
  angle corner,
  14. S 11° 28' 04" W 141.70 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
  angle corner, and
  15. S 08° 10' 52" W 90.66 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
  most northeastern corner of a called 25.000 acre tract described in
  a Deed from Wanda Brown Barrett to Bettie B. Brown, dated August 6,
  1998 and recorded in Volume 292, Page 37 OPRSJCT;
  THENCE S 53° 33' 40" W 1630.91 feet with the Northwest line of the
  said 25.000 acre tract to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner in the
  most southwestern line of the referenced tract;
  THENCE N 58° 58' 32" W 928.30 feet with the common line of the
  referenced tract and a called 48.304 acre tract described in a Deed
  from Mary Jo Rousselow and Brian Lou Rousselow to Rex Luce, dated
  August 8, 2003 and recorded under Clerk's File No. 03-6074 OPRSJCT
  to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the most westerly corner of the
  referenced tract in the fee taking line for Lake Livingston
  Reservoir (a 21.54 acre tract described as Tract S-2 in a Deed from
  Southland Paper Mills, Inc., dated June 18, 1970 and recorded in
  Volume 129, Page 382 DRSJCT,
  THENCE in a northeasterly direction with the common lines of the
  reference tract and the said 21.54 acre tract as follows:
  1. N 16° 21' 05" E 114.11 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for
  angle corner,
  2. N 47° 06' 20" E 61.06 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for angle
  3. N 54° 36' 37" S 188.34 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for angle
  4. N 35° 53' 04" E 112.35 feet to a point in lake for angle corner,
  5. N 69° 17' 14" E 120.76 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for angle
  6. N 81° 23' 35" W 66.33 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for angle
  7. N 14° 35' 05" E 104.67 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for angle
  corner, and
  8. N 25° 25' 51" W 139.38 feet to a point in the lake for the most
  westerly common corner of the referenced tract and a called 120.000
  acre tract described in a Deed from Champion Realty Corporation to
  Jessie Gene Steel and wife, Cimantha Marie Steel, dated November
  23, 1992 and recorded in Volume 158, Page 320 OPRSJCT;
  THENCE in a northeasterly direction with the common lines of the
  referenced tract and the said 120.000 acre tract as follows:
  1. N 66° 55' 42" E, passing at 70.35 feet a 1-inch iron rod found
  for reference, continuing for a total distance of 576.22 feet to a
  1/2 inch iron rod found for angle corner,
  2. N 32° 00' 58" E 962.58 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
  angle corner,
  3. N 30° 08' 48" E 603.73 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for angle
  4. N 37° 40' 08" E 242.71 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for angle
  5. N 41° 16' 44" E 443.56 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for angle
  6. N 59° 51' 45" E 820.21 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for angle
  7. N 61° 50' 40" E 245.43 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for angle
  8. N 60° 02' 49" E 350.48 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for angle
  corner, and
  9. N 52° 50' 21" E 1,866.02 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
  most easterly common corner of the referenced tract and the said
  120.000 acre tract in the West margin of the said Hidden Cove Road;
  THENCE S 20° 06' 39" E 62.67 feet with the West margin of the said
  Hidden Coves Road and the most northeasterly line of the referenced
  tract to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 74.930 acres, more
  or less, of which approximately 73.130 acres are located in the said
  Menard Survey and approximately 1.80 acres are located in the said
  Foster Survey.
  Being 130.45 acres of land, situated in the M.B. MENARD LEAGUE,
  Abstract No. 36, and the JOHN CRIPPEN LEAGUE, Abstract No. 11,
  (Isaac Jones Survey, Abstract No. 23 in conflict), all in San
  Jacinto County, Texas, and being part of a called 238.19 acre tract
  described in a Deed from W.T. Bennett, Trustee to the Farris Company
  dated June 5, 1979 and recorded in Volume 184, page 873, Deed
  Records of San Jacinto County, Texas, said 130.45 acres being more
  definitely described as follows:
  BEGINNING at the most westerly corner of said Farris Company called
  238.19 acre tract and the north corner of a called 112.2433 acre
  tract described as "Share 3" in a Partition Deed from Charles D.
  McMurrey, et al to S.M. O'Brien, et al. Trustees dated August 28,
  1984 and recorded in Volume 43, page 1274, Official Records, said
  corner being in a southeast line of a Champion International Corp.
  tract, found a 3" x 3" concrete monument for corner from which a 18"
  Catalpa bears S 56° 30' W - 34.5 feet;
  THENCE N 52° 33' 59" E, with the common boundary of said Farris
  and Champion tracts, a distance of 1443.94 feet to a 5/8" iron rod
  set for the north corner of the 130.45 acre tract herein described;
  THENCE S 60° 40' 56" E, across said Farris Company 238.19 acre
  tract, a distance of 2279.89 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner
  in its southeast line and the northwest right-of-way line of U.S.
  Highway No. 190;
  THENCE southerly, with the northwest right-of-way line of U.S.
  Highway No. 190, as follows:
         (1)  S 22° 12' 24" W, a distance of 885.97 to a concrete
  highway right-of-way monument found;
         (2)  S 43° 46' 00" W, a distance of 215.75 to a concrete
  highway right-of-way monument found; and
         (3)  S 19° 24' 51" W, a distance of 54.13 to the intersection
  of said Highway right-of-way with the Trinity River Authority Fee
  Taking line for Lake Livingston Reservoir, same being a northeast
  line of a called 229.91 acre tract described in a Deed from the
  Farris Company to Trinity River Authority of Texas dated November
  13, 1967 and recorded in Volume 107, page 263, Deed Records;
  THENCE with the Fee Taking line of said Trinity River Authority
  229.91 acres, as follows:
         (1)  N 17° 56' 00" W, a distance of 165.40 feet to T.R.A.
  Point No. 27;
         (2)  N 13° 21' 00" W, a distance of 212.19 feet to a 5/8" iron
  rod found for T.R.A. Point No. 26;
         (3)  N 74° 17' 11" W, a distance of 337.17 feet to a 5/8" iron
  rod found for T.R.A Point No. 25;
         (4)  S 60° 02' 39" E, a distance of 332.11 feet to a 5/8" iron
  rod found for T.R.A. Point No. 24;
         (5)  S 09° 56' 13" E, a distance of 204.06 feet to a 5/8" iron
  rod found for T.R.A. Point No. 23; and
         (6)  S 05° 07' 01" E, a distance of 283.80 feet to the
  intersection of said Fee Taking line with the northwest
  right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 190;
  THENCE southerly, with the northwest right-of-way line of U.S.
  Highway No. 190, as follows:
         (1)  S 18° 03' 14" W, a distance of 306.90 to a concrete
  highway right-of-way monument found; and
         (2)  S 05° 44' 23" E, a distance of 99.74 to the Intersection
  of said Highway right-of-way with the Trinity River Authority Fee
  Taking line for Lake Livingston Reservoir, same being a northwest
  line of said T.R.A. called 229.91 acre tract;
  THENCE with the Fee Taking line of said Trinity River Authority
  229.91 acres, as follows:
         (1)  S 53° 41' 00" W, a distance of 58.44 feet to a 5/8" iron
  rod found for T.R.A. Point No. 20;
         (2)  S 24° 33' 00" W, a distance of 130.18 feet to a T.R.A.
  Point No. 19;
         (3)  N 44° 07' 00" E, a distance of 133.64 feet to a T.R.A.
  Point No. 18; and
         (4)  N 58° 09' 00" E, a distance of 15.39 feet to the
  intersection of said Fee Taking line with the northwest
  right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 190;
  THENCE southerly, with the northwest right-of-way line of U.S.
  Highway No. 190, as follows:
         (1)  S 05° 44' 23" E, a distance of 68.95 to a concrete
  highway right-of-way monument found;
         (2)  S 11° 42' 22" W, a distance of 616.26 to a concrete
  highway right-of-way monument found;
         (3)  S 03° 08' 05" E, a distance of 99.86 to a concrete
  highway right-of-way monument found;
         (4)  S 08° 38' 11" W, a distance of 352.42 feet to a concrete
  highway right-of-way; and
         (5)  S 11° 56' 00" W, a distance of 30.97 feet to a 5/8" iron
  rod set for the south corner of said Farris called 238.19 acre tract
  in a northeast line of Lake Livingston Subdivision according to a
  Plat of record in Volume 86, page 351, Deed Records;
  THENCE N 37° 24' 30" W, with the common boundary of said Farris
  tract and said Lake Livingston Subdivision, a distance of 1216.27
  feet the north corner of said Subdivision and the east corner of
  said O'Brien, Trustee 112.2433 acre tract, found a 3" x 3" concrete
  monument from which a 16" Red Oak found bears S 18" W - 8.4 feet and
  a 12" Post Oak found bears N45° W - 12.8 feet;
  THENCE N 36° 53' 57" W, with the common boundary of said Farris and
  O'Brien, Trustee tracts, a distance of 2606.64 feet to the POINT OF
  Being 25.000 acres of land situated in the State of Texas, County of
  San Jacinto, a part of the M.B. Menard Survey, A-36, and being out
  of the called 1488.272 acre tract described as "Second Parcel -
  T85SJ1-a" in Exhibit "A" in Special Warranty Deed to Champion
  Realty Corporation [Florida] as shown of record in Volume 22, Page
  834 of the San Jacinto Official Public Records, and this 25.000 acre
  tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as
  Beginning at an iron rod found marking the most southern corner of a
  20.000 acre tract titled to Charles E. Williams and wife, Jean
  Williams, by deed recorded in Volume 146, Page 271 of said Official
  Public Records, said point being an exterior corner of the herein
  described 25.000 acre tract, located on the common survey line
  between said Menard Survey and the Isaac Jones Survey, A-23, same
  being the southeast line of said Champion Realty Corporation lands
  and the northwest line of lands titled to The Farris Company of
  Walker County by deed records in Volume 184, Page 873 of the San
  Jacinto County Deed Records;
  Thence S 52° 34' 12" W, along the common line between said Champion
  lands and said Farris Company lands, same being the common survey
  line between said Menard and Jones Surveys, at 424.63 ft. pass a
  concrete monument found on line, and continuing S 52° 34' 12" W,
  along the common line between said Champion and Farris Company
  lands, in all a total distance of 904.13 ft. to an iron rod set
  marking the most southern corner of the herein described 25.000
  acre tract;
  Thence N 37° 25' 48" W 1,185.74 ft. to an iron rod set for the most
  western corner of the herein described 25.000 acre tract;
  Thence N 52° 34' 12" E 2,183.55 ft. to an iron rod set for the most
  northern corner of the herein described 25.000 acre tract located
  on the southwest right of the way line of Hidden Coves Road [a
  county maintained roadway];
  Thence S 57° 30' 39" E 63.88 ft. along the southwest right of way
  line of said Hidden Coves Road to an iron rod set marking the most
  eastern corner of the herein described 25.000 acre tract located on
  the northwest line of a 20.000 acre titled to Robert M. Black and
  wife, M. Renae Black, by deed recorded in Volume 153, Page 469 of
  said Official Public Records;
  Thence S 52° 34' 12" W 1,511.53 ft. along the common line between the
  herein described 25.000 acre tract and said Black 20.000 acre tract
  to an iron rod found marking the most western corner of said Black
  tract and an interior corner of the herein described 25.000 acre
  Thence S 57° 29' 05" E 612.91 ft. along the common line between the
  herein described 25.000 acre tract and said Black 20.000 acre tract
  to an iron rod found marking the west common corner between said
  Black 20.000 acre tract and another 20.000 acre tract titled to
  Charles E. Williams and wife, Jean Williams, by deed recorded in
  Volume 146, Page 271 of said Official Public Records;
  Thence S 37° 25' 48" E 550.00 ft. along the common line between the
  herein described 25.000 acre tract and said Williams 20.000 acre
  tract to the place of beginning and containing within these bounds
  25.000 acre of land.
  Being 48.304 acres of land situated in the State of Texas, County of
  San Jacinto, a part of the Michael B. Menard Survey, A-36, and being
  out of the residue of the called 1488.272 acre tract described as
  "Second Parcel - T85SJI-a" in Exhibit "A" in Special Warranty Deed
  to Champion Realty Corporation [Florida] as shown of record in
  Volume 22, Page 834 of the Official Public Records of San Jacinto
  County, Texas, and this 48.304 acre tract being more particularly
  described by metes and bounds as follows:
  Beginning at an iron rod found marking the east common corner
  between the herein described 48.304 acre tract and a 100.00 acre
  tract conveyed out of said Champion lands to James W. Brown by deed
  recorded in Volume 183, Page 333 of said San Jacinto County Official
  Public Records, located on the north right of way line of a 40 ft.
  wide (7.070 acres) access and utilities easement described in
  Exhibit "B" in deed to Freddy C. Palmer and wife, Carra B. Palmer,
  recorded in Volume 277, Page 500 of said Official Public Records;
  Thence S 15° 59' 38" W (Bearings for this survey are based on deed
  call for the northeast line of the 135.491 acre tract described in
  deed to Freddy C. Palmer and wife, Carra B. Palmer recorded in
  Volume 277, Page 500 of the San Jacinto County Official Public
  Records), at 33.51 ft. pass the centerline of said 40 ft. wide
  access and utilities easement, at 67.02 ft. pass the south right of
  way line of said easement and continuing S 15° 59' 38" W, in all a
  total distance of 2,022.95 ft. to a concrete monument found for the
  south common corner between the herein described 48.304 acre tract
  and the 135.491 acre tract described in Exhibit "A" in deed to
  Freddy C. Palmer and wife, Carra B. Palmer, recorded in Volume 277,
  Page 500 of said Official Public Records, said point also being the
  east corner of the called 1.10 acre tract described in deed to Ocie
  B. Norman recorded in Volume 991, Page 408 of said Official Public
  Records, and being located on the common survey line between said
  Menard Survey and the John Crippen Survey, A-11;
  Thence N 23° 13' 00" W, along the common line between the herein
  described 48.304 acre tract and said Palmer 135.491 acre tract, at
  1,322.97 ft. pass the south right of way line of said 40 ft. wide
  access and utilities easement, at 1,354.94 ft. pass the centerline
  of said 40 ft. wide easement, at 1,376.91 ft. pass the north right
  of way line of said easement, and in all a total distance of
  2,723.27 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod set for the north common corner
  between said tracts located on the Lake Livingston Fee Take Line
  along the east back of Rocky Creek as described as "Tract F-2" (a
  called 21.54 acre tract) in deed to Trinity River Authority of Texas
  recorded in Volume 129, Page 382 of the San Jacinto County Deed
  Thence along said Trinity River Authority Lake Livingston Fee Take
  Line located on the east back of said Rocky Creek as follows:
                     N 25° 00' 45"      W 180.37 ft.,
                     N 00° 48' 15"      E 87.71 ft.,
                     N 23° 54' 15"      E 231.68 ft.,
                     S 21° 51' 45"      E 123.88 ft. and
                     S 83° 29' 45"     E 71.75 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod
  set for the northwest common corner between the herein described
  48.304 acre tract and a said Brown 100.000 acre tract;
  Thence S 59° 00' 13" E 1,743.66 ft. along the common line between the
  herein described tract and said Brown 100.00 acre tract to the place
  of beginning and containing within these bounds 48.304 acres of
  Being 47.910 acres of land situated in the State of Texas, County of
  San Jacinto, a part of the Isaac Jones Survey, A-23 [in conflict
  with the John Crippen Survey, A-11], and being out of the called
  208.908 acre tract described as "Fourth Parcel - T85SJ1-c" in
  Exhibit "A" in Special Warranty Deed to Champion Realty Corporation
  [Florida] as shown of record in Volume 22, Page 834 of the Official
  Public Records of San Jacinto County, Texas, and this 47.910 acre
  tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as
  Beginning at a 3"x3" concrete monument found for the south common
  corner between said Champion Realty Corporation tract and a called
  1.49 acre tract described in deed to Dungan, Ltd. recorded in Volume
  248, Page 36 of said Official Public Records, located on the
  northwest line of the called 2 acre tract described as "Exception"
  in deed to Houston Baptist University recorded in Volume 200, Page
  561 of said Deed Records;
  Thence N 35° 35' 58" W (Bearings for this survey are based on the
  8.004 acre tract described in deed to Randle McLarrin recorded in
  Volume 125, Page 569 of the San Jacinto County Official Public
  Records); along the west line of said Champion Realty tract, common
  in part with the east lines of said Dungan, Ltd. called 1.49 acre
  tract, a called 14.159 acre tract described as "Second Tract" in
  deed to Cynthia P. Pira recorded in Volume 148, Page 334 of said
  Official Public Records and a called 24.99 acre tract described as
  "Seventh Tract" in Partition Deed to Dentigue Butler recorded in
  Volume 24, Page 358 of said Official Public Records, at 1,663 ft.
  cross the centerline of a county maintained roadway, and in all a
  total distance of 2,498.16 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found for the most
  northern corner of the herein described 47.910 acre tract located
  on the southwest right-of-way line of said F.M. Highway No. 980
  described in the 15.298 acre Right-of-Way Easement to the State of
  Texas recorded in Volume 120, Page 105 of the San Jacinto County
  Deed Records;
  Thence in a southeasterly direction along the southwest
  right-of-way line of said F.M. Highway No. 980, at 943 ft. cross the
  centerline of said county maintained roadway, and in all a total arc
  length of 1,035.38 ft. in a curve to the left having a central angle
  of 49° 11' 35", the radius being 1,205.92 ft. and the chord bears S
  67° 46' 08" E 1,003.87 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found marking the P.T.
  of said curve;
  Thence N 87° 38' 05" E 265.59 ft. along the southwest right-of-way
  line of said F.M. Highway No. 980 to a 1/2" iron rod found marking
  the P.C. of a curve in said right of way, from said point a concrete
  right of way monument found bears N 53° 23' E 1.16 ft;
  Thence 286.24 ft. in a southeasterly direction along the southwest
  right-of-way line of said F.M. Highway No. 980 in a curve to the
  right having a central angle of 11° 57' 00", the radius being
  1,372.40 ft. and the chord bears S 86° 23' 25" E 285.72 ft. to a 1/2"
  iron rod found marking the P.T. of said curve;
  Thence S 80° 24' 55" E 826.67 ft. along the southwest right-of-way
  line of said F.M. Highway No. 980 to a concrete right of way
  monument found marking the P.C. of a curve in said right of way;
  Thence 233.86 ft. in a southeasterly direction along the southwest
  right-of-way line of said F.M. Highway No. 980 in a curve to the
  right having a central angle of 07° 14' 36", the radius being
  1,849.86 ft. and the chord bears S 76° 47' 37" E 233.70 ft. to a 1/2"
  iron rod set for the north common corner between the herein
  described 47.910 acre tract and a 10.000 acre tract surveyed this
  date out of said Champion Realty Corporation tract;
  Thence S 27° 50' 40" W 1,270.51 ft. along the common line between the
  herein described 47.910 acre tract and said 10.000 acre tract to a
  1/2" iron rod set for the south common corner between said tracts
  located on the common line between said Champion Realty Corporation
  tract and the called 18 acre tract described as "Tract 2" in deed to
  Houston Baptist University recorded in Volume 200, Page 561 of said
  Deed Records;
  Thence S 55° 11' 56" W 578.19 ft. along the southeast line of said
  Champion Realty tract, common in part with the northwest lines of
  said Houston Baptist University called 18 acre tract and said
  called 2 acre tract described as "Exception" in said deed to Houston
  Baptist University recorded in Volume 200, Page 561 of said Deed
  Records, to the place of beginning and containing within these
  bounds 47.910 acres of land.
  TRACT 10
  Being 120.000 acres of land situated in the State of Texas, County
  of San Jacinto, 117.017 acres being a part of the Michael B. Menard
  Survey, A-36, and being out of the called 1488.272 acre tract
  described as "Second Parcel - T85SJ1-a" in Exhibit "A" in Special
  Warranty Deed to Champion Realty Corporation [Florida] as shown of
  record in Volume 22, Page 834 of the Official Public Records of San
  Jacinto County, Texas, and 2.983 acres being a part of the John
  Foster Survey, A-121, and being out of the called 17.486 acre tract
  described as "Fifth Parcel - T85SJ1-d" in Exhibit "A" in said
  Special Warranty Deed, and this 120.000 acre tract being more
  particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
  Beginning at an iron rod found marking the intersection of the
  northwest line of said Champion Realty Corporation [Florida] lands
  with the Trinity River authority Lake Livingston Fee Take Line
  located on the east bank of Rocky Creek, said point being the most
  western corner of the herein described 120.000 acre tract;
  Thence N 66° 00' 15" E 462.78 ft. along the northwest boundary line
  of said Champion lands to a concrete monument found marking an
  interior corner of said Champion lands;
  Thence N 22° 55' 42" W 553.69 ft. along the boundary line said
  Champion lands to a concrete monument found marking an exterior
  corner of said tract;
  Thence N 66 ° 55' 42" E 2,597.73 ft. along the northwest boundary
  line of said Champion lands to a concrete monument found marking an
  interior corner of said tract;
  Thence S 22° 14' 44" E 1,219.49 ft. to an iron rod set marking an
  interior corner of the herein described 120.000 acre tract;
  Thence N 37° 40' 08" E 138.68 ft. to an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence N 41° 16' 44" E, at 250.29 ft. pass the centerline of a 40 ft.
  wide access easement over and across said Champion lands, and
  continuing N 41° 16' 44" E, in all a total distance of 461.12 ft. to
  an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence N 59° 51' 45" E 836.50 ft. to an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence N 61° 50' 40" E 245.58 ft. to an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence N 60° 02' 49" E 343.40 ft. to an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence N 52° 50' 21" E 1,887.95 ft. to an iron rod set the most
  northern corner of the herein described 120.000 acre tract located
  on the west right of way line of Hidden Coves Road [a 60 ft. wide
  county maintained roadway described in easement dated July 19,
  1972, granted from Southland Paper Mills, Inc. to the County of San
  Jacinto, Texas and recorded in Volume 133, Page 272 of the Deed
  Records of said San Jacinto County];
  Thence S 20° 06' 39" E 94.14 ft. along the west right of way line of
  said Hidden Coves Road to an iron rod set marking the most eastern
  corner of the herein described 120.000 acre tract;
  Thence S 52° 50' 21" W 1,866.02 ft. to an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence S 60° 02' 49" W 350.48 ft. to an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence S 61° 50' 40" W 245.43 ft. to an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence S 59° 51' 45" W 820.21 ft. to an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence S 41° 16' 44" W, at 222.70 ft. pass the centerline of a 40 ft.
  wide access easement over and across said Champion lands, and
  continuing S 41° 16' 44" W, in all a total distance of 443.56 ft. to
  an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence S 37° 40' 08" W 242.71 ft. to an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence S 30° 08' 48" W 603.73 ft. to an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence S 32° 00' 58" W 962.58 ft. to an iron rod set for corner;
  Thence S 66° 55' 42" W 576.22 ft. to an iron rod set for the most
  southern corner of the herein described 120.000 acre tract located
  on said Trinity River Authority Lake Livingston Fee Take Line along
  the east bank of Rocky Creek;
  Thence along said Trinity River Authority Lake Livingston Fee Take
  Line located on east bank of said Rocky Creek as follows:
                           N 25° 26' 45"      W 48.70 ft.,
                           N 44° 58' 45"      W 225.95 ft.,
                           N 52° 21' 45"      W 192.26 ft.,
                           N 29° 53' 45"      W 121.04 ft.,
                           N 36° 28' 15"      E 187.39 ft.,
                           N 27° 00' 45"      W 69.76 ft.,
                           N 45° 04' 15"      E 133.40 ft.,
                           S 67° 45' 15"      W 152.85 ft.,
                           S 10° 46' 45"      E 119.15 ft.,
                           S 62° 15' 15"      W 103.97 ft.,
                           N 46° 27' 45"      W 104.39 ft.,
                           N 68° 25' 45"      W 154.60 ft.,
                           N 14° 14' 45"      W 59.00 ft.,
                           S 61° 20' 15"      W 61.46 ft.,
                           N 87° 42' 45"      W 94.94 ft.,
                           N 26° 55' 45"      W 66.61 ft.,
                           S 21° 12' 15"      W 66.76 ft.,
                           N 77° 57' 45"      W 156.65 ft.,
                           N 62° 35' 45"      W 220.37 ft.,
                           N 07° 44' 15"      E 136.84 ft.,
                           S 52° 47' 15"      W 113.69 ft.,
                           N 50° 39' 45"      W 201.89 ft.,
                           S 70° 42' 15"      W 93.55 ft.,
                           N 69° 56' 45"      W 122.22 ft. and
                           N 33° 57' 45"      W 131.45 ft. to the place
  of beginning and containing with these bounds 120.000 acres of
  There is reserved over the above described 120.000 acre tract an
  access roadway easement being 40 ft. in width and lying 20 ft. each
  side of the centerline described as follows:
  Beginning at the intersection of the southeast line of said 120.000
  acre tract with the centerline of the herein described 40 ft. wide
  easement, said point bears S 41° 16' 44" W 222.70 ft. from an iron
  rod marking an interior corner of said 120.000 acre tract;
  Thence N 23° 05' 53" W 49.12 ft. and N 42° 02' 29" W 46.02 ft. along
  the centerline of the herein described easement to its terminal
  point at the intersection of said centerline with the north line of
  said 120.000 acre tract, said point bears N 41° 16' 44" E 250.29 ft.
  from an iron rod marking an exterior corner of said 120.000 acre
  tract and containing within the rights of way 0.087 acre of land.
  TRACT 11
  Being 210.598 acres of land situated in the State of Texas, County
  of San Jacinto, 194.798 acres being a part of the Michael B. Menard
  Survey, A-36, and 15.799 acres being a part of the John Foster
  Survey, A-120, and being the same land described in Special
  Warranty Deed to Darrell L. Grein recorded in Volume 188, Page 586
  of the Official Public Records of San Jacinto County, Texas, and
  this 210.598 acre tract being more particularly described by metes
  and bounds as follows:
  Beginning at an iron rod found marking the east common corner
  between said Grein called 210.619 acres and the called 74.981 acres
  described in deed to APMI Athens Limited Partnership recorded under
  Clerk's File No. 06-3039, Page 13107 of said Official Public
  Records, said point being located on the west right of way line of
  Hidden Coves Road [a 60 ft. wide county maintained roadway
  described in easement dated July 19, 1972, granted from Southland
  Paper Mills, Inc. to the County of San Jacinto, Texas, and recorded
  in Volume 133, Page 272 of the Deed Records of said San Jacinto
  Thence S 20° 06' 39" E 48.63 ft. along the east line of said Grein
  tract, same being the west right of way line of said Hidden Coves
  Road, to a 1/2" iron rod set for corner;
  Thence S 04° 26' 43" E 1,256.06 ft. along the east line of said
  Grein tract, same being the west right of way line of said Hidden
  Coves Road to a 3/8" iron rod found for corner;
  Thence S 70° 40' 25" E 682.54 ft. along the east line of said Grein
  tract, same being the west right of way line of said Hidden Coves
  Road, to a concrete monument found for corner;
  Thence S 66° 37' 05" E 1,199.46 ft. along the east line of said
  Grein tract, same being the west right of way line of said Hidden
  Coves Road to a 1/2" iron rod set for the most eastern corner of the
  herein described 210.598 acre tract and the most northern corner of
  the 10.00 acres described in deed to Mark A. Budzise and Samuel M.
  Borcato recorded under Clerk's File No. 03-3823, Page 16195,
  located at the intersection of the west right of way line of said
  Hidden Coves Road with the northwest right of way line of a 40 ft.
  wide non-exclusive access and utility easement for ingress and
  egress described in said Grein deed (said easement also described
  in instruments recorded in Volume 183, Page 333 and Volume 277, Page
  500 of said Official Public Records);
  Thence S 67° 35' 00" W 134.10 ft. along the southeast line of said
  Grein tract and the northwest line of said Budzise and Brocato 10.00
  acres, same being the northwest right of way line of said 40 ft.
  wide easement, to a 1/2" iron rod found marking an angle point in
  said common line;
  Thence S 69° 01' 27" W 1,168.83 ft. along the southeast line of said
  Grein tract, same being the northwest right of way line of a 40 ft.
  wide easement, common in part with the northwest lines of said
  Budzise and Brocato 10.00 acres and the 29.933 acres described in
  deed to Mark A. Budzise recorded under Clerk's File No. 06-4096,
  Page 17393 of said Official Public Records, to a 1/2" iron rod found
  marking the P.C. of a curve in said right of way line;
  Thence 720.97 ft. in a southwesterly direction along the southeast
  line of said Grein tract, same being the northwest right of way line
  of a 40 ft. wide easement, common in part with
  the northwest lines of said Budzise 29.933 acres and the 64.122
  acres described in deed to Carlo Mazzella and wife, Glenda
  Mazzella, recorded under Clerk's File No. 02-5952, Page 25245 of
  said Official Public Records, in a curve to the left having a
  central angle of 19° 28' 00", the radius being 2,122.00 ft. and the
  chord bears S 59° 17' 27" W 717.50 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found
  marking the P.T. of said curve;
  Thence S 49° 33' 27" W 238.78 ft. along the common line between said
  Grein and Mazzella tracts, same being the northwest right of way
  line of said 40 ft. wide easement, to a 1/2" iron rod found marking
  an angle point in said line;
  Thence S 62° 21' 47" W 123.62 ft. along the common line between said
  Grein and Mazzella tracts, same being the northwest right of way
  line of said 40 ft. wide easement, to a 1/2" iron rod found marking
  an angle point in said line;
  Thence S 53° 34' 27" W 1,131.33 ft. along the common line between
  said Grein and Mazzella tracts, same being the northwest right of
  way line of said 40 ft. wide easement, to a 1/2" iron rod found
  marking an angle point in said line;
  Thence S 52° 34' 52" W, along the common line between said Grein and
  Mazzella tracts, same being the northwest right of way line of said
  40 ft. wide easement, at 238.63 ft. pass a 1/2" iron rod found
  marking the northwest common corner between said Mazzella tract and
  the 97.731 acres described in deed to APMI Athens Limited
  Partnership recorded under Clerk's File No. 07-2588, Page 10948 of
  said Official Public Records, and continuing along the common line
  between said Grein and APMI Athens Limited Partnership tract, in
  all a total distance of 729.99 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found marking
  the P.C. of a curve;
  Thence 195.84 ft. in a southwesterly direction along the common
  line between said Grein and APMI Athens Limited Partnership tract,
  same being the northwest right of way line of said 40 ft. wide
  easement, in a curve to the left having a central angle of 25° 30'
  07", the radius being 440.00 ft. and the chord bears S 39° 49' 48" W
  194.23 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found marking the P.T. of said curve;
  Thence S 27° 06' 11" W 128.38 ft. along the common line between said
  Grein and APMI Athens Limited Partnership tract, same being the
  northwest right of way line of said 40 ft. wide easement, to a 1/2"
  iron rod found marking an angle point in said line;
  Thence S 30° 47' 28" W 100.83 ft. along the common line between said
  Grein and APMI Athens Limited Partnership tract, same being the
  northwest right of way line of said 40 ft. wide easement, to a 1/2"
  iron rod found marking an angle point in said line;
  Thence S 50° 23' 48" W 49.15 ft. along the common line between said
  Grein and APMI Athens Limited Partnership tract, same being the
  northwest right of way line of said 40 ft. wide easement, to a 1/2"
  iron rod found marking an angle point in said line;
  Thence S 76° 04' 14" W 34.85 ft. along the common line between said
  Grein and APMI Athens Limited Partnership tract, same being the
  northwest right of way line of said 40 ft. wide easement, to a 1/2"
  iron rod found marking an angle point in said line;
  Thence N 75° 22' 58" W 32.67 ft. along the common line between said
  Grein and APMI Athens Limited Partnership tract, same being the
  northwest right of way line of said 40 ft. wide easement, to a 1/2"
  iron rod found marking an angle point in said line;
  Thence S 14° 37' 02" W 40.00 ft. along the common line between said
  Grein and APMI Athens Limited Partnership tract, over and across
  said 40 ft. wide easement, to a 1/2" iron
  rod found marking a common corner between said Grein tract, said
  APMI Athens Limited Partnership 97.731 acre tract and the 25.00
  acre tract described in deed to APMI Athens Limited Partnership
  recorded under Clerk's File No. 06-3040, Page 13118 of said
  Official Public Records, located on the west right of way line of
  said 40 ft. wide easement, said point being the most southern corner
  of the herein described 210.598 acre tract;
  Thence along the common line between said Grein tract and said APMI
  Athens Limited Partnership 25.000 acre tract, same being the west
  right of way line of said 40 ft. wide easement, as follows:
  1.  N 75° 33' 58" W 75.87 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  2.  N 80° 28' 19" W 90.22 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  3.  S 84° 38' 07" W 56.88 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found marking the
  P.C. of a curve;
  4.  84.67 ft. in a northwesterly direction in a curve to the right
  having a central angle of 61° 23' 34", the radius being 79.02
  ft. and the chord bears N 64° 46' 27" W 80.68 ft. to a 1/2" iron
  rod found marking the P.T. of said curve;
  5.  N 34° 05' 08" W 249.87 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  6.  N 29° 00' 00" W 121.63 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found marking the
  P.C. of a curve;
  7.  60.06 ft. in a northwesterly direction, in a curve to the left
  having a central angle of 15° 38' 32", the
  radius being 220.00 ft. and the chord bears N
  36° 54' 27" W 59.88 ft. to an iron rod found
  marking the P.T. of said curve;
  8.  N 44° 35' 11" W 93.35 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod found marking the
  P.C. of a curve;
  9.  100.26 ft. in a northerly direction, in a curve to the right
  having a central angle of 52° 50' 54", the radius being 108.70
  ft. and the chord bears N 18° 16' 44" W 96.75 ft. to a 1/2" iron
  rod set marking the P.T. of said curve, said point also being
  the east common corner between said APMI Athens Limited
  Partnership 25.000 acres and the 74.981 acres described in deed
  to APMI Athens Limited Partnership recorded under Clerk's File
  No. 06-3039, Page 13107 of said Official Public Records;
  Thence along the common line between said Grein tract and said APMI
  Athens Limited Partnership 74.981 acre tract, same being the west
  right of way line of said 40 ft. wide easement, as follows:
  1.  N 08° 10' 52" E 90.66 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found for corner;
  2.  N 11° 28' 04" E 141.70 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found for corner;
  3.  N 19° 24' 39" E 112.50 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found marking the
  P.C. of a curve;
  4.  81.15 ft. in a northerly direction, in a curve to the left
  having a central angle of 41° 30' 56", the radius being 112.00
  ft. and the chord bears N 01° 32' 09" W 79.39 ft. to a 1 /2" iron
  rod found marking the P.T. of said curve;
  5.  N 21° 37' 32" W 75.15 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found marking the
  P.C. of a curve;
  6.  112.68 ft. in a northerly direction, in a curve to the right
  having a central angle of 24° 19' 02", the radius being 265.50
  ft. and the chord bears N 09° 32' 22" W 111.84 ft. to a 1 /2" iron
  rod found marking the P.T. of said curve;
  7.  N 01° 56' 33" E 131.34 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found marking the
  P.C. of a curve;
  8.  248.54 ft. in a northerly direction, in a curve to the right
  having a central angle of 11° 34' 39", the radius being 1,230.00
  ft. and the chord bears N 08° 01' 51" E 248.12 ft. to a 1 /2" iron
  rod found marking the P.T. of said curve;
  9.  N 13° 48' 30" E 83.54 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found for corner;
  10.  N 11° 03' 29" E 222.77 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found marking the
  P.C. of a curve;
  11.  183.80 ft. in a northerly direction, in a curve to the left
  having a central angle of 31° 40' 18", the radius being 332.50
  ft. and the chord bears N 04° 47' 44" W 181.47 ft. to a 1 /2" iron
  rod found marking the P.T. of said curve;
  12.  N 20° 36' 31" W 173.64 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found for corner;
  13.  N 27° 43' 41" W 150.69 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found for corner;
  14.  N 22° 59' 48" W 122.02 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found for corner;
  15.  N 30° 51' 55" W 155.08 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found marking the
  northwest corner of the herein described
  210.598 acre tract;
  16.  N 41° 17' 21" E, at 42.03 ft. pass the east right of way line of
  said 40 ft. wide easement, and continuing N 41° 17' 21" E, along
  said common line, in all a total distance of 253.23 ft. to a
  1/2" iron rod found for corner;
  17.  N 59° 52' 24" E 809.57 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found for corner;
  18.  N 61° 52' 14" E 245.46 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found for corner;
  19.  N 60° 02' 41" E 355.17 ft. to a 1 /2" iron rod found for corner;
  20.  N 52° 50' 21" E 1,851.42 ft. to the place of beginning and
  containing within these bounds 210.599 acres
  of land.
  Bearings for this survey are based on deed call for the most
  northerly northwest line of the called 210.619 acres described in
  deed to Darrell L. Grein recorded in Volume 188, Page 586 of the
  Official Public Records of San Jacinto County, Texas.
         SECTION 3.  (a)  The legal notice of the intention to
  introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
  Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
  copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
  officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished
  under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313,
  Government Code.
         (b)  The governor, one of the required recipients, has
  submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality.
         (c)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed
  its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor, the
  lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
  representatives within the required time.
         (d)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
  state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
  to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled
  and accomplished.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
  ______________________________ ______________________________
     President of the Senate Speaker of the House     
         I hereby certify that S.B. No. 2518 passed the Senate on
  May 7, 2009, by the following vote:  Yeas 31, Nays 0.
  Secretary of the Senate    
         I hereby certify that S.B. No. 2518 passed the House on
  May 26, 2009, by the following vote:  Yeas 146, Nays 0, one
  present not voting.
  Chief Clerk of the House   