By: Lucio, Van de Putte S.C.R. No. 22
         WHEREAS, The Medal of Honor is the nation's highest
  decoration for valor in combat awarded to members of the United
  States armed forces; generally presented to recipients by the
  president of the United States on congress's behalf, it is often
  called the Congressional Medal of Honor; and
         WHEREAS, First authorized in 1861 for United States Navy and
  Marine Corps personnel and for United States Army soldiers the
  following year, Medals of Honor are awarded sparingly and bestowed
  only on those individuals performing documented acts of gallant
  heroism against an enemy force; and
         WHEREAS, Since congress authorized the award, 70 Medals of
  Honor have been accredited to the State of Texas, yet other Texans
  have similarly distinguished themselves by acts of courageous
  gallantry in combat no less deserving of such recognition; one such
  individual is Marcelino Serna, a native of Mexico whose unflinching
  and selfless bravery and acts of uncommon valor on the battlefields
  of World War I made him one of Texas' most decorated heroes; and
         WHEREAS, Born in the Mexican state of Chihuahua in 1896, he
  came to the United States as a young man in search of a better life,
  working various jobs in Texas, Kansas, and Colorado; and
         WHEREAS, In 1917, Mr. Serna was working in Colorado when the
  United States, unable to remain neutral any longer while war raged
  in Europe, declared war on Germany; later that year, federal
  officials in Denver, Colorado, gathered a group of men and held them
  until their draft status could be verified; and
         WHEREAS, Included in this group, Mr. Serna chose not to wait
  for such verification and instead volunteered for service in the
  United States Army; after only three weeks of training, 20-year-old
  Private Serna was shipped to England, where he was assigned to the
  355th Infantry of the 89th Division, a unit that was to see action
  in some of the most arduous campaigns of the war; and
         WHEREAS, By the time the unit arrived in France, Private
  Serna's status as a noncitizen had come to light, and he was
  consequently offered a discharge from the army; given the
  opportunity to return home, Private Serna refused the discharge,
  choosing to stay with his unit as it began its advance toward the
  Meuse River and Argonne Forest in northeastern France; and
         WHEREAS, At Saint Mihiel, Private Serna's unit was moving
  through thick brush when a German machine gunner opened fire,
  killing 12 American soldiers; with his lieutenant's permission,
  Private Serna, a scout, continued forward, dodging machine-gun fire
  until he reached the gunner's left flank; and
         WHEREAS, Having come through a hail of bullets unscathed,
  despite being hit twice in the helmet, Private Serna got close
  enough to lob four grenades into the machine-gun nest, killing six
  enemy soldiers and taking into custody the eight survivors, who
  quickly surrendered to the lone American soldier; and
         WHEREAS, This encounter was followed shortly by an even more
  astounding feat when, during his second scouting mission in the
  Meuse-Argonne campaign, Private Serna captured 24 German soldiers
  with his Enfield rifle and grenades, an episode that began when he
  spied a sniper walking on a trench bank; and
         WHEREAS, Although the sniper was about 200 yards away,
  Private Serna shot and wounded him, then followed the wounded
  German's trail into a trench, where he discovered several more
  enemy soldiers; opening fire, Private Serna killed three of the
  enemy and scattered the others in that initial burst; and
         WHEREAS, Frequently changing positions, Private Serna fooled
  the enemy into thinking they were under fire from several
  Americans, keeping up the ruse until he was close enough to lob
  three grenades into the German dugout; in about 45 minutes of
  furious action, Private Serna managed to kill 26 German soldiers
  and capture another 24, whom he held captive by himself until his
  unit arrived; and
         WHEREAS, Enduring several months of combat action largely
  unharmed, Private Serna was shot in both legs by a sniper four days
  before the Armistice; while he was convalescing in an army hospital
  in France, General John J. Pershing, commander-in-chief of the
  American Expeditionary Forces, decorated Private Serna with the
  Distinguished Service Cross, the second highest American combat
  medal; and
         WHEREAS, Private Serna also received two French Croix de
  Guerre with Palm medals, the French Medaille Militaire, the French
  Commemorative Medal, the Italian Cross of Merit, the World War I
  Victory Medal, the Victory Medal with three campaign bars, the
  Saint Mihiel Medal, the Verdun Medal, and two Purple Hearts; and
         WHEREAS, Discharged from the army in 1919, Marcelino Serna
  settled in El Paso, where he became a United States citizen, entered
  the civil service, and lived out his retirement years until his
  death in 1992; although he lived the most ordinary of lives after
  the war, Mr. Serna was, for a brief moment in time, an extraordinary
  hero whose remarkable feats of bravery under fire elevated him into
  the pantheon of American heroes; and
         WHEREAS, In 1993, Texas Congressman Ronald D. Coleman
  introduced a measure in the 103rd Congress to waive certain
  statutory time limits on awarding the Medal of Honor and thus bestow
  on Marcelino Serna the proper recognition he so richly deserves;
  unfortunately, the measure did not receive a proper hearing,
  thereby denying the legacy of Mr. Serna its proper place in history;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 81st Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby respectfully urge the Congress of the United States to
  reopen consideration of this case to posthumously award the Medal
  of Honor to World War I hero Marcelino Serna; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official
  copies of this resolution to the president of the United States, to
  the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the
  senate of the United States Congress, and to all the members of the
  Texas delegation to the congress with the request that this
  resolution be officially entered in the Congressional Record as a
  memorial to the Congress of the United States of America.