By: Deuell S.C.R. No. 25
         WHEREAS, A distinguished career in the field of education
  drew to a close with the retirement of Linda Muhl from Dr. John D.
  Horn High School in Mesquite in May 2008; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Aquilla, Linda Muhl moved to Mesquite at the
  age of four and graduated from Mesquite High School in 1955; she is
  the mother of four children, Andy, Peter, Kip, and Sally, and she
  and her husband, Andrew H. Muhl, Jr., have also welcomed 10
  grandchildren and a great-granddaughter into their family; and
         WHEREAS, Mrs. Muhl enrolled in college at age 36, and she
  joined the faculty at North Mesquite High School six years later;
  her tenure at the school extended for 20 years, during which she
  taught social studies and English; she went on to establish the
  Gifted Department at Horn High School, teaching there for nine
  years; and
         WHEREAS, This outstanding educator emphasized discovery in
  her classes, and she often recited insightful sayings to her
  students, such as "making a difference in this world is much more
  important than getting a big paycheck" and "no kind thoughts are
  ever meaningful left unshared"; one of her favorite maxims is
  especially well remembered by many of her students: "do not let life
  pass you by like a train in the night; jump aboard, seizing every
  opportunity possible"; this phrase not only inspired many young
  people to take account of the opportunities available to them, but
  also summed up the positive approach that Mrs. Muhl took in her own
  life in realizing her dream of becoming an educator; and
         WHEREAS, Several prestigious accolades have come to Mrs. Muhl
  over the course of her 29-year career, including induction into the
  Mesquite Independent School District Apple Corps, an honor society
  for local teachers, and selection as Outstanding High School
  Teacher of the Year for 2000 by the Texas Council of Teachers of
  English; in addition, she holds life memberships in the North
  Mesquite High School and John Horn High School Parent Teacher
  Associations; and
         WHEREAS, Educators as enthusiastic and inspiring as Linda
  Muhl are deserving of the highest respect, and her exceptional
  vitality and dedication have made a lasting and positive impression
  on her students and her fellow teachers; a great asset to the
  Mesquite ISD throughout her tenure, she may indeed reflect with
  pride on a career well spent; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 81st Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby congratulate Linda Muhl on her retirement from Horn High
  School in Mesquite and extend to her sincere best wishes for the
  future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mrs. Muhl as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives and Senate.