81R16010 BPG-D
  By: West S.C.R. No. 57
         WHEREAS, Extended families have long played an important role
  in raising children when parents are unable or unwilling to do so;
         WHEREAS, The 2000 U.S. Census found that across the country,
  more than six million children were living in a household headed by
  grandparents or other relatives; studies have found that such
  kinship care provides numerous benefits; kinship placements tend to
  be more permanent than foster care, and children gain a greater
  sense of stability when they are loved and cared for in a familiar
  setting by people they know and trust; kinship caregivers help
  sustain extended family connections, continue lifelong traditions
  and memories, and reinforce a child's sense of cultural identity
  and self-esteem; and
         WHEREAS, Although kinship placements bring many advantages,
  the caregivers tend to be single, as well as older and less well off
  than foster parents; in addition, kinship guardians today receive
  fewer services for themselves and the children in their care; the
  lack of financial resources and support services can lead to
  difficulties that send children back into paid foster care;
  accordingly, kinship programs have been developed across the nation
  to help relatives cope with the responsibilities of child rearing
  by providing assistance similar to that received by foster parents;
         WHEREAS, The 80th Texas Legislature showed its support for
  kinship caregivers in Rider 31 in Article II of House Bill 1
  (Appropriations Act), which directed the Department of Family and
  Protective Services to maximize federal funding for kinship
  guardianship programs by developing and submitting or applying for
  a waiver that would allow the State of Texas to use Title IV-E of the
  Social Security Act or any other federal funds available for such
  programs; and
         WHEREAS, In October 2008, Congress enacted the Fostering
  Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act, which provides
  federal resources to support kinship care; states are permitted to
  claim federal reimbursement under Title IV-E for a part of the cost
  of providing kinship guardianship assistance to every eligible
  child who leaves foster care for placement with a grandparent or
  other relative who has chosen to become the legal guardian; by
  taking advantage of this funding, the State of Texas can help
  kinship caregivers provide loving homes where children can thrive;
         WHEREAS, It is the intent of the legislature to take full
  advantage of federal funds, including funds available for
  subsidized guardianship programs for kinship caregivers as
  provided by the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing
  Adoptions Act (P.L. 110-351); now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 81st Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby direct the Health and Human Services Commission to seek
  federal funds available under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act
  and to pursue all available funding for the support of kinship
  caregivers; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official
  copies of this resolution to the executive commissioner of the
  Health and Human Services Commission and to the commissioner of the
  Department of Family and Protective Services.