WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize Ted Collins, Jr., who is the recipient of the 2008 Top
  Hand Award from the Permian Basin Petroleum Association; and
         WHEREAS, Ted Collins began his career in the Permian Basin
  as a petroleum engineer with Pan American Petroleum Corporation
  in Andrews in 1960; although his remarkable career has taken him
  all across North America, he has called Midland his home since he
  opened his first office there more than four decades ago, and he
  still touts the advantages of participating in the oil and gas
  industry in the Permian Basin; and
         WHEREAS, Ted's father, C. O. Ted Collins, was one of Fort
  Worth's pioneer oilmen, and following in his footsteps, Ted has
  carved out an exceptionally successful oil and gas career; for
  his many contributions to the industry and for his dedication to
  the American Association of Professional Landmen and the Permian
  Basin Landmen's Association, he was honored with a lifetime
  achievement award in 2006; and
         WHEREAS, One of the founders of Fort Worth's American
  Quasar Petroleum Company, he also served as president of Houston
  Natural Gas, which became Enron, during the 1980s; he was
  president of Collins and Ware, Incorporated, from 1988 to 2000;
  he then served as president of Collins and Ware Investments
  Company, and he is currently active in the Permian Basin as
  chairman and chief executive officer of Patriot Resources
  Partners, LLC; Mr. Collins is also active in the Barnett Shale
  gas play in North Texas and the Bakken Shale oil play in North
  Dakota; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to his significant contributions to
  the oil and gas industry, Ted Collins has served on The
  University of Texas Development Board and in a number of civic
  capacities in the Midland community, and he is highly respected
  for his leadership and exceptional accomplishments; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby commend Ted Collins, Jr., on the prominent
  role he has played in the oil and gas industry and extend
  congratulations to him on earning the Permian Basin Petroleum
  Association's 2008 Top Hand Award; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared in
  honor of Ted Collins, Jr.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on January 26, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate