WHEREAS, The future of Texas depends on today's children
  and youth growing into thriving adults; and
         WHEREAS, The safety, strength, preparedness, prosperity,
  and pride of Texas are preserved when Texan children and youth
  are protected from harm, supported in their health and
  development, provided with education to help them succeed, given
  the love and security they need to grow, and offered the
  resources to solve the problems of tomorrow; and
         WHEREAS, Texans Care For Children is a nonpartisan,
  nonprofit organization that works to improve outcomes for all
  Texas children and brings together a broad coalition of Texans in
  a shared campaign to put children first and improve their lives
  by making the well-being of children a priority for the Lone Star
  State; and
         WHEREAS, Texas Network of Youth Services is a nonprofit
  membership association of youth-serving agencies and advocates
  that is dedicated to enhancing the professionalism and
  effectiveness of community-based agencies serving youth and
  families in Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Youth in Action is a program of the Texas Network
  of Youth Services that provides young people in at-risk
  situations with opportunities to learn firsthand about
  citizenship, leadership, and public policy; and
         WHEREAS, Children At Risk is a nonpartisan, nonprofit
  organization that drives change for children through research,
  education, and public policy to improve the health, safety, and
  economic indicators affecting the quality of life for children in
  the Greater Houston area; and
         WHEREAS, Hundreds of constituents and youth from
  throughout Texas and representatives of 34 faith-based and
  community-based organizations that are cosponsoring this event
  have come to the Capitol on this day to request that state leaders
  pledge to put children first in their decision-making in order to
  create a solid foundation for the future economic development and
  well-being of Texas; and
         WHEREAS, The dedication of a special day to discuss
  critical issues affecting young Texans and to strengthen and
  renew our shared commitment to securing and ensuring the
  well-being of the children of this state is indeed a worthwhile
  endeavor; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby recognize February 4, 2009, as Voices for
  Change Day and commend Texans Care For Children, the Texas
  Network of Youth Services, and Children At Risk for their
  significant contributions to the children of Texas; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  the organizers of this important event as an expression of high
  regard from the Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 4, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate