WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  join the citizens and community leaders of Pecos County in
  celebrating Pecos County Day at the State Capitol on February 9,
  2009; and
         WHEREAS, Established in 1871, Pecos County covers an area
  of more than 4,700 square miles in southwest Texas and has some
  17,000 residents; it is the second-largest county in the state
  and is named for the Pecos River, which flows along its northern
  boundary; and
         WHEREAS, Pecos County's historical importance dates back
  into prehistory; archeological excavations at Squawteat Peak
  have revealed a large prehistoric camp with numerous artifacts
  and signs of human occupation, and archeological finds along
  Tunas Creek include a burial site, pictographs, and artifacts;
         WHEREAS, Traders on the Chihuahua Trail passed through the
  area by Comanche Springs about 1840; the first permanent
  settlement was Fort Stockton, a United States Army outpost
  established in 1859; the nearby town of St. Gall became a supply
  center for the army, mail stages, and wagon trains and was later
  renamed Fort Stockton and became the county seat; and
         WHEREAS, Communities grew rapidly after the construction
  of the railroad across the county in 1913; irrigation projects
  boosted agricultural production, and hundreds of acres were
  planted with cotton and sorghum; since the discovery of oil in
  the Yates field in 1927, oil and gas production has dominated the
  local economy, but the county is also known for its production of
  sheep, goats, cattle, and hogs and the cultivation of onions,
  peppers, melons, and pecans; and
         WHEREAS, Residents of Pecos County can take pride in the
  important contributions their county has made in the history and
  development of this state; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby extend a warm welcome to the representatives
  from Pecos County and recognize February 9, 2009, as Pecos County
  Day at the State Capitol; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared as a
  memento of this special day.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 9, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate