WHEREAS, February 16 through 20, 2009, is being celebrated
  as Texas Technology Week in order to increase public awareness of
  the extraordinary achievements of these industries and the vital
  role they play in the prosperity of the Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, Sponsoring Texas Technology Week are TechAmerica,
  the Texas Healthcare and Bioscience Institute, TechNet Texas,
  the Metroplex Technology Business Council, the Texas Association
  of Business, the Texas Coalition for Capital, and the Solar
  Alliance; and
         WHEREAS, The technology and life-sciences industries and
  research institutions of Texas are achieving leading-edge
  advances in medicine, space exploration, computing,
  communications, energy, and transportation, revolutionizing the
  world we live in; within the state, these industries employ more
  Texans than do the oil, natural gas, and agriculture industries
  combined, and their high-wage, highly skilled jobs contribute to
  a diverse and growing economy; and
         WHEREAS, People around the globe have benefitted
  immeasurably from the medical treatments and devices developed
  by Texas companies, and the Texas Healthcare and Bioscience
  Institute, whose membership includes research institutions,
  regional economic development entities and communities, and
  biotechnology, medical device, and pharmaceutical companies,
  acknowledges that in 2006, one of almost every 23 U.S.
  biotechnology employees worked in Texas; nine recipients of
  biotechnology-related Nobel Prizes, National Medals of Science,
  or National Medals of Technology are based in this state; in
  2007, the National Institutes of Health awarded more than $1
  billion in grants and awards to entities in the State of Texas;
  and Texas biotechnology-related patent growth is outpacing the
  national average; and
         WHEREAS, The life-sciences industry constitutes a
  significant pillar of the Texas economy, including approximately
  3,200 establishments employing over 85,400 Texans, with the
  promise of continued job growth for many years to come; and
         WHEREAS, TechAmerica, the nation's largest high-technology
  trade group, reports that Texas ranks second in the country in
  high-tech employment, with some 459,000 jobs, and 56 of every
  1,000 private sector workers in our state are employed by
  high-tech firms; moreover, Texas ranks second among all states in
  terms of its high-tech employment, and ninth among all the states
  in terms of its high-tech average wage, a wage nearly double that
  of the average private sector worker, which allows the industry
  to provide an aggregate high-tech payroll of $37.5 billion; the
  importance of this industry to Texans is further underscored by
  the fact that high-tech product exports exceed $35.9 billion and
  account for 21 percent of the state's international exports; and
         WHEREAS, All sectors of the high-technology and
  life-sciences community are joining together this week to
  discuss the major issues facing their industries and to affirm
  their support for a strong system of public and higher education,
  a critical factor in providing the highly skilled workforce on
  which these industries depend; and
         WHEREAS, The technology and life-sciences industries have
  become a tremendous engine of economic growth in the State of
  Texas, and the benefits of their research and production enrich
  people the world over; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby recognize February 16 through 20, 2009, as
  Texas Technology Week and commend its sponsors for their
  outstanding efforts in promoting research, development,
  products, services, and manufacturing in the State of Texas; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared in
  honor of Texas Technology Week.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 18, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate