WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize March 3, 2009, as Cotton Day at the State Capitol in
  honor of the significant role cotton has played in the economic
  history of Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Cotton farming began in Texas as early as 1745 and
  was practiced by Spanish missionaries living around present-day
  San Antonio; later, Anglo-American colonists who traveled to
  Texas with Stephen F. Austin would begin cultivating cotton on
  their settlements between the Trinity and Brazos Rivers; and
         WHEREAS, In the late 1850s and early 1860s, a sharp rise in
  cotton production occurred when new areas for planting were
  opened with the westward push of Texas settlers; and
         WHEREAS, Several developments aided cotton production in
  West Texas, an arid region devoted to ranching; inventions like
  barbed wire, along with the expansion of the railroad and
  improved methods of irrigation, allowed cotton to be grown in the
  plains and the prairies of the Panhandle by the early 20th
  century; and
         WHEREAS, Because of its pervasiveness, cotton earned the
  title of "King" in Texas; today, cotton is still King in Texas, as
  our state's annual cotton harvest accounts for approximately one
  third of the nation's total cotton production; and
         WHEREAS, Since 1999, the annual cotton crop yield in Texas
  has averaged 5.8 million bales; the total value of upland and
  pima lint cotton produced in Texas in 2007 was $1.8 billion, and
  cottonseed value in 2007 was $343.4 million; and
         WHEREAS, Due to improved seed cotton varieties, along with
  the recent success of the Boll Weevil Eradication Program in
  Texas, cotton production for the last five years has averaged
  seven million bales, allowing the state to account for 35.5
  percent of our nation's total production; and
         WHEREAS, In this new millennium, uses for cotton are ever
  increasing; in addition to using its fiber for cloth, cottonseeds
  are now used for cooking oils, bio-diesel fuel, livestock feed,
  and cleansing products, as well as for various other products
  made from its linters, hulls, and meats; and
         WHEREAS, Texas is a major supplier of cotton, not only for
  the United States, but for the world; major buyers of Texas
  cotton are located in Asia, Central America, and Mexico; and
         WHEREAS, Consumers around the world prefer the natural
  fiber and renewable qualities of cotton; and
         WHEREAS, The state is especially proud of its tradition of
  cotton growth and production; cotton is a versatile crop which
  affords thousands of Texans their livelihood, and those citizens
  associated with its production are deserving of legislative
  recognition; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby extend a warm welcome to all those associated
  with the cotton industry who are visiting Austin on this day and
  best wishes for an enjoyable Cotton Day at the State Capitol;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  the cotton industry as an expression of appreciation from the
  Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 23, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate