WHEREAS, Members of the government honors program at The
  University of Texas at Dallas are visiting the State Capitol on
  March 3, 2009, to gain further insight into the workings of state
  government; and
         WHEREAS, The School of Economic, Political and Policy
  Sciences at The University of Texas at Dallas offers outstanding
  programs in such challenging disciplines as political science,
  public affairs, public policy, and political economy; the
  university has won recognition for its commitment to fostering
  interest in state government, policy making, and civic
  responsibility among students in the school's Collegium V Honors
  Program and the McDermott Scholars Program through the Center for
  the Study of Texas Politics; and
         WHEREAS, The accomplished young men and women who are
  currently studying Texas politics and leadership in these
  programs have demonstrated the impressive drive and commitment
  that will continue to serve them well beyond their days at The
  University of Texas at Dallas, and it is indeed appropriate to
  honor the university and these future leaders of the Lone Star
  State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby commend The University of Texas at Dallas for
  the rich educational opportunities that it offers and extend an
  official welcome to the university's president, Dr. David
  Daniel, to the director of the Center for the Study of Texas
  Politics, Professor Greg Thielemann, and to the members of the
  government honors program visiting on this day.
  Carona, Shapiro
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on March 2, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate
         Member, Texas Senate