WHEREAS, All children need love, guidance, and safety and
  deserve to grow up in an environment free of violence and
  physical harm; and
         WHEREAS, Child abuse and neglect are a serious and
  widespread problem in the State of Texas; and
         WHEREAS, In 2007 alone, the Texas Department of Family and
  Protective Services received more than 240,000 reports of child
  abuse and neglect, and 223 Texas children died as a result of
  abuse or neglect; most of the victims are infants or preschool
  children; and
         WHEREAS, The direct costs of child abuse and neglect
  include the costs of judicial, law enforcement, and health system
  responses to child maltreatment; in Texas, the costs associated
  with investigation, care, placement, and treatment of child
  abuse and neglect cases approach $900 million per year; and
         WHEREAS, The enormous costs of child abuse and neglect can
  be reduced by well-funded and robust child abuse prevention and
  early intervention programs that break the cycle of violence; and
         WHEREAS, There are a number of effective programs that
  prevent child abuse and neglect, including early childhood
  education and health care, substance abuse treatment programs,
  home visitation programs, and parenting programs; and
         WHEREAS, Thousands of child protection workers, medical
  and legal professionals, clergy members, social workers, school
  teachers, and other adults devote themselves to preventing,
  detecting, and addressing the effects of child abuse and neglect;
         WHEREAS, Thousands of Texans serve as foster parents each
  year, opening their homes and hearts to children who have
  suffered child abuse and neglect and protecting them from further
  harm; and
         WHEREAS, Thousands of children are adopted by loving
  parents each year in Texas, providing them with a new start in
  life after they have experienced maltreatment; and
         WHEREAS, It is possible to fight child abuse and neglect
  with community-based programs that reflect the diversity,
  strengths, and resources of the many communities in this great
  state, and it is a worthy goal for all citizens to seek to break
  the cycle of child abuse and neglect in our country and to give
  victimized children hope for the future; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby recognize April as Child Abuse Prevention
  Month and commend all Texans who work on behalf of the abused and
  neglected children of our state; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared in
  recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on April 7, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate