WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  join the VA Heart of Texas Health Care Network and Texans across
  the state in celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Department
  of Veterans Affairs; and
         WHEREAS, The VA Heart of Texas Health Care Network serves a
  population of more than one million veterans residing in 134
  Texas counties stretching from the Oklahoma border to the Lower
  Rio Grande Valley; and
         WHEREAS, The network is an integrated health care system
  that provides optimal access, scope, and quality care to those
  who have so ably served our country in the armed services; and
         WHEREAS, With 10,000 health care professionals providing
  state-of-the-art health care, education, and research at nearly
  40 community-based clinics and larger medical centers, the
  network stands poised to grow and to continue serving our
  nation's veterans; the network's nursing homes, domiciliaries,
  spinal cord injury centers, and blind rehabilitation center
  offer a full range of primary care and specialty care services; and
         WHEREAS, The Department of Veterans Affairs was created as
  a cabinet-level department on March 15, 1989, from the Veterans
  Administration; the department has served our nation with
  distinction and is truly deserving of recognition as it
  celebrates its 20th anniversary; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby commend the VA Heart of Texas Health Care
  Network on its exceptional efforts in aiding our nation's
  veterans and extend best wishes as the network marks the 20th
  anniversary of the Department of Veterans Affairs; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared in
  honor of this special occasion.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on April 14, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate