In Memory
  J. R. Grijalva
         WHEREAS, The citizens of El Paso lost an admired law
  enforcement professional with the passing of J. R. Grijalva, on
  January 31, 2008, at the age of 57; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Grijalva graduated from Stephen F. Austin
  High School and answered his nation's call to duty with service
  in the United States Air Force; opting to pursue a career in law
  enforcement, he graduated from the El Paso Police Academy in
  1974; he then embarked on an exceptional career with the El Paso
  Police Department, beginning as a patrol officer and going on to
  fulfill assignments in many other areas of the department,
  including traffic, the training academy, detective operations,
  internal affairs, and airport security; and
         WHEREAS, This dedicated officer advanced steadily through
  the ranks, receiving promotions to sergeant, lieutenant,
  captain, assistant chief, and deputy chief, and he was ultimately
  placed in command of the department when he was named interim
  chief; in October of 2000, he retired from the El Paso Police
  Department after 26 distinguished years of service; and
         WHEREAS, He then devoted himself to a new professional
  challenge by becoming chief of police for El Paso Community
  College, and his skill and expertise transformed the school's
  security personnel into a first-class police force; Chief
  Grijalva also furthered his education during this period,
  earning an associate's degree in criminal justice in 2003 and a
  bachelor's degree in criminal justice administration in 2005 and
  completing the requirements for a master's degree in 2007; and
         WHEREAS, Chief Grijalva received numerous accolades
  throughout his career, including three mayoral commendations and
  recognition by the former sheriff of El Paso County and the Las
  Vegas Metropolitan Police Department; moreover, he served as
  director of the executive board of the El Paso Municipal Police
  Officers Association and has been honored with the creation of a
  permanent annual scholarship in his memory by ASIS
  International; and
         WHEREAS, In all of his endeavors, Mr. Grijalva enjoyed the
  love and support of his wife, Patty, with whom he enjoyed 13
  rewarding years of marriage; he also took great pride in his two
  sons, Robert and Chad, and his daughter, LaJoi; and
         WHEREAS, Though his time on this earth ended far too
  soon, J. R. Grijalva made a meaningful contribution to his
  community through his dedicated efforts to serve and protect his
  fellow citizens, and his integrity and achievements will be
  fondly remembered by his family, friends, and fellow officers for
  years to come; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby pay tribute to the life of J. R. Grijalva and
  extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family:  to his
  wife, Patty Grijalva; to his sons, Robert David Grijalva and Chad
  Conley; to his daughter, LaJoi Hale; to his sisters, Astrid
  Grijalva and Suzanne Gomez; to his brother, Robert Anthony
  Grijalva; to his in-laws, Gary and Ann Marsh; and to his other
  relatives and many friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  his family, and that when the Senate adjourns this day, it do so
  in memory of J. R. Grijalva.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 6, 2009, by a
    rising vote.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate