WHEREAS, Texas is a diverse state with many different
  ecological and hydrogeological regions and a wide range of
  rainfall, surface water, and groundwater availability; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas Water Development Board estimates that
  Texas' population will more than double between 2000 and 2060,
  growing from about 21 million to about 46 million people; that
  the demand for water will increase by 27 percent, from almost 17
  million acre-feet of water in 2000 to 21.6 million acre-feet in
  2060; and that existing water supplies will decrease by about 18
  percent, from about 17.9 million acre-feet in 2010 to about 14.6
  million acre-feet in 2060; and
         WHEREAS, One of the easiest and most cost-effective
  solutions for many parts of the state to help meet water supply
  needs now and in the future is water conservation, which is the
  reduction of overall demand for water and the increase in
  efficiency of water systems: consuming less, wasting less, and
  reusing more; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas Legislature has recognized the
  importance of water conservation, most recently with the 80th
  Legislature's passage of Senate Bill 3 and House Bill 4, which
  adopted several water conservation measures and created the
  Water Conservation Advisory Council in order to develop a library
  of best conservation practices and report biennially to the
  legislature on progress of water conservation efforts; and
         WHEREAS, The 2007 State Water Plan recommends that 600,000
  acre-feet of municipal water be conserved statewide, and many
  believe additional water conservation is achievable by a number
  of new conservation methods including increased energy
  efficiency; and
         WHEREAS, Some regional water plans set ambitious water
  conservation goals and must meet those goals to be able to match
  water demand with water supply; and
         WHEREAS, Most cities are required by state law to develop
  written water conservation plans, and several cities have
  adopted exemplary water conservation programs; and
         WHEREAS, Education about water conservation opportunities
  and practices is needed for consumers, municipal users,
  agriculture, and industry; and
         WHEREAS, Many in Texas are helping take the lead in
  educating Texans about the need to conserve water and are helping
  identify and implement water conservation strategies, including
  the Texas Water Development Board, the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality, the Parks and Wildlife Department, the
  Department of Agriculture, the Texas Water Foundation,
  groundwater conservation districts, water utilities and
  irrigation districts, river authorities, communities,
  businesses, nonprofit organizations, and individuals; and
         WHEREAS, The legislature recognizes the critical
  importance of bringing together water conservation leaders,
  educating Texans about water conservation opportunities and
  practices, and promoting the need for additional conservation;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby commend Texans across the state on their
  efforts to conserve water, urge Texans to continue and expand
  these efforts, and proclaim May 21, 2009, Texas Water
  Conservation Day at the State Capitol; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  the participating organizations as an expression of esteem from
  the Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 21, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate