WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize Mercy Ships, which for more than 30 years has delivered
  free, world-class health care services to those without access in
  more than 70 developing nations with its fleet of hospital ships;
         WHEREAS, Mercy Ships was founded in 1978 by Don and Deyon
  Stephens of Garden Valley, Texas, who were recently presented
  with the Variety Club Humanitarian Award in London by His Royal
  Highness Prince Michael of Kent; and
         WHEREAS, The Variety Club Humanitarian Award is given to
  those who have shown unusual understanding, empathy, and
  devotion to mankind, and it is acknowledged as one of the
  foremost honors an individual can receive; and
         WHEREAS, Since its inception, Mercy Ships has made
  significant strides toward fulfilling its goal of bringing hope
  and healing to the forgotten poor; through the years, it has
  served more than 2.16 million people, delivered services valued
  at more than $748 million, and completed more than 900
  construction and agriculture projects, including schools,
  clinics, and orphanages; and
         WHEREAS, Mercy Ships operates the Africa Mercy, the world's
  largest nongovernmental hospital ship, which is equipped with
  six operating rooms and berth capacity for some 484 people; the
  ship and crew provide up to 7,000 surgical interventions onboard
  every year, including cataract and tumor removal, cleft lip and
  palate reconstruction, orthopedic repair, and obstetric fistula
  repair; and
         WHEREAS, The crew of the Africa Mercy includes members from
  more than 35 nations; volunteers from the ship go ashore to
  provide dental and oral health care education, immunizations,
  and lessons on a variety of community health issues; they also
  offer palliative home care for terminally ill patients and
  support for their families; and
         WHEREAS, The founders, staff, and volunteers of Mercy
  Ships have had a deep and lasting effect on the struggle for
  global health, and their compassion, their dedication, and their
  indefatigable efforts in behalf of those in need are truly an
  inspiration to us all; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby pay tribute to Mercy Ships on its exemplary
  contributions to global health and extend to all those associated
  with this extraordinary organization best wishes for continued
  success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  Mercy Ships as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 21, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate