WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize the members of the Williams-Livingston family on the
  grand occasion of their family reunion, which is being held June
  5 through 7, 2009; and
         WHEREAS, Every year, on the first Saturday of June, members
  of the Williams-Livingston family hold a reunion to celebrate
  their heritage and to commemorate the birth of Mamie Elizabeth
  "Mama Mae" Williams; they invite friends from across Texas and
  the United States and descendants of other branches of the family
  to share their celebration of love for their family and
  community; and
         WHEREAS, The reunion features a family talent show, an
  old-fashioned fish fry, and a recital of the family's history;
  the Mamie E. Williams Humanitarian Award is given to one family
  member for unselfish service to the family, and recognition is
  given for graduations, academic and athletic accomplishments,
  marriages, anniversaries, and births; family members who have
  died since the last reunion are recognized and remembered with a
  moment of silence; and
         WHEREAS, Each year, a new set of family members takes the
  helm on duties and responsibilities of preparing for and
  coordinating the reunion and passing on the family history; and
         WHEREAS, Family history reveals that the Charles and
  Caroline Livingston families arrived in the Freestone County
  area in the early 1800s; and
         WHEREAS, Charles Livingston's family moved from Virginia
  as freed slaves and settled in the Freestone County area known as
  Cotton Gin and sharecropped on local farms; and
         WHEREAS, Caroline Livingston's family moved from Alabama
  to Kirvin in Freestone County; they arrived in covered wagons, on
  horseback, and on foot; they settled on the Alfred Carter farm
  and worked his land; and
         WHEREAS, Caroline and Charles Livingston's children,
  Elbert Jefferson, Fannie, Foster, Elizabeth, and Callie,
  supported their community and were instrumental in establishing
  the Woods Chapel Primitive Baptist Church; they also helped
  create a public school system; and
         WHEREAS, The members of the Williams-Livingston family who
  host the annual reunion are the descendants of Caroline and
  Charles Livingston's daughter Elizabeth Livingston; born July 2,
  1866, she married Austin Williams, a freed slave from Tennessee,
  and the couple had 10 children; Mamie Elizabeth "Mama Mae"
  Williams, born June 1, 1889, was one of those children; and
         WHEREAS, Mamie Elizabeth "Mama Mae" Williams was the
  matriarch of the Williams-Livingston family until October 13,
  1987, when she died at the age of 98; her daughters and their
  families had scattered across Texas to Dallas, Fort Worth,
  Houston, and San Antonio, where many of the Williams-Livingston
  family members reside and work today; and
         WHEREAS, The Williams-Livingston family members are
  successful men and women who have contributed greatly to their
  communities through their leadership, professionalism, and
  concern for others; and
         WHEREAS, They are exemplary citizens who believe strongly
  in traditional values and instill in their children the virtues
  of love and hard work; and
         WHEREAS, The annual Williams-Livingston reunion is the
  manifestation of the family's belief in unity, loyalty, and pride
  in one's heritage; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby extend to the members of the
  Williams-Livingston family best wishes for a joyous and memorable
  family reunion and proclaim June 6, 2009, Williams-Livingston Day in
  Texas; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  the family as a memento of this special occasion.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 27, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate