WHEREAS, The Texas Senate takes sincere pride in
  recognizing the outstanding service of the resolute individuals
  who came together in a moment of need to render lifesaving
  assistance to Representative Edmund Kuempel on the night of May
  12, 2009; and
         WHEREAS, The actions of Jennifer Irby, Trooper Edwin
  Carpenter, Trooper Antonio Rico, Trooper Diane Riojas, and
  Representative John Zerwas saved the life of Representative
  Kuempel when he was stricken by cardiac arrest while working at
  the Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Representative Kuempel was discovered collapsed
  and unconscious in a Capitol Extension elevator by Jennifer Irby,
  a messenger employed in the sergeant-at-arms office in the House;
  Jennifer's quick thinking was the beginning of a lifesaving
  process that unfolded in the Capitol shortly after 10:00 p.m.;
         WHEREAS, Responding swiftly to the severity of the
  situation and thinking that she would be able to locate a trooper
  on the first floor of the Capitol for assistance, Jennifer
  remained with Representative Kuempel and pushed the first floor
  elevator button; upon arriving on the first floor, she alerted
  Trooper Carpenter, who immediately began to attend to
  Representative Kuempel, and, after ascertaining that emergency
  medical services had been called, used his radio to ask for more
  assistance from other Texas Department of Public Safety
  personnel; and
         WHEREAS, Trooper Rico, one of the officers who responded to
  the call, brought an automated external defibrillator to the
  scene, and he and Trooper Carpenter made the proper preparations
  for its use; Trooper Rico began to operate the defibrillator
  while Trooper Diane Riojas administered rescue breathing to
  Representative Kuempel; Representative John Zerwas, an
  anesthesiologist, had been alerted to the emergency and had
  quickly arrived at the scene; he began chest compressions on
  Representative Kuempel while giving guidance to the others who
  were working to save Representative Kuempel's life; and
         WHEREAS, Each of these individuals worked hastily, yet
  with great care; maintaining their composure in the face of a
  struggle to save another's life, they persevered in their efforts
  toward reviving Representative Kuempel, even after most would
  have considered the situation to be hopeless; because of their
  courage, sound judgment, quick thinking, and tenacity,
  Representative Kuempel received the emergency aid that was
  necessary to save his life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby pay tribute to Jennifer Irby, Trooper Edwin
  Carpenter, Trooper Antonio Rico, Trooper Diane Riojas, and
  Representative John Zerwas for their successful lifesaving
  efforts and commend them for the determined spirit and
  perseverance with which they handled this potentially tragic
  event; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  them as an expression of highest esteem from the Texas Senate.
Averitt Harris Seliger
Carona Hegar Shapiro
Davis Hinojosa Shapleigh
Deuell Huffman Uresti
Duncan Jackson Van de Putte
Ellis Lucio Watson
Eltife Nelson Wentworth
Estes Nichols West
Fraser Ogden Williams
Gallegos Patrick Zaffirini
  Dewhurst, President of the Senate
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 29, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate