WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to pay
  tribute to one of its most beloved and valued staff members,
  Betty Cotte, by naming her the 2009 legislative recipient of the
  Betty King Public Service Award; and
         WHEREAS, Betty Cotte is the administrative director in the
  office of Senator Steve Ogden; known for handling her
  responsibilities with dedication and skill, Betty is held in high
  regard by the legislators and the many Capitol staff members with
  whom she works; and
         WHEREAS, After serving in upper-level management in
  private industry for over 30 years, Betty joined Senator Ogden's
  staff in 1996, while he was serving in the Texas House of
  Representatives; as the senator's administrative director, Betty
  holds a position that entails a wide range of responsibilities;
         WHEREAS, She provides valuable administrative oversight of
  the senator's Capitol and district offices and plays a major role
  in helping to meet the needs and address the concerns of
  constituents; she is also responsible for managing the senator's
  schedule and is often in the position of answering the many
  questions regarding the legislative process and various
  political issues that are typically directed to a senator's
  office; and
         WHEREAS, Betty is known for her poise, her perseverance,
  and her ability to consistently accomplish the mission before
  her, no matter the uniqueness of the task or the challenges
  entailed; her cheerful spirit, her ready smile, and her ability
  to maintain composure, even in the midst of chaos, endear her to
  all who know and work with her; and
         WHEREAS, She is an impressive administrator who is highly
  respected for her work ethic, her professionalism, her positive
  attitude, and her loyalty and integrity, and she is most
  deserving of her selection for the Betty King Public Service
  Award; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 81st
  Legislature, hereby extend sincere appreciation to Betty Cotte
  for her outstanding service to the Texas Senate and
  congratulations to her on earning the 2009 Betty King Public
  Service Award; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  her as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.
Averitt Harris Seliger
Carona Hegar Shapiro
Davis Hinojosa Shapleigh
Deuell Huffman Uresti
Duncan Jackson Van de Putte
Ellis Lucio Watson
Eltife Nelson Wentworth
Estes Nichols West
Fraser Ogden Whitmire
Gallegos Patrick Zaffirini
  Dewhurst, President of the Senate
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on June 1, 2009.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate