Honorable Yvonne Davis, Chair, House Committee on Urban Affairs
John S. O'Brien, Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB3191 by McCall (Relating to a fee charged by a municipality for emergency response services to a motor vehicle accident within the municipality.), As Introduced
No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend the Health and Safety Code to require that a fee charged by a municipality for emergency response services to a motor accident within the municipality must be applied uniformly and would prohibit limiting the fees to nonresidents.
Local Government Impact
The fiscal impact would vary by municipality. If a municipality already applies the fees uniformly and to residents as well as nonresidents, there would be no fiscal impact. If a municipality applies the fees only to nonresidents, there would be a revenue increase under provisions of the bill. Impact if fees are not currently applied uniformly would increase or decrease revenue depending on how the fees are currently applied compared to applying them uniformly.