TO: | Honorable John Carona, Chair, Senate Committee on Transportation & Homeland Security |
FROM: | John S. O'Brien, Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | SB1466 by Davis, Wendy (Relating to the purchase of cement by the Texas Department of Transportation.), As Introduced |
The bill would amend the Transportation Code to require the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to procure cement from a vendor that demonstrates that the cement offered is produced from a portland cement kiln that uses a dry raw material feed precalciner pyroprocessng technology, and which meets or exceeds the regulatory requirements for nitrogen oxide emissions. The requirement would only apply to the procurement of cement in a department district that contains a county with a population greater than 1 million and that is a classified as a moderate nonattainment area for the eight-hour ozone standard by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or department district that is adjacent to a district meeting those criteria.
Based on the analysis of TxDOT, it is assumed any costs associated with implementing the provisions of the bill would be absorbed within existing resources.
Source Agencies: | 601 Department of Transportation
LBB Staff: | JOB, KJG, TG