The House Committee on Elections

81st Legislature

April 27, 2009

2:00 p.m. or upon final adjourn./recess



Pursuant to a notice posted on April 22, 2009, and revised on April 24, 2009 with a suspension of the 5-day posting rule to set HB 1821, HB 1927, HB 2574, HB 3337, the House Committee on Elections met in a public hearing and was called to order by the chair, Representative Smith, Todd, at 6:33 p.m.


The roll was answered as follows:


Present:              Representatives Smith, Todd; Pena; Allen; Bohac; Bonnen; Brown, Betty; Heflin (7).


Absent:              Representatives Anchia; Harper-Brown (2).


A quorum was present.


HB 2574


The chair laid out HB 2574.


The chair recognized Representative Gonzalez Toureilles to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Gonzalez Toureilles to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 3337


The chair laid out HB 3337.


The chair recognized Representative Hopson to explain the measure.


The chair recognized Representative Hopson to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 1821


The chair laid out HB 1821.


The chair recognized Representative Davis, John to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Davis, John to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 4653


The chair laid out HB 4653.


The chair recognized Representative Howard, Donna to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


(Representative Anchia now present.)


(Representative Bonnen in chair.)


(Representative Smith, Todd back in chair.)


(Representative Harper-Brown now present.)


The chair recognized Representative Howard, Donna to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 2847


The chair laid out HB 2847.


The chair recognized Representative Riddle to explain the measure.


Representative Brown, Betty offered a complete committee substitute.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Riddle to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 420


The chair laid out HB 420.


The chair recognized Representative Howard, Donna to explain the measure.


Representative Heflin offered a complete committee substitute.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Howard, Donna to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 4690


The chair laid out HB 4690.


The chair recognized Representative Howard, Donna to explain the measure.


Representative Anchia offered a complete committee substitute.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Howard, Donna to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 361


The chair laid out HB 361.


The chair recognized Representative Aycock to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Aycock to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 820


The chair laid out HB 820.


The chair recognized Representative Ortiz, Jr. to explain the measure.

Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


(Representative Bonnen in chair.)


(Representative Smith, Todd back in chair.)


The chair recognized Representative Ortiz, Jr. to explain the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 282


The chair laid out HB 282.


The chair recognized Representative Anchia to explain the measure.


Representative Allen offered a complete committee substitute.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Anchia to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 246


The chair laid out HB 246.


The chair recognized Representative Alonzo to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Alonzo to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 247


The chair laid out HB 247.


The chair recognized Representative Alonzo to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Alonzo to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 248


The chair laid out HB 248.


The chair recognized Representative Alonzo to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Alonzo to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 249


The chair laid out HB 249.


The chair recognized Representative Alonzo to explain the measure.


The chair recognized Representative Alonzo to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 1927


The chair laid out HB 1927.


The chair recognized Representative Farias to explain the measure.


Representative Allen offered a complete committee substitute.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Farias to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 3046


The chair laid out HB 3046.


The chair recognized Representative Farias to explain the measure.


Representative Allen offered a complete committee substitute.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Farias to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 3048


The chair laid out HB 3048.


The chair recognized Representative Farias to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Farias to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 4392


The chair laid out HB 4392.


The chair recognized Representative Farias to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Farias to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 452


The chair laid out HB 452.


The chair recognized Representative Allen to explain the measure.


Representative Heflin offered a complete committee substitute.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Allen to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 2274


The chair laid out HB 2274.


The chair recognized Representative Allen to explain the measure.


The chair recognized Representative Allen to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


At 11:24 p.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair.




Rep. Smith, Todd, Chair




Steven Schar, Clerk