The House Committee on Human Services

81st Legislature

April 30, 2009

10:30 a.m. or upon final adjourn./recess



Pursuant to a notice posted on April 24, 2009 and Representative Rose, on April 28, 2009, moving to and being granted permission to suspend the five-day posting rule and all necessary rules to allow the Committee on Human Services to consider HB 948, HB 1895, HB 4389, and posted bills. On April 30, 2009 Representative Rose moved to, and was granted permission to suspend the five-day posting rule and all necessary rules to allow the Committee on Human Services to consider HB 1978, HB 3112, SB 187, and previously posted bills. The House Committee on Human Services met in a public hearing and was called to order by the chair, Representative Rose, at 6:30 p.m.


The roll was answered as follows:


Present:              Representatives Rose; Darby; Elkins; Hernandez; Legler; Naishtat; Walle (7).


Absent:              Representatives Herrero; Hughes (2).


A quorum was present.


HB 1170


The chair laid out HB 1170 as pending business.


Representative Rose offered a complete committee substitute.


The committee substitute was adopted without objection.


Representative Hernandez moved that HB 1170, as substituted, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:                             Representatives Rose; Darby; Elkins; Hernandez; Legler; Naishtat; Walle (7).


Nays:                             None (0).


Present, Not Voting:     None  (0).


Absent:                          Representatives Herrero; Hughes  (2).


(Representative Hughes now present.)


SB 187


The chair laid out SB 187.


Representative Hernandez moved that SB 187, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:                             Representatives Rose; Darby; Elkins; Hernandez; Hughes; Legler; Naishtat; Walle (8).


Nays:                             None (0).


Present, Not Voting:     None  (0).


Absent:                          Representative Herrero  (1).


SB 983


The chair laid out SB 983.


Representative Hernandez moved that SB 983, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:                             Representatives Rose; Darby; Elkins; Hernandez; Hughes; Legler; Naishtat; Walle (8).


Nays:                             None (0).


Present, Not Voting:     None  (0).


Absent:                          Representative Herrero  (1).


The chair directed that the April 9, 2009, minutes for the House Committee on Human Services be corrected. The corrected minutes were authorized without objection.


HB 1895


The chair laid out HB 1895.


The chair recognized Representative Davis, John to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Davis, John to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


SB 1129


The chair laid out SB 1129.


The chair recognized Representative King, Susan to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative King, Susan to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 1978


The chair laid out HB 1978.


Representative Rose offered a complete committee substitute.


The chair recognized Representative Farias to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Farias to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 4389


The chair laid out HB 4389.


Representative Rose offered a complete committee substitute.


The chair recognized Representative Farias to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Farias to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.

HB 3112


The chair laid out HB 3112.


Representative Rose offered a complete committee substitute.


The chair recognized Representative Hartnett to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Hartnett to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


SB 68


The chair laid out SB 68.


The chair recognized Representative Darby to explain the measure.


Representative Darby offered amendment #1 to the measure.


Representative Darby offered amendment #2 to the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The amendment #1 was adopted without objection.


The amendment #2 was adopted without objection.


Representative Darby moved that SB 68, as amended, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:                             Representatives Rose; Darby; Elkins; Hernandez; Hughes; Naishtat; Walle (7).


Nays:                             None (0).


Present, Not Voting:     None  (0).


Absent:                          Representatives Herrero; Legler  (2).


SB 1055


The chair laid out SB 1055.


The chair recognized Representative Naishtat to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Naishtat to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


SB 1057


The chair laid out SB 1057.


The chair recognized Representative Naishtat to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Naishtat to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


SB 1056


The chair laid out SB 1056.


The chair recognized Representative Naishtat to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Naishtat to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


(Representative Naishtat in chair.)


SB 785


The chair laid out SB 785.


The chair recognized Representative Rose to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Rose to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


SB 493


The chair laid out SB 493.


The chair recognized Representative Rose to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Rose to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


SB 71


The chair laid out SB 71.


The chair recognized Representative Rose to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Rose to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 948


The chair laid out HB 948.


The chair recognized Representative Rose to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Rose to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


At 10:47 p.m., on the motion of Representative Naishtat and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair.




Rep. Rose, Chair




Michael Ruggieri, Clerk