The House Committee on Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence

81st Legislature

March 23, 2009

2:00 p.m. or upon final adjourn./recess



Pursuant to a notice posted on March 17, 2009, and revised twice on March 18, 2009, having permission granted on March 23, 2009 to suspend the rules to meet during House bill referral, the House Committee on Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence met in a public hearing and was called to order by the chair, Representative Hunter, at 3:44 p.m.


The roll was answered as follows:


Present:              Representatives Hunter; Hughes; Alonzo; Hartnett; Jackson, Jim; Leibowitz; Lewis; Martinez, "Mando"; Woolley (9).


Absent:              Representatives Branch; Madden (2).


A quorum was present.


(Representative Branch now present.)


HB 763


The chair laid out HB 763 as pending business.


Representative Leibowitz moved that HB 763, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:                             Representatives Hunter; Hughes; Alonzo; Branch; Hartnett; Jackson, Jim; Leibowitz; Lewis; Martinez, "Mando"; Woolley (10).


Nays:                             None (0).


Present, Not Voting:     None  (0).


Absent:                          Representative Madden  (1).


HB 765


The chair laid out HB 765 as pending business.


Representative Woolley moved that HB 765, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:                             Representatives Hunter; Hughes; Alonzo; Branch; Hartnett; Jackson, Jim; Leibowitz; Lewis; Martinez, "Mando"; Woolley (10).


Nays:                             None (0).


Present, Not Voting:     None  (0).


Absent:                          Representative Madden  (1).


HB 1012


The chair laid out HB 1012 as pending business.


Representative Hughes moved that HB 1012, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:                             Representatives Hunter; Hughes; Alonzo; Branch; Hartnett; Jackson, Jim; Leibowitz; Lewis; Martinez, "Mando"; Woolley (10).


Nays:                             None (0).


Present, Not Voting:     None  (0).


Absent:                          Representative Madden  (1).


HB 396


The chair laid out HB 396 as pending business.


Representative Alonzo moved that HB 396, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars. The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:                             Representatives Hunter; Hughes; Alonzo; Branch; Hartnett; Jackson, Jim; Leibowitz; Lewis; Martinez, "Mando"; Woolley (10).


Nays:                             None (0).


Present, Not Voting:     None  (0).


Absent:                          Representative Madden  (1).




HB 72


The chair laid out HB 72 as pending business.


Representative Lewis moved that HB 72, without amendments, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:                             Representatives Hunter; Hughes; Alonzo; Branch; Jackson, Jim; Leibowitz; Lewis; Martinez, "Mando"; Woolley (9).


Nays:                             None (0).


Present, Not Voting:     Representative Hartnett  (1).


Absent:                          Representative Madden  (1).


(Representative Madden now present.)



HCR 22


The chair laid out HCR 22.


Representative Jackson, Jim offered a complete committee substitute.


The chair recognized Representative Burnam to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Burnam to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 692


The chair laid out HB 692.


The chair recognized Representative Solomons to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair closed on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 670


The chair moved to reconsider the vote by which the measure was reported from committee. The motion to reconsider prevailed without objection.


Representative Madden offered a complete committee substitute.


The committee substitute was adopted without objection.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


Representative Leibowitz moved that HB 670, as substituted, be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:       Representatives Hunter; Hughes; Alonzo; Branch; Hartnett; Jackson, Jim; Leibowitz; Lewis; Madden; Martinez, "Mando"; Woolley (11).


Nays:                             None (0).


Present, Not Voting:     None  (0).


Absent:                          None  (0).


HB 639


The chair laid out HB 639.


Representative Alonzo offered a complete committee substitute.


The chair recognized Representative Thompson to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Thompson to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 659


The chair laid out HB 659.


The chair recognized Representative Jackson, Jim to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Jackson, Jim to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 533


The chair laid out HB 533.


Representative Madden offered a complete committee substitute.


(Representative Madden in chair.)


The chair recognized Representative Anchia to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Anchia to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


(Representative Hunter in chair.)


HB 628


The chair laid out HB 628.


Representative Hartnett offered a complete committee substitute.


The chair recognized Representative Anchia to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Anchia to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 313


The chair laid out HB 313.


Representative Hartnett offered a complete committee substitute.


The chair recognized Representative Raymond to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Raymond to close on the measure.


The committee substitute was withdrawn without objection.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 319


The chair laid out HB 319.


The chair recognized Representative Raymond to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Raymond to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 2416


The chair laid out HB 2416.


The chair recognized Representative Leibowitz to explain the measure.


The chair recognized Representative Leibowitz to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 2417


The chair laid out HB 2417.


The chair recognized Representative Leibowitz to explain the measure.


The chair recognized Representative Leibowitz to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 990


The chair laid out HB 990.


The chair recognized Representative Hartnett to explain the measure.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair recognized Representative Hartnett to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 1809


The chair laid out HB 1809.


The chair recognized Representative Hartnett to explain the measure.


The chair recognized Representative Hartnett to close on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


HB 494


The chair laid out HB 494.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


The chair closed on the measure.


The bill was left pending without objection.


At 7:46 p.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair.




Rep. Hunter, Chair




Jennifer Welch, Clerk