2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Rep. Todd Smith
HJR 39
Allen | et al.
Post-ratifying Amendment XXIV to the Constitution of the United States prohibiting the denial or abridgment of the right to vote for failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.
HB 113
Relating to the eligibility requirements for appointment as county elections administrator.
HB 157
Relating to the registration of voters at a polling place and related procedures.
HB 283
Relating to prohibited deceptive election practices; providing a criminal penalty.
HB 337
Harless | et al.
Relating to the costs of holding certain joint elections.
HB 391
Villarreal | et al.
Relating to limits on political contributions and direct campaign expenditures by individuals, partnerships, partners, and limited liability companies; providing civil and criminal penalties.
HB 627
Relating to the registration of voters at a polling place during early voting by personal appearance and related procedures.
HB 756
Martinez Fischer
Relating to the making or acceptance of political contributions in a building owned by or leased to the state.
HB 778
Miller, Sid | et al.
Relating to the prosecution by the attorney general of campaign finance offenses alleged to have been committed in connection with a state office or an election on a constitutional amendment.
HB 1256
Relating to requiring the posting of notice of voter complaint information at a polling place.
HB 1359
Anchia | et al.
Relating to the making or acceptance of political contributions in a courthouse; providing penalties.
HB 2253
Relating to the expenditure of funds for political advertising by a political subdivision.
HB 2511
Smith, Todd
Relating to political contributions to and political expenditures made by or on behalf of candidates, officeholders, and political committees; providing a criminal penalty.

HB 2525
Smith, Todd
Relating to political expenditures made by a corporation or labor organization to finance the establishment and administration of a political committee.
HB 2926
Howard, Donna
Relating to the appointment of a campaign treasurer and filing of reports of political contributions and expenditures by certain candidates.
HB 3146
Relating to public financing of campaigns for certain judicial offices and to limits on political contributions to and direct campaign expenditures made on behalf of judicial candidates, and officeholders, in connection with certain judicial offices; providing civil penalties.
HB 3188
Relating to filing with the Texas Ethics Commission disclosure reports relating to local governmental entities and local government officers.
HB 3216
Relating to telephone or electronic mail notification to a respondent of a complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission.
HB 3218
Relating to the filing of sworn complaints with the Texas Ethics Commission.
HB 3445
Relating to requirements governing the registration of lobbyists and authorized activities of certain registrants.
HB 3602
Relating to the authority of a county clerk to electronically send certain financial statement forms.
HB 3715
King, Susan
Relating to certain individuals employed to assist a registered lobbyist.
HB 3921
Relating to the filing by political committees of reports of political contributions and expenditures in connection with a runoff election.
HB 3922
Relating to notification sent by the Texas Ethics Commission to certain persons regarding deadlines to file reports.
HB 3923
Relating to the method of delivery of notices relating to sworn complaints filed with the Texas Ethics Commission.
HB 3924
Relating to filing with the Texas Ethics Commission disclosure reports relating to political contributions and political expenditures made in connection with offices and measures of local governmental entities and to contracts with local governmental entities.
HB 4033
Relating to filing with the Texas Ethics Commission disclosure reports relating to political contributions and political expenditures made in connection with offices and measures of local governmental entities and to contracts with or attempts to influence the actions of local governmental entities.