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The Senate Finance Committee will meet on June 23, 2010 at 10 a.m. in |
E1.036 of the Capitol Extension. The Committee will hear invited and |
public testimony regarding the following interim charge: Study and make |
recommendations regarding formula funding and its impact on the |
cost of attendance and methods of financing higher education institutions, |
including funding differences for pharmacy and nursing programs; |
research funding; performance funding; and funding for institutions |
that face capacity student enrollment. Specifically address the following: |
Methods of financing capital projects at higher education institutions, |
including the levels of deferred maintenance, the impact of deferred |
maintenance on the ability to offer basic instructional services, and |
the methods used to finance deferred maintenance projects. Recommend |
alternatives for providing a structured and recurring funding mechanism |
more suited to the state's fiscal capacity and institutional needs. |
Supplemental funding for structured programs that are essential for |
student success and for meeting the goals of Closing the Gaps, |
including those that provide concentrated academic and personal |
support services for universities that enroll a high proportion of |
non-traditional or at-risk students. Study and make recommendations |
regarding the quality and effectiveness of academic advising, focusing |
on resources, staff development and impact or time-to-degree. |
Those wishing to give public testimony, please limit prepared remarks to 3 |
minutes. If submitting written testimony, please provide 25 copies, with |
your name on each copy, to the Committee during the hearing. |