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The Senate Committee on International Relations and Trade will meet on |
Tuesday, May 4, 2010, at 9:00 a.m. in room E1.016 of the Capitol Extension |
to hear invited and public testimony on the following charges: |
Charge #3 - Study and make recommendations for state actions to increase |
efficiencies and reduce wait times in crossing the Texas-Mexico border, |
while ensuring proper security. Review initiatives to maximize |
Charge #4 - Assess Texas’ trade-related programs and work with the |
appropriate state and federal agencies to develop initiatives that will |
increase NAFTA-related commerce in Texas. Make recommendations to |
encourage communities currently unable to participate in international |
trade, due to their lack of resources and capacity, to engage in such |
Charge #5 - Review the state’s efforts aimed at helping distressed areas, |
coastal regions and rural communities to compete in the international |
marketplace. Work with the appropriate state and federal agencies to |
develop recommendations to create initiatives that will build regional |
development and capacity with the goal of better facilitating trade and |
commerce, as well as tourism, in these communities. |
Charge #6 - Review the state’s efforts and policies aimed at addressing |
the workforce training needs of trade-displaced citizens. Report on the |
effectiveness of these programs and develop recommendations to better |
assist hard to reach populations in distressed areas, including |
Spanish-predominant speaking displaced citizens along the Texas-Mexico |
Those wishing to give public testimony, please limit prepared remarks to 3 |
minutes. If submitting written testimony, please provide 20 copies, with |
your name on each copy, to the Committee during the hearing. |