Higher Education
9:00 AM, Thursday, August 19, 2010
E1.036 (Finance Room)
Senator Judith Zaffirini
The Senate Higher Education Committee and the House Higher Education
Committee will meet jointly to address the following Interim Charge:
Charge Six:
Review the structure and operation of the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board. Evaluate the board's data collection systems,
including costs to higher education institutions, and make recommendations
for improvements. Include an assessment of higher education reporting
requirements and make recommendations to eliminate duplicate requirements
and streamline reporting.
Upon conclusion of the joint committee hearing, or at a time announced by
the Chair, the Senate Higher Education Committee will consider the
following Interim Charge:
Charge Nine:
Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate
Committee on Higher Education, 81st Legislature, Regular and Called
Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve,
enhance and/or complete implementation. Specifically, focus on the
following, as well as on tuition legislation:
- HB 51 relating to emerging research Tier 1 universities;
- SB 175 relating to top ten percent.
*Public testimony will be limited to three minutes. If submitting written
testimony or distributing handouts, please provide 15 copies, with your
name on each copy, to the committee when called to testify.
** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **