HB  3816
Public Health Committee
April  14, 2009 - 8:00 AM
Batchler, Janice  (Self)
Brown, Kathryn  (Self)
Caquias, Jesus  (Self)
Gentry, Jon  (Self)
Hotze, Steven  (Self and Texans for Patients' & Physicians' Rights)
Kotsanis, Andrew  (Self)
Kotsanis, Beverly  (Self and Constantine A. Kotsanis,MD and Staff Jana Miller,Pam Rust,Allison Saltar,Linsay Moore, Lori Smith Kindall Reed,Lynn Ellis,Chris Lowrey,Nicole Snyder)
Messier, Linda  (Self)
Morse, Andrea  (Self)
Munton, Daniel  (Self)
Naugle, Elizabeth (15 Yrs. Patient Support & Advocacy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia & Chronic Lyme Disease)
Pigott, Shirley  (Self and Texas Medical Board Watch)
Polvado, Lamarque  (Self)
Schlafly, Andrew (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.)
Shaw, James  (Self)
Zedler, William (Bill)  (Self)
Zippe, Shira  (Self)
Fleming, William (Texas Medical Association)
Fredricks, Melinda  (Self)
Herring, Mary  (Self)
McMichael, Melinda (Texas Medical Board)
Moore, Alan (Texas Medical Board)
Robinson, Mari (Texas Medical Board)
Spiller, Lee (Citizens Commission on Human Rights)
Turner, Timothy (Member, Texas Medical Board)
York, Laurie  (Self)
Zeitler, Irvin (Texas Medical Board)
Registering, but not testifying:
Alexiou, Thanasis  (Self)
Austin, Charles  (Self)
Bandfield, Stacey  (Self)
Besetzny, Glenda  (Self)
Blakemore, Allen (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons)
Brush, Rober  (Self)
Canfield, Irma  (Self)
Castillo, Crystallo  (Self)
Chakrabarty, Susan Pickering  (Self)
Chinni, Becky  (Self)
Chinni, Michael  (Self)
Curtin, Kazuko (Care Clinics)
Dalrymple, Kenda  (Self)
De Wet, Pieter  (Self)
Der, Alex  (Self)

Eichhorn, Mitchell  (Self)
Ewing, Jennifer  (Self)
Folsom, Tammy  (Self)
Harrington, Aimee  (Self)
Harris, Malcolm  (Self and Care Clinics of Austin)
Harvey, James  (Self)
Harvey, Leandra  (Self)
Henke, Betty  (Self)
Hickey, Natalie  (Self)
Hickman, William Bryant  (Self)
Hill, Paula  (Self)
Holderead, Jennifer  (Self)
Hotze, Deborah  (Self)
Hotze, Janie  (Self)
Hotze, Rebekah  (Self)
Kemter, Barbara  (Self)
Kern, Susan (AAPS)
Kersh, Lloyd  (Self)
Lang, Howard  (Self)
Leal, Yolanda  (Self)
Lee, Gary  (Self)
Lefebvre, Jean  (Self)
Long, Virginia  (Self)
Luedecke, Monica  (Self)
Malloy, Doug  (Self)
Malloy, Susan  (Self)
McCollum, Theresa  (Self)
McNicholas, J.W.  (Self)
McWherter, Becky  (Self)
Moganlue, Al  (Self)
Mueller, Eugene  (Self)
Munton, Tracy  (Self)
Muqattash, Irina  (Self)
Naaman, Adam  (Self)
Nguyen, Vilinh  (Self)
Papasozomenos, Marie  (Self)
Pavlik, Herbert F.  (Self)
Pavlik, Marye V.  (Self)
Perot, Jennifer  (Self)
Powers, Marie  (Self)
Ramirez, Doris  (Self)
Ramirez, Hugo  (Self)
Reilly-Mitchell, Eileen  (Self)
Rex, Rebecca  (Self)
Reyna, Linda  (Self)

Richardson, Dawn (Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE))
Richardson, Margaret  (Self)
Richardson, Michelle  (Self)
Roell, Joseph (Schafly, Andy)
Sallas, Victoria  (Self)
Sandford, Jim  (Self)
Sandford, Merrily  (Self)
Schaer, Robert W. (Radiological Systems, Inc and ETS Medical, Chiropractic, & Dental Clients)
Sherman, Trina  (Self)
Shrader, Laura  (Self)
Smith, Claudia  (Self)
Taylor, Donald  (Self)
Teafatiller, Gina  (Self)
Weaver, Cindy  (Self)
Weber, Melissa  (Self)
Welch, Gary  (Self)
Woodard, Margaret  (Self)
Zippe, Kirk  (Self)