| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Martin, Alejandra Executive Director (Texas Association of School Personnel Administrators), Austin, TX |
| | | Terry, Brooke Education Policy Analyst (TX Public Policy Foundation), Austin, TX |
| | Registering, but not testifying: |
| | | | | Canaday, Jennifer M. Senior Lobbyist (ATPE), Austin, TX |
| | | Carpenter, Bill (Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education), Austin, TX |
| | | Eckhart, Harley Associate Executive Director (Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Assn.), Austin, TX |
| | | Erben, Andrew President (Tx. Institute for Education Reform), Austin, TX |
| | | Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn Education Liaison (Texas Eagle Forum), Weatherford, TX |
| | | McCreary, Casey Assistant Executive Director (Texas Association of School Administrators), Austin, TX |
| | | SHIELDS, Julie Asst. Director of Governmental Relations (Texas Association of SCHOOL BOARDS), Austin, TX |
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