SB  100
Senate Committee Report
February  24, 2009 - 8:30 AM
Bernoski, Mike  Parent  (Self),  Cedar Park, TX
Fuller, Paige  Director of Floresville-Poth Co-Op.  (Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education),  Floresville, TX
Miller, Jeff  Policy Specialist (also providing written testimony)  (Advocacy Incorporated),  Austin, TX
Olive, Ph.D., BCBA, Melissa  Treatment Evaluation Manager (also providing written testimony)  (Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)),  Austin, TX
Quinzi, Patty  Legislative Counsel  (Texas-AFT),  Austin, TX
Statman, Rona  Director of Family Support Services (also providing written testimony)  (The Arc of Texas),  Austin, TX
Zavadsky, Heather  (Self),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Beneski, Amy  Associate Executive Director  (TASA),  Austin, TX
Borden, Sandra  Executive Director  (Tx. Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association),  Austin, TX
Grey, John  Government Relations Specialist  (Texas State Teachers Association),  Austin, TX
Hollingsworth, Jr., Lonnie F.  Director of Governmental Relations  (Texas Classroom Teachers Association),  Austin, TX
McCraw, Ken  Ex. Director  (Tx Assn of Community Schools),  Austin, TX
Pena, Martin  Executive Director  (South Tx Assoc. of Schools),  Laguna Vista, TX
Sanderson, Josh  Lobbyist  (Association of Tx Professional Educators),  Austin, TX
Shields, Julie  Asststant Director of Governmental Relations  (Texas Assoc. of School BOARDS),  Austin, TX
Zackel, Katherine  Policy Staff  (Texans Care For Children),  Austin, TX
Providing written testimony:
Boatright, Clay  Board Member  (Self; The Arc of Texas),  Plano, TX