SB  476
Public Health Committee
April  28, 2009 - 8:00 AM
Griffin, Susan (Memorial Hermann Healthcare System, Texas Hospital Association, Texas Org of Nurse Execs)
Newsom, Michelle (Texas Nurses Association)
Sjoberg, Elizabeth (Texas Hospital Association)
Sportsman, Susan (Texas Nurses Association)
Foster-Glass, Karen (NNOC TX)
Green, Kelly  (Self)
Romero, Jesse (National Nurses Organizing Committee)
Waldron, Patrick (Texas Department of State Health Services)
Registering, but not testifying:
Belk, Carolyn (The Methodist Hospital System)
Bolton, Pamela J (Texas Watch)
Brydges, Garry  (Self)
Casady, Shane (Driscoll Children's Hospital)
Cook, Jennifer  (Self)
Cutrer, Jennifer (Parkland Health & Hospital System)
Girard, Chuck (Hospital Corporation of America)
Gutierrez, Michael  (Self)
Haley, Anthony (Baylor Health Care System)
Hopper, Jay  (Self)
Hutto, Kathy (Community Health Systems)
Jamison, Mazie (Children's Medical Center Dallas)
Leach, Steven  (Self)
McBeath, Don (Texas Organization of Rural & Community Hospitals)
McEwan, James M  (Self and Texas Association of Nurse Anesthetist)
Mitias, Marcus (Texas Health Resources)
Payne, Brinton (Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce)
Perkins, Vicki (CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Health Care)
Ryerson, Michelle  (Self and Robert Dent, Judy Roever, Diana Fancher, Maria Diaz,)
Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Sperry, Bryan (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Stewart, Ruth  (Self)
Weist, Jon (Arlington Chamber of Commerce)
Willmann, James (Nursing Legislative Agenda Coalition [Coalition of 18 Texas Nursing Organizations])
Woolbert, Lynda (Coalition for Nurses in Advanced Practice)
Yanas, Chris (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
Zeller, Emilia  (Self)
Agbatekwe, Gwendolyn (National Nurses Organizing Comm.)
Barrera, Douglas  (Self)
Breaux, Misty  (Self)
Brogan, Gerard (National Nurses Organising - Committee)
Dietz, Anne  (Self)
Dietz, Deborah D  (Self and RN's from Harris County Psychiatric Hospilal)

Gorbet, Melissa (NNOC - National Nursing Organizing Committee)
Jackson, Katie  (Self)
Laughlin, Tom (NNOC TX)
LaVoie, Shannon  (Self)
Leonard, Beverly (National Nurses Organizing Committee)
Littles, Paula (Texas NNOC)
Moon, Megan (NNOC of Texas)
Perez, Olga (NNOC National Nurses Organizing Committee)
Pirzada, Diana  (Self)
Power, Sarah (NNOC - RN)
Rodriquez, Veronica  (Self)
Smith, David  (Self and NNOC)
Squyres, Clarence  (Self)
Thompson, Joanne  (Self)
Vande Hoef, Susan  (Self and National Nurses Organizing Committee)
Williams, Christopher (National Nurses Organizing Committee)