Agriculture & Livestock Committee
April  27, 2010 - 10:30 AM
Joint Interim Charge
Becker, Ken (Sweetwater Enterprise for Economic Development)
Chase, Julie (OOG-EDT)
Chatham, Donna (Association of Rural Communities in Texas)
Curb, Billy (USDA Rural Development Programs)
Dempsey, Becky (Texas Dept. of Agriculture)
Gallahan, Rusell (Comptroller of Public Accounts)
Keane, Kathy (Eden Economic Development Corp & City of Eden)
Morin, Joe (Office of Governor, Economic Dev. & Tourism Div.)
Redington, Penny (Texas Association of Regional Councils)
Silvas, Katherine (City of Seguin)
Staples, Todd (Texas Dept. of Agriculture)
Stone, Charles S. (Charlie) (Texas Department of Rural Affairs)
Registering, but not testifying:
Smith, Roland (Texas AgriLife Extension Service)