Appropriations-S/C on Health & Human Services Committee
February  23, 2009 - 7:30 AM
LBB Recommendations
Camacho, José E. (TX. Assn of Community Health Centers, INC)
Emory, Lee (Psychiatric Emergency Centers for the Gulf Coast)
Gutierrez, David  (Self)
Keller, Merily (Texas Suicide Prevention Council)
McSwain, James  (Self)
Placke, Kenneth (Austin Travis Co. MHMR. Texas Council MHMR Center Behavioral Health)
Robacker, Carl (Galveston County Sheriff's Office Mental Health Division)
Stephenson, Melinda (Mainland Medical Center, and HCA affiliated Hospital)
Tapia, Ivonne  (Self)
Werlein, Linda (Hill Country C MHMRC Texas Council MHMR Centers)
West, Starr (Texas Hospital Association)
Hagerty, Fran (Women's Health and Family Planning Assoc. of TX)
Shaw, Tama (Hill Country Community Action Assn., Inc)
Farmer, Drue (Lubbock Regional MHMA Center Texas Council)
Holcomb, John (The UT Health Science Center at Houston)
Lakey, David (Texas Department of State Health Services)
Lewis, Kathryn (Advocacy, Inc.)
Moore, Lois (Harris County Psychiatric Center/UT Health Science Center at Houston)
Pharr, Machelle (Texas Department of State Health Services)
LBB Recommendations Department of State Health Ser
Lovelace, Joe (Texas Council of MHMR Centers)
LBB Recommendations DSHS $33 Million Exceptio
Goyens, Wendy (South East Texas Regional Planning Commission Substance Abuse Division)
LBB Recommendations DSHS $88.3 million MH
Peyson, Robin (National Alliance on Mental Illness Texas)
LBB Recommendations DSHS Budget
Sprinkle, Griizicki (Texas Ambulance Association)
LBB Recommendations DSHS EI #9
Poynor, Lisa (Association of Substance Abuse Programs)
LBB Recommendations DSHS Excep. Item #9
Gilley, Jennifer (ASAP)
LBB Recommendations DSHS exceptional #9
Knight, Casey  (Self)
LBB Recommendations DSHS Exceptional Item #9
Hatcher, Michael  (Self)
Helton, David  (Self)
LBB Recommendations DSHS Exceptional Item 11 CF Fu
Saito, John (Scott and White Cystic Fibrosis Foundation)
LBB Recommendations DSHS exceptional Item 11 Cysti
Michael, Simon  (Self)
LBB Recommendations DSHS Exceptional Items Re
Hinckson, Andrea (Mental Health America of Greater Houston)
LBB Recommendations DSHS LAR EI 10 - $88.3 million
Wadge, Gyl (Mental Health America of TX)
LBB Recommendations Exceptional Item -11-Cystic Fi
Guillory, MD, Charleta (Texas Children's Hospital)
LBB Recommendations Exceptional Item 11 - Cystic
Walsh, Meganne (March of Dimes)

LBB Recommendations Exceptional Item 11 - Cystic F
Hargraves, Jo Anne  (Self)
LBB Recommendations exceptional item 11 Cystic Fib
Prestidge, Claude (Gystic Fibrosis Center Director-Children's Medical Center, Dallas TX)
LBB Recommendations Exceptional Item 11, Cystic Fi
Thompson, Scott  (Self)
LBB Recommendations Exceptional Item 3 - Texa
Walsh, MD, Meganne (March of Dimes)
LBB Recommendations GAA DSHS Exceptional Item
Hermes, Bruce  (Self)
LBB Recommendations General Appropriations fo
Childs, Rose (Steven B. Shnee, PhD, Executive Director MHMRA of Harris County)
LBB Recommendations In favor of added revenue
Seerden, Robert (Coastal Bend Council Council Council)
LBB Recommendations Support DSHS Exceptional
Vera, Nancy (The Coastal Bend Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse)
LBB Recommendations Support of $89 million in cris
Covey, Valerie (Williamson County Commissioners Court and Conference of Urban Counties)
Special Item #10 (DSHS)
Bresnen, Steve (El Paso County and Federation of Texas Psychiatry)
LBB Recommendations DSHS Excep Item #10
Gay, Clifford  (Self)
LBB Recommendations Dept. of State Health Svcs.-T
Hawkins, John (Texas Hospital Association)
LBB Recommendations For DSHS & excep item Bor
Gonzalez, Hector (Public Health and for City of Laredo)
LBB Recommendations ISBI
Smith, Jodie (Texans Care for Children Partnership for a Healthy Texas: Conquering Obesity)
LBB Recommendations State Health Services Dept
Kaiser, MD, Larry (The UT Health Science Center at Houston)