| | | |
| | Bailey, Charles (Texas Hospital Association) |
| | Blue, Yvonne (Moore County Hospital District) |
| | |
| | Henderson, John (Childress Regional Medical Center) |
| | Keilers, Lance (Ballinger Memorial Hospital District) |
| | Luke, Ron (Self and Texas Association of Business) |
| | McBeath, Don (Texas Organization of Rural & Community Hospitals) |
| | | |
| | McCoy MD, Don (Texas Medical Assn) |
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| Registering, but not testifying: |
| | Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals) |
| | Rickard, Rick (North Runnels Hospital) |
| | Sanaie, Kandice (Texas Association of Business) |
| | | |
| | Anderson, Ron (Parkland Health & Hospital System) |
| | | |
| Registering, but not testifying: |
| | Bailey, Charles (Texas Hospital Association) |
| | Pardue, Craig (Dallas County) |
| | Sanaie, Kandice (Texas Association of Business) |
| | | |
| Registering, but not testifying: |
| | Sisk, Cathy (Harris County) |
| | | |
| Registering, but not testifying: |
| | Sepehri, John (Secretary of State) |
| | | |
| Registering, but not testifying: |
| | Allison, Jim (County Judges & Commissioners Assn. of TX) |
| | Lee, Donald (Texas Conference of Urban Counties) |
| | Sisk, Cathy (Harris County) |
| | | |
| | Keilers, Lance (Ballinger Memorial Hospital District) |
| | Rickard, Rick (North Runnels Hospital) |
| | | |