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| | Searcy JR, Jack Chandler (Self and Houston NW CC) |
| | Thomason, Barbara (Self and Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce and self with Alliance of N. Houston Chambers) |
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| | Blount, John (Harris County) |
| | Clark, Lisa (Texas Assoc. of Builders & Greater Houston Builders Assoc.) |
| | Sisk, Kathy (Harris County) |
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| | Moore, Carol (TX State NAACP/ Health District) |
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| | Childs, Rose (MHMRA of Harris County) |
| | Donath, Janet (Texas Association Community Health Centers) |
| | Masi, George V. (Harris County Hospital District) |
| | Woolbert, Lynda (Coalition for Nurses in Advanced Practice) |
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| | Heath, Adrian (Americans for Prosperity) |
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| | Sisk, Kathy (Harris County) |
| | Thompson, Rick (TX Assoc. of Counties) |
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| | Mccluskey, John (Professional Bondsmen of TX) |
| | Oeller, Carol (Harris County Pretrial Services) |
| | Wood, Brandon (Texas Commission on Jail Standards) |
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| Registering, but not testifying: |
| | Kubosh, Michael (Professional Bondsmen of Texas) |
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| | Coburn, Dale (Professional Bondsmen of Harris County) |
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| | Neves, Kerry (Houston-Galveston Area Council Board of Directors) |
| | Steele, Jack (Houston-Galveston Area Council) |
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