Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
(Subcommittee on Capital Punishment)
March  12, 2009 - 8:00 AM
HB  297
Registering, but not testifying:
Carlson, Ronald  (Self)
Kavich, Anna  (Self)
McGue, Colleen (American Civil Liberties Union of Texas)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Been, Terri  (Self)
Garza, Norman (Texas Farm Bureau)
Kuykendall, Randall (Texas Municipal Police Association)
HB  682
Breeding, Les  (Self)
Carlson, Ronald  (Self)
Cotera, Martha P. (Murder Victim families Against the Death Penalty)
Egan, Elliott  (Self)
Magnuson, Casey  (Self and The Magnuson Family)
Riebschlaeger ccvi, Elizabeth (U.S. Justice & Peace Committee  Srs. of Charity of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX)
Rivas, Andrew (Texas Catholic Conference)
Van Steenburg, Robert (Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty)
Ward, Ralph  (Self)
Woodward, Richard  (Self)
Gershowitz, Adam  (Self)
Owen, Robert  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Been, Terri  (Self)
Budde, Barbara (Diocese of Austin, Office of Social Concerns)
Carrizales, Karen  (Self)
Cole, Criss  (Self)
Cole, Dennis  (Self)
Cole, Elizabeth  (Self)
Coombes, Jimmie (Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty)
Coombes, Sherry  (Self)
Diener, Angela  (Self)
Diener, Herbert  (Self)
Heath, Michael  (Self)
Houle, Kristin (Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty)
Howe, Kelly  (Self)
Hyde, Nancy  (Self)
Long, Walter  (Self)
McCuistion, Victoria  (Self)
McGue, Collen (American Civil Liberties Union of Texas)
Medberry, Tracy  (Self)
Meyer, Delia Perez  (Self)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)

Mund, Anne  (Self and Methodist Rederation for Social Action)
Tominey, Margaret  (Self)
Van Steenburg, Jean  (Self)
Wilson, Crystal  (Self)
Garza, Norman (Texas Farm Bureau)