Culture, Recreation & Tourism Committee
March  10, 2009 - 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
TPWD Overview
Smith, Carter (TPWD)
HB  968
Zimmerman, Lee (North American Crossbow Federation)
Monaghan, Jim  (Self and Lone Star Bowhunters Assoc.)
Sinclair, David (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
Registering, but not testifying:
Wagner, Matt (Wildlife Division, TPWD)
HB  1500
Barringer, Jeffrey (Kingsnake.com/OnlineHobbyist.com Inc.)
Briggs, Jessica  (Self)
Cole, Tim  (Self)
Engeldoff, Roy L (Out Back Oasis Motel)
Hibbitts, Toby (Texas herp society)
Hibbitts, Troy  (Self and Texas Herpetological Society HCU-TX)
Laduc, Travis  (Self)
Price, Andrew  (Self)
Price, Michael (San Angelo Nature Center;  West Texas Herpetological Society)
Willaman, Lisa  (Self)
Sinclair, David (Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept.)
Wagner, Matt (Wildlife Division, TPWD)
Registering, but not testifying:
Adams, Jeff  (Self)
Aldis, Ralph  (Self)
Alexander, Charlene  (Self)
Alexander, Kati  (Self)
Brock, Toby  (Self)
Criglow, Graham  (Self)
Fass, Mark  (Self)
Forks, Joe  (Self)
Fowler, Nathan  (Self)
Howell, Wayne  (Self)
Hughes, Todd  (Self and HCU-TX (Herps Conservation Unlimited))
Keown, Gerald  (Self and Herp Conservation Unlimited (H.C.U.))
LaPittus, Todd  (Self)
Lott, Sara  (Self)
Lott, Tom  (Self)
McKeluy, Alexander  (Self and Albion College Ecolgical Awarness Club)
Mimikos, Peter  (Self and Vice President of South Texas Herptologicl Assoc.)
Ozelski, Ashley  (Self and Albien College Ecological Awareness Club)
Pennell, Michael  (Self)
Penney, Jason  (Self)
Posey, Camerlin (South Texas Herpetology Association)

Pyle, Mark (Dallas Fort Worth Herp Society)
Sydney, Deborah Sydney  (Self)
Taylor, Bonita  (Self)
White, Christopher  (Self)
Hendrix, Susan (Texas Humane Legislation Network)
HB  1595
Sinclair, David (Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept)
Registering, but not testifying:
Anico, Eric (Kickapoo Tribe of Texas)
Anico, Jesus (Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas)
Elizondo, Rogelio (Kickapoo Tribe of Texas)
Garza Jr, Juan (Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of TX)
Gonzalez, David (Kickapoo Tribe of Texas)
Trevino, Jose Pepe T (Kickapoo Tribe of Texas)
Brown, Kirby (Texas Wildlife Assoc.)
Hendrix, Susan (Texas Humane Legislation Network)
Wagner, Matt (Wildlife Division, TPWD)