Business & Commerce
March 24, 2009 - 08:00 AM
SB  111
Registering, but not testifying:
Riley, Steve   (Texas Workforce Commission),  Austin, TX
SB  338
DeVilling, Andrew   (Superbag),  Houston, TX
Schneider, Robin   (Tx Campaign for the Environment),  Austin, TX
Volkening, Ronnie   (Texas Retailers Association),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Aiello, Sally   (Wal-Mart),  Austin, TX
DuBois, Doug   (Texas Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Assoc.),  Austin, TX
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Vane, Mark   (Gardere Wynne Sewell),  Austin, TX
Waldon, Barbara   (HEB),  Austin, TX
Wisdom, Christina   (Texas Chemical Council),  Austin, TX
SB  427
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Pitts, Jr., John   (Self; TX Renewable Energy Industries Assoc.),  Austin, TX
Power, David   (Public Citizen),  Austin, TX
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Hadden, Karen   (SEED Coalition),  Austin, TX
Hastings, Debbie   (Texas Oil and Gas Association),  Austin, TX
Oldham, Phillip   (Texas Association of Manufacturers),  Austin, TX
Wisdom, Christina   (Texas Chemical Council),  Austin, TX
Fainter Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.),  Austin, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Winland, Christopher   (Good Company Associates),  Austin, TX
SB  435
Keliher, Margaret   (Tx Business for Clean Air),  Dallas, TX
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Pitts, Jr., John   (Self; Tx Renewable Energy Industries Association),  Austin, TX
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Walker, Raymond   (Standard Renewable Energy),  Houston, TX
Oldham, Phillip   (Texas Association of Manufacturers),  Austin, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Hadden, Karen   (SEED Coalition),  Austin, TX
Winland, Christopher   (Good Company Associates),  Austin, TX
Hastings, Debbie   (Texas Oil and Gas Association),  Austin, TX
Wisdom, Christina   (Texas Chemical Council),  Austin, TX
Fainter, Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.),  Austin, TX
Peacock, Bill   (Texas Public Policy Foundation),  Austin, TX
SB  436
Kay, Martin   (Self),  Houston, TX
Keliher, Margaret   (Tx Business for Clean Air),  Dallas, TX
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Pitts, Jr., John   (Self; Tx. Renewable Energy Industries Association),  Austin, TX
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX

Walker, Raymond   (Standard Renewable Energy),  Houston, TX
Oldham, Phillip   (Texas Association of Manufacturers),  Austin, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Hadden, Karen   (SEED Coalition),  Austin, TX
Power, David   (Public Citizen),  Austin, TX
Winland, Christopher   (Good Company Associates),  Austin, TX
Strama, Virginia   (Texas Oil and Gas Association),  Austin, TX
Wisdom, Christina   (Texas Chemical Council),  Austin, TX
Fainter, Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.),  Austin, TX
SB  541
Beceiro, Jose   (Austin Chamber of Commerce),  Austin, TX
Brod, Bill   (AES Corporation),  The Woodlands, TX
Divine, J. Douglas   (Tessera Solar and Brightsource Energy),  Austin, TX
Gruber, Richard   (Self),  Austin, TX
Kay, Martin   (Self),  Houston, TX
Keliher, Margaret   (Tx Business for Clean Air),  Dallas, TX
Marchese, David   (Haddington Ventures),  Houston, TX
Marston, Jim   (Environmental Defense Fund),  Austin, TX
Meehan, Colin   (Environmental Defense Fund),  Austin, TX
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Pitts, Jr., John   (Self; Tx Renewable Energy Industries Association),  Austin, TX
Stanbery, Dr. B. J.   (HelioVolt Corp.),  Austin, TX
Walker, Raymond   (Standard Renewable Energy),  Houston, TX
Oldham, Phillip   (Texas Association of Manufacturers),  Austin, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Torpey, James   (Solar Alliance),  Brooklyn, NY
Registering, but not testifying:
Golemon, Kinnan   (Shell Oil),  Austin, TX
Hadden, Karen   (SEED Coalition),  Austin, TX
Perlman, Brett   (Self),  Houston, TX
Power, David   (Public Citizen),  Austin, TX
Smith, David W.   DDS  (Wind Eagle Corporation Burkburnett),  Wichita Falls, TX
Winland, Christopher   (Good Company Associates),  Austin, TX
Strama, Virginia   (Texas Oil and Gas Association),  Austin, TX
Wisdom, Christina   (Texas Chemical Council),  Austin, TX
Dreyfus, Mark   (City of Austin),  Austin, TX
Fainter, Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.),  Austin, TX
SB  545
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Stanberry, B.J.   (Heliovolt Corporation),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Brown, Sabrina   (Dow),  Austin, TX
Hadden, Karen   (SEED Coalition),  Austin, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Lambert, Kathy Jack   (Self),  Aubrey, TX
Marshall, Harold "Casey"   (Meridian Solar Inc.),  Austin, TX

Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Power, David   (Public Citizen),  Austin, TX
Rankin, Tyra K.   (Self; Citizens of Tx),  Houston, TX
Walker, Raymond   (Standard Renewable Energy),  Houston, TX
Oldham, Phillip   (Texas Association of Manufacturers),  Austin, TX
Strama, Virginia   (Texas Oil and Gas Association),  Austin, TX
Wisdom, Christina   (Texas Chemical Council),  Austin, TX
Fainter Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.),  Austin, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Torpey, James   (Solar Alliance),  Brooklyn, NY
SB  546
Boone, Garrett   (Texas Business for Clean Air),  Dallas, TX
Johnson, Matthew   (Public Citizen),  Austin, TX
Keliher, Margaret   (Tx Business for Clean Air),  Dallas, TX
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Pena, Benjamin   (TESCO- Texas Energy Service Co.),  Ferris, TX
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Robertson, Kate   Energy Efficiency Specialist  (Environmental Defense Fund),  Austin, TX
Walker, Raymond   (Self),  Houston, TX
Bierdzycki, Carol   (Texas Ratepayers Organization to Save Energy),  Austin, TX
Fainter, Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.),  Austin, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Peacock, Bill   (Texas Public Policy Foundation),  Austin, TX
Seidlits, Curt   (Tx is Hot Coalition),  Austin, TX
Thompson, Tony   (EUMMOT),  Irving, TX
Totten, Jess   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Winland, Christopher   (Good Company Associates),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Brown, Sabrina   (Dow),  Austin, TX
Hunt, Amy Maxwell   (Texas Business for Clean Air),  Austin, TX
Richie, Jr., Carl S.   (TXU Energy),  Austin, TX
SB  600
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Pitts, Jr., John   (Self; TX Renewable Energy Industries Assoc.),  Austin, TX
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Castillo, Yvonne   (Texas Society of Architects),  Austin, TX
Hadden, Karen   (SEED Coalition),  Austin, TX
Lambert, Kathy Jack   (Self),  Aubrey, TX
Power, David   (Public Citizen),  Austin, TX
Rankin, Tyra K.   (Self; Citizens of Tx),  Houston, TX
Shaw, Polly   (Suntech America),  San Fransisco, CA
Smith, Kari   (Sunpower Corporation),  Berkeley, CA
Taylor, Steve   (Applied Materials),  Austin, TX
Torpey, James   (Solar Alliance),  Brooklyn, NY
Fainter Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.),  Austin, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX

Winland, Christopher   (Good Company Associates),  Austin, TX
SB  601
Bony, Paul   (Climate Master),  Montrose, CO
Boone, Garrett   (Tx Business for Clean Air),  Dallas, TX
Gaffney, Jimmy   (Earth Tech),  Frisco, TX
Johnson, Matthew   (Public Citizen),  Austin, TX
Keliher, Margaret   (Tx Business for Clean Air),  Dallas, TX
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Stanberry, B.J.   (HelioVolt Corp.),  Austin, TX
Bierdzycki, Carol   (Texas Ratepayers Organization to Save Energy),  Austin, TX
Fainter, Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.),  Austin, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Peacock, Bill   (Texas Public Policy Foundation),  Austin, TX
Totten, Jess   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Winland, Christopher   (Good Company Associates),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Castillo, Yvonne   (Texas Society of Architects),  Austin, TX
Hunt, Amy Maxwell   (Texas Business for Clean Air),  Austin, TX
SB  620
Kay, Martin   (Self),  Houston, TX
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Pitts, Jr., John   (Self; Tx Renewable Energy Industries Association),  Austin, TX
Oldham, Phillip   (Texas Association of Manufacturers),  Austin, TX
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Lambert, Kathy Jack   (Self),  Aubrey, TX
Winland, Christopher   (Good Company Associates),  Austin, TX
Hastings, Debbie   (Texas Oil and Gas Association),  Austin, TX
Wisdom, Christina   (Texas Chemical Council),  Austin, TX
Fainter, Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.),  Austin, TX
SB  677
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Walker, Raymond   (Standard Renewable Energy),  Houston, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
SB  778
Registering, but not testifying:
Johnson, Russell   (Merchants Information Solutions, Inc.),  Phoenix, AZ
Vane, Mark   (Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP),  Austin, TX
Kuntz, William   (Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation),  Austin, TX
SB  1034
Gilley, Larry   (City of Abilene),  Abilene, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Carr, Snapper   (City of Abilene),  Austin, TX
Santee, T. Daniel   City Attorney  (City of Abilene),  Abilene, TX
SB  1191
Johnson, Matthew   (Public Citizen),  Austin, TX
Perlman, Brett   (Self),  Houston, TX
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Walker, Raymond   (Standard Renewable Energy),  Houston, TX
Winland, Christopher   (Good Company Associates),  Austin, TX

Bierdzycki, Carol   (Texas Ratepayers Organization to Save Energy),  Austin, TX
Oldham, Phillip   (Texas Association of Manufacturers),  Austin, TX
Fainter, Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas),  Austin, TX
Haberl, Jeff   (Texas Engr. Exp. Station/ Ener. Sys. Lab.),  College Station, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Totten, Jess   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Duncan, Jim   (Self),  Fort Worth, TX
Hunt, Amy Maxwell   (Texas Business for Clean Air),  Austin, TX
SB  1354
Briers, Stanley J.   (Tx Plumbing Air Conditioning and Mechanical Contractors),  Taylor Lake Village, TX
SB  1419
Kay, Martin   (Self),  Houston, TX
Keliher, Margaret   (Tx Business for Clean Air),  Dallas, TX
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Pitts, Jr., John   (Self; Tx Renewable Energy Industries Association),  Austin, TX
Power, David   (Public Citizen),  Austin, TX
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Oldham, Phillip   (Texas Association of Manufacturers),  Austin, TX
Brod, Bill   (AES Corporation),  The Woodlands, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Zarnikau, Jay   (Frontier Associates/Contractor to State Energy Conservation Office),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Hadden, Karen   (SEED Coalition),  Austin, TX
Kruse, Andrew   (Southwest Windpower/Small Wind),  Flagstaff, AZ
Winland, Christopher   (Good Company Associates),  Austin, TX
Hastings, Debbie   (Texas Oil and Gas Association),  Austin, TX
Wisdom, Christina   (Texas Chemical Council),  Austin, TX
Fainter, Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.),  Austin, TX
SB  1420
Pitts, Jr., John   (Self; TX Renewable Energy Industries Assoc.),  Austin, TX
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Lambert, Kathy Jack   (Self),  Aubrey, TX
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Fainter Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.),  Austin, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Nelson, Donna   (Public Utility Commission),  Austin, TX
Warren, Phil   (Shallowater I.S.D.),  Shallowater, TX
SB  1423
Kay, Martin   (Self),  Houston, TX
Keliher, Margaret   (Tx Business for Clean Air),  Dallas, TX
Metzger, Luke   (Environment Texas),  Austin, TX
Pitts, Jr., John   (Self; Tx Renewable Energy Industries Association),  Austin, TX
Reed, Cyrus   (Sierra Club, Lonestar Chapter),  Austin, TX
Oldham, Phillip   (Texas Association of Manufacturers),  Austin, TX
Jewell, Michael   (Reliant Energy),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Begert, Mark   (Meridian Solar, Inc. Austin, Tx.),  Austin, TX
Hadden, Karen   (SEED Coalition),  Austin, TX
Power, David   (Public Citizen),  Austin, TX

Winland, Christopher   (Good Company Associates),  Austin, TX
Strama, Virginia   (Texas Oil and Gas Association),  Austin, TX
Wisdom, Christina   (Texas Chemical Council),  Austin, TX
Boone, Garrett   (Texas Business for Clean Air),  Dallas, TX
Fainter, Jr., John W.   (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.),  Austin, TX
Lambert, Kathy Jack   (Self),  Aubrey, TX