February 18, 2009 - 01:30 PM or upon adjournment
SB  312
Barnard MD, Jeffrey   Chief Medical Examiner Dallas County and Director Institute of Forensic Sciences  (Dallas County Medical Examiner's Office),  Dallas, TX
Block, Rabbi Robert   Director, Agudath Israel of Texas  (Jewish Community),  Houston, TX
DiMaio MD, Vincent J.M.   Consultant  (N.A.M.E),  San Antonio, TX
Fernandez, Ray   County Chief Medical Examiner  (Nueces County Medical Examiner Office),  Corpus Christi, TX
Frost, Randall   Chief Medical Examiner  (Bexar County),  Boerne, TX
Pustilnic, Stephen   Chief Medical Examiner  (Galveston County Medical Examiner Office),  Texas City, TX
Lee, Donald   Executive Director  (Texas Conference of Urban Counties),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Mendez, Mark   Assistant County Administrator  (Tarrant County),  Hurst, TX
Holtzman, Sam   President  (LifeGift Organ Donation Center),  Sugar Land, TX
Providing written testimony:
Reece, Laurie   Executive Director  (Texas Transplantation Society),  Austin, TX
SB  319
Heimlich, Ed   Executive Director  (Informed Citizens of Texas),  Houston, TX
Herman, Guy   Presiding Statutory Probate Judge (also providing written testimony)  (Statutory Probate Judges),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Karisch, Glenn   Legislative Liaison  (Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law Section, State Bar),  Austin, TX
Staricka, Susan   Chief, Charitable Trusts Section, CPD  (OAG),  Austin, TX
SB  320
Allison, Jim   General Counsel  (County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas),  Austin, TX
Cable, Andrew   Justice of the Peace  (Justice Courts),  Wimberley, TX
Casey, Russell   Judge  (Texas State Advisory Board to U.S. Commission on Civil Rights/Member of Texas Judicial Council/Tarrant County Justice of the Peace),  Hurst, TX
Cobos, David   Justice of the Peace/Chair Legislative Committee JPCA  (Justices of the Peace and Constables Association of Texas),  Midland, TX
Connelly, Edie   Justice of the Peace  (Precinct 3, Montgomery County),  The Woodlands, TX
DeCluitt J.D., LL.M., Kristi   Justice of the Peace, Pct. 1, Place 1  (Self),  Waco, TX
Delgado, Judge Jo Ann   Justice of the Peace  (Harris County),  Houston, TX
Lewis, Johnny   Legislative Affairs ChairPerson  (Texas Justice Court Judges Association),  Murphy, TX
Payton, John   Justice of the Peace  (Self),  Allen, TX
Ridgeway, Russ   Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1 (also providing written testimony)  (16 Justice of the Peace Courts in Harris County),  Houston, TX
Sepulredy, Judge Luis   Judge (also providing written testimony)  (Our Community),  Dallas, TX
Sugg, Paul   Legislative Liaison (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Association of Counties),  Austin, TX
Thompson, Susan   Judge - Pct. 2 Matagorda County  (Justices of the Peace and Constables Association of Texas),  Matagorda, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Oakley, Keith   Consultant  (Texas Process Servers Association),  Austin, TX
Benton, Steve   Justice of the Peace #3  (Williamson County),  Georgetown, TX
Blair, Roy   County Judge  (Coke County),  Robert Lee, TX
Boyd, Deborah   Justice of the Peace  (Scurry County/Justices of the Peace and Constables Association),  Snyder, TX
Boyett, George   Justice of the Peace  (Brazos County),  College Station, TX
Buck, Fred   Justice of the Peace Pct. 3, Tom Green County  (Justices of the Peace),  San Angelo, TX
Devora, Ernest F.   Justice of the Peace Pct. 1
  (Justice of the Peace),  Floresville, TX
Elfant, Bruce   Travis County Constable  (Justices of the Peace and Constables Association),  Austin, TX
Evans, Mark   County Judge, Trinity County  (County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas),  Groveton, TX
Gray, Vicki   Justice of the Peace  (Navarro County),  Corsicana, TX
Green, Bennie   Justice of the Peace (Judge)
  (Howard County),  Big Spring, TX
Gremminger, Freda   Justice of the Peace  (Limestone County),  Mexia, TX
Gutierrez, Bobby   Constable Precinct 3  (Texas Justices of the Peace and Constables Association),  Georgetown, TX
Hall, Charles   Constable  (Midland County),  Midland, TX

Hickman, Ron   Constable  (Self),  Spring, TX
Hinojosa - Hernandez, Margie   Justice of the Peace  (Hays County),  San Marcus, TX
Hobbs, Judy   Justice of the Peace  (Self),  Hutto, TX
Howard, Judge Eddie   Justice of the Peace, Tom Green County - Precinct Four  (Justices of the Peace),  San Angelo, TX
Hunter, W. Darrell   Justice of the Peace  (Guadalupe County, Pct. 1),  Seguin, TX
Johnson, Dain   Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1  (Williamson County),  Round Rock, TX
Kerbow, Becky   Judge  (Self),  Lewisville, TX
Krenek, Judge Ted   Justice of the Peace  (Self),  Pattison, TX
Kyle, Terry   Justice of the Peace  (Hays County Pct. 4),  Dripping Springs, TX
La Dart, Ross   Real Estate Broker  (Myself and the real estate community),  Haltom City, TX
LeFlore, John   Justice of the Peace  (Justices of the Peace and Constables Association),  Navasota, TX
Martin, William D. (Billy)   Justice of the Peace  (Self),  Woodway, TX
Masden, Matt   Justice of the Peace  (Montgomery County Justice of the Peace and Constables Association),  Magnolia, TX
Mayer, Peggy   Justice of the Peace, Pct. 1  (DeWitt County and Justices of the Peace and Constables Association),  Cuero, TX
Mayfield, Judge Connie   Justice of the Peace  (Navarro County/Justices of the Peace and Constables Association),  Corsicana, TX
McCain, Richard   Constable  (Travis County Constable Pct. 3),  Austin, TX
Mendez, Mark   Assistant County Administrator  (Tarrant County),  Hurst, TX
Miller Jr., Jackie   Justice or the Peace, Pct 2  (Justices of the Peace and Constables Association),  Waxahachie, TX
Moriarty, Lanny   Justice of the Peace Pct. 1  (Montgomery County),  Willis, TX
Prado, JoAnne   Justice of the Peace 1-1  (Hays County),  San Marcos, TX
Risner, George E.   Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 2  (Harris County, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 2),  Pasadena, TX
Robinson, George   Justice of the Peace, Pct. 2  (Dewitt County Justices of the Peace and Constables Association/JCJ),  Yorktown, TX
Roppollo, Sheryl   Chief Clerk  (Judge Mike Parrot),  Houston, TX
Schmidt, Jessica   Court Administrator  (Self),  Taylor, TX
Sides, Ralph   County Judge  (Sterling County),  Sterling City, TX
Smith, Beth   Justice of the Peace  (Hays County, Pct. 2),  Mountain City, TX
Spikes, G. Trey   Justice of the Peace Precinct 2  (Montgomery County),  Conroe, TX
Stapleton, A. Gene   Justice of the Peace Pct. 1  (Grimes County),  Iola, TX
Suits, Stacy   Chief Deputy Constable  (Travis County Constable Pct. 3),  Austin, TX
Thedosis, Byron   County Judge  (Commissioner's Court of San Saba County),  San Saba, TX
Tucker, Bronson   Program Attorney  (Texas Justice Court Training Center),  Austin, TX
Vara, Richard C.   Justice of the Peace - Harris County  (Self; Pct. 6 - Harris County),  Houston
Wright, Jacquelyn   Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Tarrant County  (Self),  Fort Worth, TX
Wright, Spencer   (Limestone County),  Temple, TX
Heimlich, Ed   Executive Director  (Informed Citizens),  Houston, TX
Rountree, Roger   Executive Director  (Texas State University),  Austin, TX
Sarosdy, Randall   Program Attorney  (Texas Justice Court Training Center),  Austin, TX
Willing, Seana   Executive Director  (State Commission on Judicial Conduct),  Austin, TX