Transportation & Homeland Security
August 20, 2009 - 10:00 AM
H1N1 Flu Update
Lakey, M.D., David L.   Commissioner (also providing written testimony)  (Department of State Health Services),  Austin, TX
Pustka, Belinda   Superintendent  (SCUSISD),  Schertz, TX
Homeland Security Update
Colley, Jack   Asst. Director  (DPS),  Austin, TX
Mayorga, MG Jose   Adjutant General  (Adjutant General's Department),  Austin, TX
McCraw, Steven C   Director  (DPS),  Austin, TX
McNabb, Col, Connie   Chief of Staff  (Texas Military Forces),  Austin, TX
HOV Lanes
Miramontes, Rosemary  (also providing written testimony)  (myself),  Carrollton, TX
Hale, Bill   District Engineer - Dallas (also providing written testimony)  (TxDOT),  Mesquite, TX
Olyai, Koorosh   Asst Vice President (also providing written testimony)  (Dallas Area Rapid Transit),  Dallas, TX
Public Testimony
LeCody, Peter   President  (Texas Rail Advocates),  Dallas, TX
Providing written testimony:
Suhm, Vic   Executive Director  (Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition),  Grapevine, TX
Transportation Update
Barton, John   Asst ED - Engineering Operations (also providing written testimony)  (TxDOT),  Austin, TX
Bass, James   CFO (also providing written testimony)  (TxDOT),  Austin, TX
Fischer Stout, Deborah   President (also providing written testimony)  (Northern Flyer Alliance),  Wichita, KS
Lomax, Tim   Research Engineer (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Transportation Institute),  College Station, TX
Morris, Michael   Director of Transportation (also providing written testimony)  (North Central Texas Council of Governments),  Arlington, TX
Saenz, Amadeo   Executive Director (also providing written testimony)  (TxDOT),  Austin, TX
Serna, Ed   Asst ED - Support Operations (also providing written testimony)  (TxDOT),  Austin, TX
Stair, Evan L.   Vice President - Oklahoma (also providing written testimony)  (Northern Flyer Alliance),  Norman, OK