Transportation & Homeland Security
November 8, 2010 - 09:00 AM
Homeland Security and Border Security
Alford, Bob   Sheriff  (Johnson County),  Cleborne, TX
Ammerman, Bernard   County (District) Attorney  (Willacy County and District Attorney's Office),  Raymondville, TX
Barnhill, John   General Counsel  (Harris County District Attorney Patricia Lykos),  Houston, TX
Esparza, Jaime   District Attorney  (District Attorney, 34th Judicial District),  El Paso, TX
Flores, Peter   Colonel (also providing written testimony)  (TPWD Law Enforcement),  Austin, TX
Gonzalez Jr., Sigifredo   Sheriff (also providing written testimony)  (Zapata County),  Zapata, TX
Herberg, Clifford   First Assistant D.A.  (Bexar County District Attorney's Office),  San Antonio, TX
Kirk, Chris   Sheriff  (Sheriff's Association of Texas),  Bryan, TX
Krampitz, Tom   General Counsel  (Border Prosecution Unit),  Fort Worth, TX
McCraw, Steven   Director  (DPS),  Austin, TX
Morris, Karen   Division Chief - Asset Forfeiture  (Harris County District Attorney),  Houston, TX
Navarro, Gilberto   Assistant Chief (also providing written testimony)  (City of Laredo Police Department, Texas Police Chiefs Association),  Laredo, TX
Newhaus Schaan, Joan   Research Fellow  (Baker Institute Public Policy (Rice University)),  Houston, TX
Nichols, John   Assistant Adjutant General (also providing written testimony)  (The Adjutant General of Texas),  Austin, TX
Reay, Donald   Executive Director (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition),  El Paso, TX
Simpson, Matthew   Policy Strategist  (ACLU of Texas),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Gonzalez, G. R.   Major Game Warden  (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department),  Austin, TX