Amend HB 79 on third reading, as follows:
(1)  On page 52, line 22, strike "and".
(2)  On page 52, between lines 22 and 23, insert the following:
(10)  the issuance of search warrants, including a search warrant under Article 18.02(10), Code of Criminal Procedure, notwithstanding Article 18.01(c), Code of Criminal Procedure; and
(3)  On page 52, line 23, strike "(10)" and substitute "(11)".
(4)  On page 54, line 18, strike "and".
(5)  On page 54, between lines 18 and 19, insert the following:
(16)  notwithstanding Article 18.01(c), Code of Criminal Procedure, issue a search warrant, including a search warrant under Article 18.02(10), Code of Criminal Procedure; and
(6)  On page 54, line 19, strike "(16)" and substitute "(17)".