Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(1) On page III-1, in the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Texas Education Agency, strike the amount specified for fiscal years 2012 and 2013 for the commissioner of education and substitute $50,000 for each of those fiscal years.
(2) On page III-2, in the appropriations to the Texas Education Agency, strike the appropriations made for fiscal years 2012 and 2013 for the following strategies:
(A) Strategy A.2.1, Statewide Educational Programs;
(B) Strategy A.2.2, Achievement of Students at Risk;
(C) Strategy A.2.4, School Improvement and Support Programs;
(D) Strategy B.1.1, Assessment and Accountability System;
(E) Strategy B.2.2, Health and Safety;
(F) Strategy B.2.4, Windham School District;
(G) Strategy B.3.1, Improving Educator Quality/Leadership;
(H) Strategy B.3.2, Agency Operations; and
(I) Strategy B.3.5, Information Systems - Technology.
(3) On page III-2, in the appropriations to the Texas Education Agency, decrease Strategy B.3.4, Central Administration, to $100,000 for fiscal year 2012 and $100,000 for fiscal year 2013.
(4) On page III-2, in the appropriations to the Texas Education Agency, increase Strategy A.1.1, FSP - Equalized Operations, by $2,261,720,982 for fiscal year 2012 and $2,291,355,398 for fiscal year 2013.
(5) Adjust totals appropriately.