Amend Floor Amendment No. 102 by Solomons to CSHB 1 (page 166, prefiled amendment packet) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 7 of the amendment, strike "strike the appropriations" and substitute "reduce the appropriations".
(2) On page 1, line 8 of the amendment, between "strategies" and the colon, insert "by the amount of nondedicated general revenue included in each appropriated amount".
(3) On page 1, line 14 of the amendment, between "System" and the colon, insert the following:
, provided that the amount of nondedicated general revenue for this strategy may be reduced only to the extent that the reduction does not cause a reduction in federal Title I administrative funds necessary to operate a federal assessment program.
(4) On page 1, line 23 of the amendment, between "2013" and the period, insert the following:
, provided that the total reduction may be achieved by reducing nondedicated general revenue included in each appropriated amount without causing a reduction in federal Title I administrative funds necessary to operate a federal assessment program. If the total reduction may not be achieved by reducing nondedicated general revenue without causing a reduction in federal Title I administrative funds necessary to operate a federal assessment program, decrease Strategy B.3.4, Central Administration, for each fiscal year to the least amount that may be achieved by reducing nondedicated general revenue without causing a reduction in federal Title I administrative funds necessary to operate a federal assessment program.
(5) On page 1, lines 26-27 of the amendment, strike "$2,261,720,982 for fiscal year 2012 and $2,291,355,398 for fiscal year 2013" and substitute "the total amount resulting from the reductions made in Items (2) and (3) of this amendment".