Amend the amendment to CSHB 1 as follows:
(1) Contingent upon the passage and enactment of HB 2001 or similar legislation by the Eighty-second Legislature that repeals the tax exemption on high cost gas production; or the passage and enactment of HB 1936 or similar legislation by the Eighty-second Legislature which equalizes the amount of allowable importation of alcoholic beverages for Texas residents and non-residents; or the passage and enactment of HB 1317 or similar legislation by the Eighty-second Legislature that provides that certain online retailers are engaged in business in the state for the purpose of determining the business' sales and use tax obligations; or upon implementation through legislation or other any other manner of non-tax revenue generating measures recommended by the Eighty-second Legislature's Senate Finance Subcommittee on Fiscal Matters, then;
(2) On page I-68, in the appropriations to the Library and Archives Commission, increase Strategy A.1.2: Aid to Local Libraries, by $1,500,000 in fiscal year 2012 and by $1,500,000 in fiscal year 2013.
(3) On page I-68, in the appropriations to the Library and Archives Commission, increase funding for Rider 7 to $1,500,000 for each year of the following biennium.
(4) In Article I, amend the bill pattern for the Library & Archives Commission by inserting the following appropriately numbered riders to read as follows and renumbering any subsequent riders accordingly:
____. Lone Star Libraries Grants. Out of amounts appropriated above in Strategy A.1.2, Aid to Local Libraries, the agency shall expend $1,500,000 in fiscal year 2012 and $1,500,000 in fiscal year 2013 from the General Revenue Fund for Lone Star Libraries grants.
____. $250,000 shall be appropriated to Rider 7. Contingency for K-12 TexShare Database Program over the next biennium from the Department of Rural Affairs Goal A.1.1 Strategy to Provide Grants for Community and Economic Development Projects.