Amend Amendment No. 172 to CSHB 1 by Laubenberg (prefiled amendments packet, page 111) as follows:
(1) Strike Item (1) of the amendment and substitute the following:
(1) In the appropriations for the Department of State Health Services, strike the appropriations to Strategy B.1.3, Family Planning Services (page II-46), for each of the fiscal years ending August 31, 2012, and August 31, 2013, in their entirety.
(2) Add the following appropriately numbered item to the amendment and renumber subsequent items accordingly:
(____) In the Article II appropriations for the Department of State Health Services, increase the appropriations to the strategies in Goal A, Preparedness and Prevention, by an amount for each of the fiscal years ending August 31, 2012, and August 31, 2013, equal to the difference between the amount of the appropriation for the applicable fiscal year that was struck in Item (1) of this amendment and the amount by which the appropriation for Strategy A.3.4., Children with Special Needs, is increased under Item (2) of this amendment for that state fiscal year, and allocate the increased appropriation amounts equally to the strategies under that goal.