Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(1) On page IV-33 of the bill pattern, strike D.1.4. Strategy: PUBLIC INTEGRITY UNIT, TRAVIS CO, and renumber accordingly.
(2) On page IV-34 of the bill pattern, strike Rider 38, Public Integrity Unit: Appropriation Source, Unexpended Balances, and Performance Reporting, and renumber accordingly.
Contingent upon passage of HB 1928, or similar legislation, amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(3) In Article I, Office of the Attorney General, on page ____, add a new goal to read as follows and number and insert the letter accordingly:
"____. Goal: SPECIAL PROGRAMS. ____.1.1. Strategy: PUBLIC INTEGRITY UNIT."
(4) In Article I, Office of the Attorney General, on page____, add a line item and authorize General Revenue appropriations in the amount of $3,368,684 in each fiscal year for Strategy ____.1.1, PUBLIC INTEGRITY UNIT, and number and insert the letter accordingly.
(5) In Article I, Office of the Attorney General, on page____, add a new rider to read as follows and number it accordingly:
"____. Public Integrity Unit. The Public Integrity Unit, Office of the Attorney General, shall submit a report each January 1 to the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor for the preceding fiscal year ending August 31. The report must be in a format prescribed by the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor and must include annual statistical information on fraud investigations of the Public Integrity Unit."