Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(1) Under Article I, pages I-20 and I-21, delete Rider 14 and renumber subsequent riders accordingly. Appropriations and FTE positions identified in Rider 14 shall be transferred to the Texas Facilities Commission and are hereby appropriated for the 2012-13 biennium. In addition, the bill pattern for the Texas Facilities Commission shall be amended to include the following rider:
____. Federal Surplus Property Program. Out of amounts appropriated above, $1,009,838 in fiscal year 2012 and $1,022,384 in fiscal year 2013 in Strategy C.1.1, Surplus Property Management, are appropriated out of the General Revenue-Dedicated Federal Surplus Property Service Charge Fund Account No. 570, including 13.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions in each fiscal year.
Any unexpended balances as of August 31, 2011 (estimated to be $2,398,000), in the General Revenue-Dedicated Federal Surplus Property Service Charge Fund Account No. 570 are included in amounts appropriated above to the Texas Facilities Commission for costs associated with the operations of the Federal Surplus Property Program during the 2012-13 biennium. Any balances remaining on August 31, 2012, are appropriated for the same use during fiscal year 2013. Fees, fines and other miscellaneous revenues as authorized and generated by the operation of the Federal Surplus Property Program shall cover, at a minimum, the cost of the appropriations made for the Federal Surplus Property Program above in Strategy C.1.1, Surplus Property Management, as well as the "other direct and indirect costs" associated with this program, appropriated elsewhere in this Act. "Other direct and indirect costs" for the Federal Surplus Property Program above for Strategy C.1.1, Surplus Property Management, are estimated to be $220,162 for fiscal year 2012 and $218,616 for fiscal year 2013. In the event that the actual and/or projected revenue collections are insufficient to offset the costs identified by this provision, the Legislative Budget Board may direct the Texas Facilities Commission to reduce the appropriation authority provided herein to be within the amount of fee revenue expected to be available.
(2) Under Article I, pages I-21 and I-22, delete Rider 15 and renumber subsequent riders accordingly. Appropriations and FTE positions identified in Rider 15 shall be transferred to the Texas Facilities Commission and are hereby appropriated for the 2012-13 biennium. In addition, the bill pattern for the Texas Facilities Commission shall be amended to include the following rider:
____. State Surplus Property Program. Out of amounts appropriated above in Strategy C.1.1., Surplus Property Management, $790,326 in each fiscal year out of appropriated Receipts are appropriated for the State Surplus Property Program, including 11.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions in each fiscal year.
Notwithstanding Article IX Sec. 8.03, Reimbursements and Payments or similar provisions of this Act, appropriations for the State Surplus Property Program are not to exceed $1,580,652 from receipts collected by the State Surplus Property Program for the biennium beginning September 1, 2011 to be collected pursuant to Chapter 2175, Government Code.
a. Out of funds appropriated above, the Texas Facilities Commission shall maintain a surplus property inventory information system to efficiently process and manage the State Surplus Property Program inventory and facilitate the tracking of property sales conducted by the Texas Facilities Commission.
b. Based on an annual risk assessment, the Texas Facilities Program shall target the education and outreach efforts of the State Surplus Property Program to select state agencies to ensure appropriate and timely identification of disposition of eligible surplus property.
c. The Texas Facilities Commission shall develop and track performance benchmarks and targets necessary to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the State Surplus Property Program, specifically evaluating the timeliness, cost, and profitability of program operations. The Texas Facilities Commission shall report to the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor, no later than October 15 in each year of the biennium, on the following:
i. Surplus property sales proceeds for the previous fiscal year by method of sale. In addition, the report submitted for fiscal year 2011 operations shall contain a five-year history of sales proceeds by method of sale.
ii. Distribution of surplus property sales proceeds for the previous fiscal year, including, at a minimum, remittances to state agencies, expenditures by the State Surplus Property Program, and amounts returned to General Revenue. In addition, the report submitted for fiscal year 2011 operations shall contain a five-year history of the distribution of sales proceeds.
iii. Breakout of the direct and indirect operational costs incurred by the State Surplus Property Program during the previous fiscal year. In addition, the report submitted for fiscal year 2011 operations shall contain a five-year history of program costs.
iv. Percent of the estimated inventory value of surplus property items recovered through disposal, by sales method, for the previous fiscal year. Inventory value is defined as the estimated value assigned to an item upon receipt by the program.
v. Timeliness of surplus property disposal for the previous fiscal year by method of sale. Timeliness is defined as the time, in days, between receipt of the property by the program and final disposition of the property through sale, salvage, donation, or other means of disposal.
vi. Description of the risk assessment process used in item b of this rider, and the resulting agencies targeted by education and outreach efforts. Briefly describe the education and outreach efforts used in targeting these agencies and how they differ from standard program efforts.